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Everything posted by swooshdave

  1. I know you keep referencing the V11 Sport and the Gambalunghino but I think the V11 Sport, especially it's fine ass, seems to come from the V10.
  2. Our Portland dealer threatened to close. Similar reasons. They changed their minds, I assume because Moto Guzzi gave them actual support. I wonder if MI is pulling a similar ploy. Maybe threatening is the only thing the Italians understand to get better help to their dealers.
  3. The first person to get one of these is required by law to put it on a dyno.
  4. One would think but Triumph sold a metric ton of retro bikes. Anything is possible.
  5. There is an interesting thread on the Norton forum about oils. So extensive bench testing going on. Jim, who is doing the testing and reporting knows a thing or two about engines. https://www.accessnorton.com/NortonCommando/follower-scar-oil-tests.25898/ The results are interesting and still developing. But both the Guzzi and Norton engines are relatively similar in that they are air cooled, flat tappets and pushrods. The biggest difference is that the Guzzis cool better due to the V-twin format.
  6. I've ridden some Hawgs, and they ain't fun. At no point did I say Harley when talking about torque.
  7. Torque. It's all about the torque. But torque isn't sexy but it makes a bike fun. More torque = more fun.
  8. swooshdave

    Sophia is sick

    You are totally right.
  9. swooshdave

    Sophia is sick

    In typical confusing Italian style you can see the 2 valve (per head) called either a 2v or 4v (for both cylinders). And then the 4v head called a quattrovalvole. Or an 8v. Or... The Griso (2v per head) is 1200cc (is it actually 1200?) and I don't know what other changes there are. But they aren't identical.
  10. swooshdave

    Sophia is sick

    Is there something about the ground wire to the regulator?
  11. Portland Cars & Coffee and the annual Motorcycle Day. Sadly I was the only Guzzi this time, but at least I represented with a proper green Guzzi! Full album here with more motorcycles and cars: https://www.flickr.com/photos/swooshdave/albums/72157699161917021/with/44352425321/
  12. Or just make a spacer on your lathe. Doesn't everyone have a lathe? (PS. If you have a lathe can you let me know so you can make a spacer)...
  13. Each one is going to be different. I'm sure you can ask the seller specifically about the weave "irregularities".
  14. Those SAE connectors are pretty robust. I've never had an issue with one regardless of conditions.
  15. I need to do something. My alternator cover looks like caca.
  16. https://www.amazon.com/BRITE-MARK-Medium-Paint-Marker-Yellow/dp/B0000DD2EV/ref=pd_sim_328_2?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=B0000DD2EV&pd_rd_r=e391c072-a2aa-11e8-977c-fbfb99a5ad6d&pd_rd_w=fRWzU&pd_rd_wg=RKHXq&pf_rd_i=desktop-dp-sims&pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_p=a180fdfb-b54e-4904-85ba-d852197d6c09&pf_rd_r=DNSVEW3CZ5XA2CCHQHWQ&pf_rd_s=desktop-dp-sims&pf_rd_t=40701&psc=1&refRID=DNSVEW3CZ5XA2CCHQHWQ Another thing to order...
  17. I think you need to add a zero to that number.
  18. $60k sounds about right. Or about 10k V11 Sports... if they actually made that many.
  19. I just assumed you tore the bike down to the last bit and bolt each winter. [emoji12] Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. Would you have been able to see the old break from a casual inspection? How far do you disassemble for your annual service? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  21. With every one of these devices that rest on the brake lever, they fail to design it so that the resting bar is at least parallel to the brake lever, causing the throttle to be rotated open when you pull the brake lever. I don't like it. If the throttle opens when you pull the brake lever you're not doing it correctly. The tension should be set so that when you pull on the brake lever the device slips. If you set the tension too tight you will have "issues".
  22. Rest assured I’ll get to ride the Vincent in the video. I’ll let you know how ordinary it is. All of the Vincent riders I’ve had the pleasure to accompany are very rapid even when riding with modern bikes. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  23. is likely the culprit. Even if it isn't it sounds guilty.
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