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Everything posted by swooshdave

  1. I vote custom frame. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. So a V11 engine with a five speed box? Interesting they didn't use the six speed.
  3. I may have shared similar shots before but I thought I'd consolidate them here. I just find the little details on this bike fascinating. Especially the foot levers. I get drawn to this bike each time I visit the Barber Museum and this time was no different. This time I notice the brake pedal also pivots like the shifter. I wonder how that feels? Enjoy.
  4. When it hit the coast it was a hurricane!
  5. Well, technically the Interstate use to be my Norton. But I sold it to my dad many years ago when I needed the money. Now I just get to ride it when I visit.
  6. Photo album from the trip: https://www.flickr.com/gp/swooshdave/89f0tH There will be a video later after my buddy Mike puts it together.
  7. Made it back to North Carolina just ahead of the storm. For those of you still keeping track I’m flying not riding to Oregon. Unless I find a V11 Sport in the next day. Even then the wife will kill me when got home. Kids might be driving her crazy. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. I was lusting after the Rosso Corsa at the museum. It was so pretty. Too bad it was on that wall 30 ft in the air or else I would have tried to sneak it out. I’ll look down from the plane as we cross the Rockies. Maybe I’ll spot a barn find from there. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  9. Sorry about the confusion. I was busy posting on multiple places and I guess I left out a few details. I flew to NC where my family lives. My dad, brother, cousin all went plus my buddy from Oregon. NC to AL is 500 miles each way. Still plenty on 45 yr old bikes. The full compliment is two Commandos, the K75, T3, and there’s also a R75/5. My dad rode part of the way on his /5 on the way down but at 71 he’s not up for the whole ride on a vintage bike so he drives the chase vehicle. We’re holed up near Road Atlanta tonight. We left Barber around 3pm today and around 6pm they announced they were closing the festival. So I assume they kicked everyone out. Expecting rain and some wind in the morning but hopefully we can continue to the NE and maybe miss some of it. We’re only 280 miles from Greensboro but it will take a while on the old bikes. I’ll share a lot more pics later. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  10. We’re going to hit the museum tomorrow and the bike show (Norton Commandos) then skeedaddle our of here, hopefully before the rain. Still has been a great trip and looks to be an interesting finish. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. Closest thing to a V11 I’ve seen. I don’t think I’ve seen one of these in person before. I stopped by this booth last year and bought the lanyard the salesgirl was was wearing. This year they brought all the ones they had. $3 Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. Getting sick of all the bbq. Just kidding! We are keeping an eye out for hurricanes... yeah, that’s us dead center. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. Test rode my old Norton tonight. Will set off in the morning. Should be at Barber Thursday. I’m still working on my brother to get a V11 Sport. I talked him into his T3 so now he has the proper level of Guzzi lust. Hope to run into at least one V11LeMans.com person there! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. I changed my mounting technique. I've now change it so it's just sandwiching the top nut. I'll take pics later. No need to trim anything.
  16. I now see that missing wire. Will fix when I get a chance. It's all one color for the drafts. Once ya'll like it I'll change it to the primary wire color. No stripes.
  17. Dammit you're right. Both the owners manual and shop manual I have used crappy photocopies of the wiring diagram that came from who knows where. There is a later (catalytic equipped) wiring diagram that is clearer but is slightly different from the earlier 15M models.
  18. I believe I isolated the coils in the wiring diagram. If not at least this might be a start.
  19. Seems a shame to part that out. How much for the whole thing?
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