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Everything posted by swooshdave

  1. I wouldn't want those made unless they were better than the stock ones.
  2. Are your relays new? Did you check all of your wiring? Did you read everything ever written by Kiwi_Roy?
  3. I was trying to be optimistic. But back to the distribution model. If someone wants to set up an ebay store and sell these things I believe ebay can help manage the shipping and customs. I think it would mostly be putting them in a bag and getting them picked up. 50 of them at $1 ea to get them made and sell for $5 would almost make it worth the effort. Stock ("updated") spring from Moto International is $1.84. Who wouldn't pay $5 for a spring that didn't break? You do know the next thing we're going to ask you to make, Chuck...
  4. Great, what are we going to do with the 19,000 extras?
  5. Totally understand. You’ve done more than your fair share. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. If I learned one thing from Mythbusters it's that if something doesn't fail you change the perimeters until they do. That and they had the best job ever. You say that you're using a 15mm mount, what is the other size that people are reporting that was supposed to break springs? Perhaps try that set up with a stock spring and a new spring and see if you can get one to break. We want carnage!
  7. Now I need to get a CARC and see if I can prove Pete wrong.
  8. https://www.reddit.com/r/UnresolvedMysteries/comments/6qammo/john_cantlie_isis_hostage_since_2012_has_been/ http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5069229/Ex-ISIS-fighter-claims-captured-Brit-John-Cantlie-alive.html I hope he's still alive.
  9. There are rumors he may not still be alive. Has there been any recent evidence he is?
  10. If anything he needs to learn the difference between engineering and making it work. Not always the same thing.
  11. I guess I forgot to post a link to the videos. First up is my cohort Mike and his playlist of videos. I'll have a separate video I'll post soon. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLgDzKiI-i6nagu8Q6fjRJGR-pmz9DgAd6
  12. The target is any spring that will survive your bike. How many springs have you broken?
  13. Right, but how about a picture or two?
  14. No idea. I believe they are being sold out of Italy so it's always risky! Shore up your browser, use a burner credit card and go for it!
  15. Good choice. Although I'm sad you only have one bike.
  16. I looked on the Delkevic page and see no links for the cans... What were these cans for? Thanks https://www.delkevic.us/?route=product/category&path=124180_124181_124233&description=Delkevic__Exhaust+Muffler_All+Manufacturers_All+Models&category_string=Silencers%20%3E%20All%20Manufacturers%20%3E%201900#Products http://www.delkevic.us/index.php?route=product/product&path=124180_124181_124233&product_id=27331 This one?
  17. What is the angle of the stock pipes? 45˚ seems to point the exhaust too far up for my tastes.
  18. Rumor has it that some people are a little frizzy that it's being called a National...
  19. He said this morning that he would work on it over the holidays.
  20. Will the springs need any post-treatment?
  21. The man has a machine shop, there's no such thing as too complicated.
  22. If they had women like that when they brought the IMS show to Portland there would have literally been riots in the streets in protest... I also must note that they would have had to have imported fine machinery like that as you couldn't find it natively.
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