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Pressureangle last won the day on January 31

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  • Location
    South Florida
  • My bike(s)
    '97 1100 Sport i '89 Mille GT '71 Norton Fastback Commando '74 Aermacchi 350 Sprint

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Community Answers

  1. A friend has one. Concur, there is no good angle. Only the Witch's Magic Mirror can love this one.
  2. Somehow this reminded me of pulling the 'Sport into a parking lot full of new sportbikes.
  3. Very little, was the point lol If it fits, it sits. If not, then the 'Sport will continue on with it's dirty socks and the V11 will get the Staintune, unless a cheap alternative shows up beforehand.
  4. Since it's the middle of winter for many here, and I have an entire motorcycle to assemble from baskets, I thought I'd feed the bears. It came with afak all the parts except exhaust cans...now we get to the quibbles. The stock crossover has had whatever is inside it trying to get outside it. I might just cut it open to see what's in there, and have it welded back shut, but I know me and that won't last forever even if successful. I have a complete Staintune system in the box on the shelf... but this bike isn't yet pretty enough to deserve that. Quibbles; will 1100 Sport stock cans fit the V11 stock crossover? Will a Staintune V11 system fit a 1100 Sport-i? Mistral crossovers are different for these two bikes, and I'm wondering about the space under the transmission, whether either can be used for the unintended fitup, or both, or neither. Of course I'll be able to answer all these questions when I get the bike on the lift and the transmission back in hand, but I'm tired of cleaning the garage and doing a little evening Navel-gazing.
  5. It's the leaves. To most of the world it looks like the end of riding season, but here in S. FL. it's just the Live Oaks pushing off the old leaves with new, and the massive amount of pollen that comes with it. That's only 2 days worth.
  6. I had mine rebuilt at the local WP service center- literally 15 minutes away- for a couple hundred bucks. Well worth the cost, I figure, unless you really have to do it yourself. Even so, you can get parts through them. https://www.wp-suspension.com/autorisierte-zentren/
  7. From Newsweek; 'The search effort continues to find the bodies of the three soldiers as well as the remaining passengers of American Airlines Flight 5342, of which around 20 remain missing at this time.' Has anyone here ever flown in a Blackhawk and familiar with pilot and passenger restraint systems? I still smell tin foil
  8. It's not impossible that KTM has the same monkey on their back that other companies in the U.S. endure- or die from- Bane Capital in the U.S. stacks the board of directors with insiders who 'make poor decisions' while the big player shorts the stock and bleeds the company dry. Of course, nobody wants to put their head on the block by calling spades spades.
  9. There will be if I can't find one.
  10. My initial order is 2, if they're good one goes in mine and you get the other one. By then I should know whether there's more interest offstage.
  11. I've just ordered plates from a new supplier, when I recieve the samples I'll know if they're as good as in the past. I think they will be, based on my last business with them, and may well be less expensive, too. I can order singles, or any quantity- of course they're far less expensive when ordering more. Anyone waiting in the wings, raise your hands.
  12. MMM yeah, so the Helo was flying night vision...NOT. My understanding, and having been in maybe a hundred Blackhawks and most of those at night, night vision is only used when the aircraft is FULL DARK. I'd sure like to have a military pilot confirm that. Firstly, the jet is re-routed to the secondary runway only seconds before it's too late; no reason given. Perhaps there was a large jet ready for takeoff on the main runway. Secondly, the Helo suddenly ascends a hundred feet above absolute ceiling, just at exactly the wrong time... Thirdly, he didn't mention it, but rewatch the flight path- the Helo was pretty far out of his route. I don't like it. It's either a Charley Foxtrot of the first order, or actually easier to believe a planned incident. Yeah, I know, get more tinfoil.
  13. Hollywood *creates NOTHING*. Everything they do is an idea that came from somewhere else, and real-world possibilities seen through Hollywood *always* have root in real stories. Remember when we were kids, every Cop had a little black book?
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