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Everything posted by Tomchri

  1. Tomchri

    IMG 0227

    From the album: Tomchri

  2. Tomchri

    IMG 0219

    From the album: Tomchri

  3. Tomchri

    IMG 0230

    From the album: Tomchri

  4. Thanks to you all for replying to my problems. And to gstallons,,, clutch problem. I did change the fluid, the clutch feels fine when put in gear, no dragging, but experiened ONE time dragging at an intersection. I just turned the wheel at the clutch lever,,,,, problem gone... The clutch is slipping when Im heavy on the trottle in 4th - 5th - 6th gear. The little I have tried the bike,, I have felt a little shaking 2 times,, in 1th gear, taking of. Does this bike have the scary alu fly wheel ? What did I observe yesterday, my fluid in the clutch reservior has turned quite dark after about 70 miles. The last owner says he didnt have a problem with the clutch,, may be he was a 3 - 4000 rpm guy,, and I a 5 - 6000rpm guy. What clutch package are the most recomended today ? I will try with the relays first, my relaybase are all vaseline, and all the pins are visible. How about getting rid of clutch lever switch ? Problems shall be solved ! thanks again tom.
  5. A little quidance into the Guzzi world please. Just imported a 2003 Le Mans Rosso Corsa from Denmark with 49000km or close to 30000 miles But she wouldnt fire up the next day, cranks over, some times a little faster, found this forum, and some reading. Messed around with the relays, and fuel pump going. Then fires up, but could stall after 10m. then I could ride for 50miles, no problem. Stops for coffe, 20min, not firing,,, playing with the relays, hear nothing from the fuel pump,,,, and after 10 trays, she fires. then stall after 500 yards, starts up again, and could run for 5miles, fires up again and run ok the rest of the trip. New AGM 13 Ah, in the prosess of ordering Omron G8HE, checked ground on tranny, ignition switch just oiled with lanolin, (non conductive) have to take it apart probably. The bike puts a smile on my face just looking at it, so any tips will be apreciated. The clutch is slipping to when I do use her,,,, later, probably single plate ? Thanks tom christiansen. Norway
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