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Everything posted by swooshdave

  1. So it looks like Harpers and Moto International can't supply the Scura style fairing. But there are a couple places that could make the fairings. http://www.airtech-streamlining.com/vintage/vintagefairingsquarter.htm http://www.caferacingparts.com How many people would be interested?
  2. Not if he used the purple Simple Green. Doesn't harm aluminum.
  3. Has anyone put a LM1 fairing on a V11? It must have been done by now?
  4. Pictures when you do!!!!
  5. So the Scura fairings are no longer available? Has anyone looked at getting them reproduced in fiberglass?
  6. So has anyone used one of these mounts and anything tricky about the installation that couldn't be done with simple tools?
  7. Sorry, crappy lighting. It's just black.
  8. I bet I could take off the seat fairing and lay my 30L Kriega back there... Hmmm...
  9. Product Liability Weight rating is different from practical weight rating.
  10. If there's one thing I do is over-document my adventures. I'm surprised I haven't been kicked off the forum yet. If you want up to the minute stuff you can follow me on Instagram (swooshdave) and Twitter (@swooshdave). I was going to post to the V11 Sport Facebook group but that's pretty dead (I think the last post was two years ago). And then I'll post to this thread as I can. With only a 150 mile range I'll have time to upload photos. Stay tuned! And I think you meant West Coast.
  11. Yeah, I've been down to the Bay Area several ways, in all kinds of different vehicles (no bikes). Don't need a medical card in Oregon as it's legal, don't really need one in CA as they don't care. I'm going to try to get out of the metro area as quickly as possible as the traffic is always horrendous. I don't want to be on a strange bike in heavy traffic in questionable weather.
  12. Harbor Freight, eBay, Amazon...
  13. Next Thursday. Weather on the west coast was looking horrid this weekend. If the forecast holds it will be a little better next week.
  14. What about this rack?
  15. While I like your route, the passes are still iffy across the Cascades. Now this summer will be a different story. I have all the Battery Tender parts, I did the same thing on the Triumph. Of course I kept the parts for the next bike! Worse case I can always just use the Tender cable from the battery and charge the phone in the tail while riding.
  16. Owners manual and workshop manual uploaded to cloud account. If I need them I won't have internet access... Relays ordered, should be here by the end of the week. Guy in the Guzzi club here says he might have a Givi fairing. He use to have a V11 Sport. Can you run a changing cable under the tank without removing it? Like fish it through? Just how hard to pull the tank? Looking to put power at the handlebars for phone.
  17. If you're going to use Simple Green use the purple stuff. Does't harm aluminum.
  18. This guy got it to work on his LeMans using the stem mount. What does the stem look like after you take off the cap? https://www.amazon.com/gp/customer-reviews/R153XEH0PV34L5/ref=cm_cr_dp_d_rvw_ttl?ie=UTF8&ASIN=B001RHVS8I The other option is this mount. Has anyone use this style RAM mount? It should mount to the mirror perch but I don't know if it would hit the mirror stem?
  19. 1200 miles? It's going to be more like 700. Well, unless I get lost going to the coast... You could just hop on that LeMans and meet me in the Bay Area on Thursday. There are plenty of wonderful roads up here. Only stipulation is that you would have to have extra relays.
  20. I have my Digikey order ready to go. Which will guarantee it will arrive next... Friday. Anything else I should add to the order? Or I could Prime these and have them this week. Five of these and one might work! https://www.amazon.com/Support-Relay-Spdt-5pin-Pack/dp/B00RV9ZUEO/ref=s9u_simh_gw_i3?_encoding=UTF8&fpl=fresh&pd_rd_i=B00RV9ZUEO&pd_rd_r=17XDZRHBN69JCM5FC4Z1&pd_rd_w=DLPlX&pd_rd_wg=F2EUh&pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_s=&pf_rd_r=1DS3ZGA8QFGYAX4SD0HP&pf_rd_t=36701&pf_rd_p=781f4767-b4d4-466b-8c26-2639359664eb&pf_rd_i=desktop
  21. Ok, so I only found one relay. HELLA 965453041 Micro 10/20 Amp SPDT Relay Notice how it says Made in USA on box and China on the relay? Nice... Another picture of the bike. Any idea what rack that is? How much weight will it take? I might take an extra bag and straps as he says he has some extra stuff to go with the bike.
  22. My regular gear is a Vanson textile jacket and either Aerostitch AD-1 pants or Aerostitch jeans. Then I'll throw in an Icon rain jacket. If I'd had to go this week I would have packed my BMW yellow condom, er, rainsuit. I swear you could jump in a lake and not get wet.
  23. It doesn't have to be stock, just stock like. Headlight mounted is fine. Parts for my 850-T don't seem to be hard to find, I guess I'm about to find out what it like finding V11 Sport stuff...
  24. The V11 is *probably* a bit more "rear weight biased." Springs might be kinda soft if you weigh more than 165 pounds in your race leathers . . . Might want to back the steering damper all the way off before you get out on the freeways passing trucks . . . I wish I weighed 165 in race leathers. First of all I shouldn't be wearing race leathers, and secondly... Should I crank up the rear spring load?
  25. Rear tire is fresh. Front tire looks good, although I'll replace it when I get home. I've been reading here that the steering damper, when old, can cause more problems than benefits. What's the best sign of a worn damper? I can always yank it off if it's causing trouble. If I don't get the damn relays and one goes out I'll never hear the end of it from docc. Never. Ever. I do need to place a Digikey order for some Molex pins so I guess it can't hurt to throw some relays on the order... how fast do they ship?
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