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Everything posted by PJPR01

  1. Great video! Formidable on peut dire aussi...did she write any books...will have to see, would be a good one to read if she did. The cartoons looks interesting...a bit of the same drawing style like Asterix combined with Lucky Luke!
  2. Thank you...no rush at all on the bar ends...family first always! Happy to place an order ASAP whenever you are ready to ship out a set! Thanks again.
  3. I’d be interested in a set of bar ends, presume they would fit a Scura? Thanks!
  4. Those tire pressures are far too low...your mileage is going to suck and quite honestly, unless you're riding offroad and want some absorption from fire roads, you're going to wear out your tires prematurely. If the bike is vibrating at normal pressures, there's something wrong, lowering the pressure is just masking the issue.
  5. The items you are describing could be easily cured with a Guzzidiag session, resetting TPS and parameters and balancing throttle bodies properly. Bike should be smooth enough to ride w/o that vibration, so unless something is amiss, probably a tuneup is in order. Post some pics when you can...Stelvio's are lovely bikes indeed. Did it come with the 8.5 gallon tank or the smaller one?
  6. The guys at Baxley must be V11 fans, notice that their Black one is called "Black Crinkle"...just perfect for the engine paint on the Scura. Very appropriate! Looks like they have a whole line up of colors, might just have to get a Red one for my Red/Black Griso too!
  7. That’s the same Baxley one I have as well, only in black. I do like the yellow one!!
  8. John....if you had a high quality wheel chock, you could take all of the pressure off the side stand while keeping it vertical and Bev could be drinking a cool one instead of holding the bike for you! I always park the Scura in the chock just as a safety precaution rather than leaving it on the side stand.
  9. Having a Norge and a V11 (Scura), well and a Griso in the garage, each does its thing well. But agree, the Norge is a mileage muncher and much more comfortable for the passenger! I see you bought the proper Silver color as well...Enjoy!!!
  10. Guzzis are like that famous country song refrain: Love me or hate me, but please don't ignore me!
  11. That's a nice fun loop, always enjoyed stopping in Tortilla flat and then heading for Roosevelt lake...quite scenic! Nice to see the Scura getting exercised properly!
  12. That looks really great...the rear tail piece and skirt are wicked.
  13. and Pasta Puttanesca and Pistacchios! So that would be 7 P's!
  14. JB, I'm interested in the tail bag...can Paypal tonight if that works - package deal? Thanks, Paul
  15. I'm sure next year will be well attended! Let's hope for safer times by then!
  16. Yup..sorry about that...bleary eyed after a long week of work. Corrected now...thanks for the catch!
  17. 283 is for sale...listed on Wildguzzi, looks in great shape. Still enjoying my 287...no room for another one in the garage!
  18. I got my replacement knob from MG, but having a tough time getting it threaded on again...seems like the end onto which it has to be screwed is "drooping" a bit inside the case. Have to come up with an ingenious way of lining it up to the hole to get the new one screwed on.
  19. Reposting from my post above...these are the wires I ended up putting on since they had the proper coil ends already installed. Simple cut of wire, rotate on the 90 degree end cap and you're ready to rock and roll. http://www.harpermoto.com/twin-coil-spark-plug-wire-set-t-and-newer.html
  20. PJPR01

    Scura clutch

    No chance of that Peter! Your advice and guidance has aided many a Guzzi rider...deeply grateful for the help over the years. i had a visit with Mike at MPH today to inquire about getting some Norge maintenance done that I am not setup to do at home (swing arm bearing greasing and alternator belt replacement), ..and got some further clarity on what had been done to the Scura clutch, and to take advantage of the lovely weather to get a nice 150 mile ride in today... Indeed it was the lightened Cali single plate steel clutch that Mike put into my Scura, but it also involved getting the friction plate from the Cali as well, and the only other modification Mike remembers doing was putting a small ball bearing in the clutch slave cylinder, as he mentioned that without that the clutch would grab even with the clutch lever pulled all the way in. Odd solution, but seems to work...As I've mentioned above, the clutch grabs immediately upon releasing the lever, so there's no play at all like in most clutches, but it works just beautifully. I guess this is one alternative for folks to pursue if you can find that rather elusive combination of flywheel/friction plate and are patient enough to do the ball bearing trick as well, or perhaps there's another alternative available. If folks have other more technical questions, let me know as I'll be down there again on Friday to drop off the Norge...
  21. Sorry my mistake, I read it wrong...thought the list in MIscellany were all separate items in addition to the bike, no need to be a pisser about it but I'll chalk that up to a misinterpretation. Good luck with the sale.
  22. If you are inclined to price it out, I'd be interested in the Odyssey battery, the gloves and bandana. Do you know what size gloves they are by the way? Thanks! Stunning bike...that color tank is just beautiful, would be fun just to have to swap it from time to time on my Scura for a change of color every so often.
  23. Thanks Marty..very kind of you. Sending PM.
  24. Well...the red NGK's didn't come with the metal end that gets inserted into the coil, so I had to buy some after market ones by guessing looking at my originals. Unfortunately the ones I bought were the wrong size and I could not get them to insert...in the meantime, the set from Harpers had arrived and they came already prepped with the coil end on the wires, and all I had to do was attach the plug end.
  25. PJPR01

    Scura clutch

    That sounds familiar Pete now that you mention the Cali 1100, I believe that's probably what Mike did, I"ll have to confirm then if he was able to use my original friction plate and other items or had to source a matching pair for them as well. Do you recall from the conversations with Mike any other useful bits around this conversion he did for my Scura that would be helpful for the forum members here, I'm sure it was highly technical between two Guzzi Gurus, so I won't pretend to know exactly what was done, I was just very happy with the end results.
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