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    2003 Rosso Corsa

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  1. Hi Activpop, Were you able to find the correct size Rubber Tank Straps to fit your straps? If so, could you please provide a link to them? Thanks, Paul
  2. Thank you for the replies, I'll leave the shield in for now and see what the pattern looks like. Just incase like guzziart, it fails or there turns out to be some other issue, I can always go back to the H4 bulb.
  3. Hi, I’m replacing my headlight bulb with an LED, and I noticed attached inside the bucket is a metal reflector or shield. I attached a picture, which shows the reflector in the center. I’m curious that by changing to the LED if the Shield is necessary and should be removed? Is it to shield the lens for the bulb heat? Does anyone have experience with this? Thanks, Paul
  4. LowRyter you hit the nail on the head. I have a slow leak from somewhere on the tranny and the window would be nice to make sure that the level has never gotten to low. The leak appears to be very slow, but bothersome and needs to be addressed. It's starting to warm up in the garage and there is a list of items to address including tune up. I was on a longish trip two weeks ago and I noticed that my speedometer was rattling around in the housing. As it it turns out the two screws in the back had fallen out. Luckily not a difficult fix, but I did observe that one of the previous owners had munged up the shaft where the odometer reset knob attaches. Not sure how I'll get the reset knob off in the future.
  5. My transmission oil level window is covered in what looks like crusted pink Shockproof. It's covered to the point that I cannot see the fluid inside. It was like this upon receiving the bike a couple years ago. I replaced the fluid hoping that the new fluid would dissolve the crust, but no it didn't. Has anyone had success removing the window to clean it? The reason I ask is with my luck when I go to break the nut loose, the window will break. Paul
  6. Hi Chuck, Rosie has been running great! I have decided to use the moose racing universal stainless repack kit to repack the cans with. I have been waiting a week for the kit, hope is arrives soon.
  7. That link was my inspiration to tackle this.
  8. What I noticed about the packing was that it is dense and oval. Seems like it is adding support to the thin shell. The 2 stroke exhaust I have repacked in the past was always round and straight forward.
  9. Has anyone repacked their Ti mufflers? Mine had some dents, so I decided to open them up and work out the dents. Once open, I observed that the packing was unique and burned at one end to the point that replacement is necessary. Can anyone direct me to a source of new packing for these oval cans? Paul
  10. Hi Chuck, Please add me to the list.
  11. Great day for riding on Peak to Peak highway
  12. Hi gstallons, One of the local guys picked it up.
  13. I have an air filter for anyone that wants it. I would prefer someone in Colorado to avoid shipping, but shipping is an option. Paul
  14. Thanks Kiwi_Roy for the suggestion. I followed your write up on tightening up the relay block female disconnects. Relays now fit snug. I ran the bike yesterday, and it ran without fault. However, the outside air temp was only around 85. The failure only seemed to occur when the outside air temp was above 90+. If the problem does come back, I'll try what you just recommended.
  15. Hi docc, Mikko I have both relays 1A7T and 1C7T. It's possible that the heat generated by#5 affected #4. I ordered the DeoxIT. Should have it in a day or two. I hope to be able to work on it this weekend.
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