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    Freeport, Maine
  • My bike(s)
    '02 V11 Lemans and many vintage race bikes

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  1. I checked those connections on the back of the fuse box and they weren’t corroded at all. I still sprayed them with Deoxit and reassembled. My bigger problem right now is that there is no spark at either plug. This happened after the fuel pump finally primed (after the relay clicked away for a minute) and the bike still wouldn’t start. I just haven’t had time to remove the tank and investigate. Stay tuned.
  2. Checking the voltage right now would be fruitless. I rode the bike to visit a friend, who incidentally owns a relay tester (relay checked out fine). I went to leave after some time. Put key in the on position and waited for the relay to do its prolonged thing before the pump finally primed. Went to start and it just turned over. Turns out I had no spark. Related? I have no idea. Got a ride home and came back with truck and trailer, taking a ride of shame home. Further research will have to wait until I have time to pull the tank and lay eyes on the coil. On another note, the voltage at the relay has always matched that of the battery. Battery is low right now because of prolonged attempts to start the bike.
  3. Other times the relay just clicks forever and I give up.
  4. Update - I replaced the fuel pump relay and now the same problem is somewhat intermittent. Sometimes the relay will click once, the fuel pump will prime, and the bike fires right up. Other times the new relay will click sporadically (like it did before) for an extended time before the fuel pump primes. I purchased a few extra relays and swapped them out to see if the original was defective. No dice. At least I’ve been able to ride the bike a few times.
  5. My battery must have been a bit low when I got the earlier reading at the relay. I just measured it again and now it’s reading 12.85 at the relay.
  6. Battery is reading 12.85 volts after my quick ride. Yes, those are the relays I ordered. Thanks for the link that was posted earlier in this thread.
  7. Another update of sorts. The bike opted to stop running a few miles into my local ride. Once on the side of the road, the bike would start but refuse to stay running. Out of ideas, I decided to swap the starter relay and the fuel pump relay - not the first time I’ve done this. The bike fired right up and took me to my destination (and back) without any issues. I’ve ordered five new relays and suspect this will remedy my problems.
  8. Not much of an update. I spayed ALL related electrical connections with Deoxit. I am getting 12.09 volts to the pump relay. The relay still cycles rapidly and sporadically before the fuel pump comes on. Replaced the fuel pump fuse even though it looked fine. My next step is to replace all five relays with new ones, unless someone has other thoughts. I might take it for a very local ride this afternoon and see what happens. Thanks again for all advice!
  9. Hi - I’m waiting for the Deoxit I ordered to arrive, then I plan to clean all the fuse and relay connections. Hopefully that will get me somewhere. If not, I’ll consider selling all my motorcycles and take up stamp collecting or birding.
  10. The relay clicks many times, but not with any regularity. Kind of a sporadic clicking that I’ve never heard before.
  11. Just ordered a can of Deoxit. Thank you. I also swapped the fuel pump relay with the starter relay (and vice versa). The fuel pump primed and the relay only clicked once (as opposed to the staccato drum roll it had been doing). Maybe just a bad relay? I’ll try again when the bike is stone cold)
  12. Thanks for all the responses. I have the aforementioned Omron relay in the rearmost position. The starter relay was giving me trouble a while back and I bought two Omron replacements. I had a spare when my fuel pump issues started so I put it in the fuel pump (rearmost) spot.
  13. Hello, I have an '02 V11 Lemans that is a fantastic bike when everything works correctly. That's not the case right now. Here's the history of my problem. Originally, I could start the bike up and go for a semi-lengthy ride. When I got to my destination, the bike would not restart (heat related?). I could not hear the fuel pump cycle on. This only happened after a ride long enough the get the engine fairly warm. I replaced the fuel pump and the fuel pump relay. I took the bike for a 30 mile ride. It stumbled twice at higer RPMs under load, but I made it home. When I got the home the bike restarted immediately, even though there was a delay with the fuel pump cycling on, which happened only after the relay made a whole bunch of clicking sounds that were not typical. I let it sit for approximately 1/2 hour and tried to restart. It would start and immediately die. I tried this several times with the same result. A few days later it fired right up and ran normally. I wish I had more patience for diagnostic work. Do I have an issue in the electrical system prior to 12 volts reaching the relay? Any suggestons are greatly apprciated.
  14. Sporticus


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