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Everything posted by Pressureangle

  1. Similar symptoms on my new-to-me '97 1100 Sport. TPS went out after 50 miles, lurching and backfiring. It quit altogether. New TPS and it's great! tune up the MyECU a bit, 'round the block twice or three, and... dead quit with no warning. Pushed it back half a block, and after cooling a half hour it ran. Sort of. Came back cold the next day, fired like never before. Shut it before it got hot, checked the Cam sensor; .75 ohms. Ran until quit, 128*C. (quit while standing still, too) rechecked cam sensor, .08 ohms. Apparently shorts when hot. Must be Italian.
  2. Just got a '97 Sport i, stock pipes and mufflers with i think a Ferracci crossover (it's cracked and repaired) I'm adding a oxygen sensor bung to the crossover, but the cross and mufflers are pretty tacky looking. Who still makes a good system for this thing? i'd like a X with o2 sensor so I don't have to add it, and I'd like to buy mufflers that fit rather than find something close and engineer the fit. Anything still out there? Eric
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