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Everything posted by swooshdave

  1. Recently, my Mac burp-graded to "High Sierra." Always lots not to like (in general). Overall, I favor the OSx about a thousand-fold over my office M'soft Windoze. Haven't tried to connect Mac High Sierra with guzzidiag since the Up-burp. Anyone has? I'm still running Sierra on the lappy until work let's us upgrade.
  2. So during those long cold winters in Minnesota your battery does just fine in the spring?
  3. It still has the battery in it from when I got the bike. No need to change it out... yet.
  4. I suspect not all Tender Jrs will fail like this. It may just be this particular vintage.
  5. With, ahem, numerous bikes in the garage I keep them all on tenders. I have one older Battery Tender Jr. that is chugging along nicely, but two of the newer ones started acting up. I believe there is an even newer style but I don't have one. The LEDs started flashing green rapidly. Not good. Cursory search of the interwebs showed this to be... bad. Then the other one did the same thing. At $20 ea I was not happy to have to replace them both. Being it's wintertime and riding will be sporadic for several months (it's going to get pretty cold really soon and although the garage is well insulated it still gets chilly in there) I needed to keep the batteries alive. I found an older video showing how to fix them. It seems the capacitors go out and just replacing them should work. Off to Amazon I went and for $5 (Prime) I had 5 capacitors in my hands in a couple days. Now I'm no electrical wizard but the fix was within my meager capabilities. The first one when somewhat smoothly although I had a hard time getting one leg to cooperate. But when I buttoned it up it worked perfectly. At this point I'm up $19 so might as well do the other one. I now have two working tenders and the Guzzis will have lovely batteries at the ready. And I have extra capacitors if I need them.
  6. I shouldn't have turned over that rock.
  7. Not to get sidetracked but wow.
  8. If you are luckily enough to sit between two chunky people they will pad you when the plane crashes. #silverlining
  9. Is it off the bike and can you show the flange, o-ring and plastic ring relationship?
  10. The obvious answer is to leave the pillion seat cover on. I bet mine has been off maybe twice in it's life and that's including the one and only time I'll ever take it off just to look at it.
  11. Is the flange broken or the gasket leaking? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. Not allowed to? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. At the time my brother was a twenty year old Royal Engineer attached to 42 Commando in Malta, he did the whole Green Beret thing in Plymouth. (As an aside, he tells me he was instructed to tell any American who asked what the RM shoulder badges meant that he was to reply "Real Marine" and to stand his ground). It seems getting drunk and riding too fast at the local airstrip did not go together too well, the side cases suffered when the footrests dug into them. He had them welded up over there but now corrosion is opening up the old welds. We think we will build what we can and then rethink, we are both retired now so funds not huge. My advice? Unless you have the money do not try to fix a Ducati. I'd probably recommended selling the basket case and buying a couple more V11s. Or whatever he wants.
  14. The model is of a 350cc if I recall. I don't think those will be in the £500k range. At least I hope not. Anyways, I was correct the model price will still be less than 1/4 of the full size bike. You can buy full size replicas, also at a fraction of the price. http://www.mv-agusta.co.uk/bikes/MVag3.html Regular 350s aren't too bad: http://www.carandclassic.co.uk/list/660/
  15. Elf condoms, did you see how small they are? How do you think he gets all that work done.
  16. I didn't catch that price, where did you see that? And, you have to think of it this way, £8750 is what percentage of a really MV factory race bike from that era? Less than 1/4 I'd wager.
  17. Even in pieces it will be worth a substantial amount. If you're not over there already AccessNorton.com is an awesome resource for us Commando owners.
  18. You can't follow the hoses up? I bet one is a fuel tank vent and the other might be the gearbox breather? It's not kosher to have engine breathers open and it won't be the battery because you probably have a sealed AGM battery?
  19. The 750GT is the least expensive of the round cases, and they are still expensive. The worse scenario is to have and 860GT, the least desirable of the bevel twins. They aren't worth much (relatively) and cost as much to fix up as their vastly more expensive 900SS brethren because they share so many parts. #dontaskmehowiknow You might want to sit down after seeing the asking price on this bike: http://www.bevelheaven.com/bikes4sale/BH-1972-750GT/index.htm And no, your Commando didn't appreciate at the same rate. #alsodontaskmehowiknow
  20. Yeah, next time you're bitching about trying to fit a full size part on your bike just watch this thing to get some perspective.
  21. There are two things that you can be assured of, one: the parts will be stunningly expensive, and two: paying someone to rebuild the engine will be stunningly expensive. Like your wallet will be crying expensive. If I had the money and was in your position I'd do it for my brother. Or buy him a house. Same cost.
  22. So none of them have broke with your test rig?
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