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Everything posted by swooshdave

  1. Why not just drill the head off? Then vicegrip the stub?
  2. Did you post from YouTube your Husky ride here?
  3. http://www.ghezzi-brian.com/en/modelli/dr-john-tribute-2/
  4. I think the tank will be a major issue. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. Correct. But it’s the opposite of what you see in the video. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. So with some LED bulbs in order to dim them (in the running light mode) they are rapidly flashed. This tricks your eyes into thinking they are dimmer. Then when you apply the brake they go solid (or in the case of this bulb, flash then solid). So the GoPro shutter picks up the rapid flashing but not the flashing when I applied the brake light. If you look carefully there you can see a slight flicker with the running light. This is because the shutter speed is variable so at some times (depending on how light or dark it is) you may or may not see the flicker. #themoreyouknow
  7. Spot the the green bike. Hint: It’s the fast one. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. I was thinking you have a Norton? We're a very inclusive club. We even let BSAs hang out.
  9. Nope. Like I’m the only one in that crew with an Italian bike... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. I thought I got a picture of the most interesting hybrid at the club meeting. But for some reason I didn’t. I do have a video I shot several years ago. This bike will spank a V11. https://youtu.be/9UoVhkHX5D4 Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. The good news is that your engine doesn't have athlete's fungus.
  12. Did you buy the bike yet? Poor Thruxton is going to be lonely in the garage by itself.
  13. No chance I'd use stop leak. Wouldn't even consider it. They are meant to swell rubber seals and may not work on gaskets. Then again I probably have an oil filter label floating around my sump so what do I know?
  14. Abut the first thing I've ever agree with that someone said on Wild Guzzi. It's also 100% correct. That being said the only answer you'll get from one of the inmates here is.... BUY IT.
  15. There not a lot of pressure on the sticker, it's not being subjected to a high pressure spray of any sort. Just some sloshing. When you say real easy did it fall apart or peel off?
  16. If I could pull it off the Rosso is next on my list. I mean, once you have the perfect V11 Sport you might as well go down the list from there.
  17. Is it the one down in SF? You don't really think we don't know about every V11 Sport for sale anywhere... And yes, if you have the slightest inclination towards this bike you best be parting with your money ASAP.
  18. There are two good uses for a greenie. 1. Turn it into any other color. 2. Sell it.
  19. Not sure if there is a dealer in Sac, but there is in SF.
  20. And does it matter how old the yak is when the fat is extracted? Does it help if the yak is given zinc supplements prior? You know, for the flat tappets! electrolytes.... its all about electrolytes. keep the motor hydrated. oh, and fish oil/omega B. So then whenever you are in a survival situation, you can drink your fish oil and gatorade mix out of the oil drain plug, like a soda fountain.
  21. Let's be clear the traitor comment wasn't because you are selling a V11 Sport, that can be forgiven... but a Greenie? #deadtome
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