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Everything posted by barnett468

  1. barnett468


  2. ok, just yanked on them hard and it feels like the bushing on the tube is going into the seal as if the flat washer under the seal was missing . i then just kept constant downward pressure on the lower leg while twisitng it and it came off so the bushing on the tube does pass the bushing in the leg. the washer is also in place so the bushing on the tube passes it also because the id of the washer is the same as the id of the tube which is unlike most japanese bikes . this is assuming that the id of the washer has not been enlarged by a previous owner. Any tips on removing the seals from the legs?
  3. thanks . i looked in the manual but couldn't find the page i need . i have never seen such an odd manual before . i really just need someone to tell me if i just yank on the lower leg until it comes off like the japanese bikes.
  4. ok, thanks again.
  5. yes, and the oil is out and the lower screws are out. do you know how to remove the seals or lower legs?
  6. i want to replace the seals then repaint the lower legs . i can paint the legs while the forks are assembled if necessary but i need to know how to remove the seals.
  7. I have a 2001 Jackal and have read some descriptions of how to disassemble the forks but they are not clear or complete . The tubes are on the bike and the bolt has been removed from the bottom but the lower legs stop when they are nearly off. Do I need to remove the circlip on the seal then yank hard on the lower leg so it pulls the seal out of the lower leg? Thanks for any help.
  8. thanks, i don't need to worry now, lol
  9. There is a rubber plug around 3 inches forward of the gearbox fluid level check bolt . I can see gears thru this hole but do not know if I need to add fluid in there or if it is just an inspection hole. Thanks in advance for any help.
  10. thanks for the suggestions . i will check them all out
  11. I just bought a 2001 Jackal that has 8,900 miles on the odometer . Since it does not read miles in 100,000 I don't know if it has 8,900 or 108900 or 208900 etc so I was wondering the following: Is the actual mileage recorded in the computer? If so, can it be read somehow? Is there any other site like carfax that is for bikes that might have the mileage and/or service history etc? Thanks in advance for any help.
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