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Everything posted by swooshdave

  1. You should be able to export your CAD drawing, if not a PDF then at least a DXF. If ya'll need any help with file conversions just holler.
  2. I'm taking bets that Chuck gets pissed enough to make his own run.
  3. Phssst, the V11 Sport has low enough handlebars as it is. If I want to go that low I have other means.
  4. Under $200 for the fairing, maybe $300 for the windshield and $250 for someone to make you some brackets?
  5. I don't think the bike is the problem, I think you need a vasectomy!
  6. It may have helped to show them the part installed so they could understand which tolerances they could or could not play with. I assume you just provided them the drawing?
  7. We all work on our own bikes because we want to do it right, or at least as right as we know how to do. That way there's no one else to blame.
  8. I wonder if the manufacturer stated what their production tolerances were?
  9. Given the amount of electrical connections in the headlight bucket I'd strive to keep it as dry as possible. As long as there is enough air flow over the bucket there's enough volume to cool it. Sure you could overkill it (isn't that the mantra of this forum?) but if you do promise to post pictures.
  10. I suspect you also need to modify the intake to match the flattened floor, unless that hard step is what causes the tumble. All stuff above my pay grade.
  11. The bulb on my 850-T has a fan. I wouldn’t call it a buzz and you can only hear it when the bike is in the garage and not running. Of course I can’t hear a blessed thing when the bike is running. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. Plus there's another one in the local club I haven't seen yet.
  13. Who wants to flatten out the intake port on their V11 Sport now?
  14. You know the topic has spun out of control when we are looking at too many KLR pictures...
  15. Did the bike actually have oil in it at some point?
  16. Anywhere someone is allowed to express their opinion. While we think of this as detrimental it's actually a key component of crowdsourcing. If you get enough people expressing their perspective you will generally come up with the best solution. But for that to happen you need a range of perspectives. Some negative, some neutral and some positive. Even the most ridiculous notion may have either have some merit or trigger some discussion that can lead to success. It's also a learning experience, no one ever learned by being 100% right all of the time. It's ok to fail, or to have a bad assumption. Too many people are afraid to speak up which is too bad because right or wrong the may contribute without knowing it.
  17. Well, in comparison a dry BMW GS1200 weighs less than a V11 Sport...
  18. I say 16mm boss. But that might not be the whole story.
  19. Notice they didn't mention the finished weight of the custom bike...
  20. And those gloves won't do shit in a crash. not only will the leather disintegrate they may fly off. Note do they have any padding or protection. I like my hands too much to go cheap with the gloves.
  21. I have none of those.
  22. He's a little more than just "down the road", it's more like 100 miles.
  23. Has anyone actually raced one of these?
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