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Everything posted by Pressureangle

  1. It is amusing to see this devolve into discussion about accuracy beyond what the rod bearings require.
  2. It's all so simple. The organizers have finally caved completely to the fact that crashes bring interest and interest brings revenue.
  3. Outstanding. I've been planning a remodel, and the new kitchen will have space dedicated to an espresso machine. If I could find the one in 'Saving Private Ryan' I'd probably do that, but not really convenient with one eye open first thing in the morning. I don't like the idea of another handful of electronics for something a Moka pot suffices, but I like this machine. They should have hired an Italian for the video, though, this guy is like Billy Mays but neither entertaining nor exciting. Nor shapely, I might add. Give a video when you get it set up.
  4. Another epic failure of my humor.
  5. Why are the intakes set with commas and the exhausts with periods?
  6. I don't have access to my laptop with the documents for this bike, maybe someone can point to them or post them. Let's set the scene You changed spark plugs, and didn't start the motor afterwards? Why did you change the plugs? Did you test the spark plugs for continuity? I've seen enough bad from the box that I test every plug now. I've had bad brand name plug caps new too, though not likely they both failed at the same time in situ. Find the fuse and relay that power the ECU, check that you have power to the computer. IIRC the pump runs without being told to by the ECU. Did you disturb the gas tank at all? IIRC the coil power leads have connectors along the frame under the tank that are a little too easy to disconnect. Could be the cam sensor, but complete failure from good seems unlikely. Was it running poorly? Pull the cam sensor- if it's tight in the block, swollen, it's probably toast. When I first got mine, the CS ran for 20 minutes then sputtered home- every time it started after cooling, maybe a half-dozen times but quit sooner and sooner until eventually it would not start. The CS showed continuity and resistance cold, but a hot air gun and multimeter proved that as soon as it got over about 150ºF it open circuited.
  7. I'm still laughing at this. My first 2 years roadracing, '87-88, there was a guy who owned a Suzuki shop in ... Missouri? He was older, and fast enough to be a real problem getting around but he literally rode *exactly* like the mast on a sailboat. Sometimes had to remind myself not to sit behind him just to watch and be amazed. (Behind, you caught that?)
  8. I put a very expensive seat (don't recall the maker at the moment, and paid $50 because I guy found it lurking in the garage a decade after the bike was gone) on my '04 BMW GS Adventure. It's better than stock, for sure, but I did 10k on that and the stocker on my '97 1100 Sport-i and I'd take the Sport seat every single day over the 'nice' beemer seat. The bucket is better for the first 3 hours, but then becomes constraining and I can't shift weight away from the contact points. As stated, on the centerstand it turns into a swimming pool. (not that you can get a GSA on the centerstand) Everybody gets their opinion on that, and miles matter. Leather is best, but *must* have Mink or Saddle oil. Bicycle shorts are an absolute must. I wear Underarmor in my riding suits, because they already have padding but I wore bicycle gear under jeans for years. Don't forget your Thorlo synthetic or Hollow Alpaca boot socks and Gold Bond foot powder.
  9. I have a (apparently, by age and application) a FBF crossover. It cracked in the center and was nicely repaired. I drilled it for an O2 bung in the center, thinking to get both cylinders, only do discover that it is no crossover at all merely two mashed flat pipes welded together. What a POS.
  10. Golly. The easy answer is GO-NOGO. Insert the one you want for spec, then try to insert the next size up. If your spec goes and the next doesn't, you're there within a half a thousandth. Besides, there's more difference in 'factory' and 'RaceCo' spec than you can error at any given point. Don't overthink it. My engine is much happier with the hammering elves in the valve covers than the quieter factory spec, too.
  11. Tangential question; Are there any post-Sport 1100 V11's with WP forks, or were they all other brands?
  12. The WP website locator says you have 2 service centers in the West. WEST COAST MOTORCYCLES 25.2 KM 1/10 Franklin Lane 6027 JOONDALUP 08 9300 0094 sales@westcoasthonda.com.au DETAILS BUNBURY KTM 155.1 KM 61 Spencer Street 6230 BUNBURY 08 9721 1600 sander@bunburyktm.com.au https://www.wp-suspension.com/autorisierte-zentren/
  13. MG Cycle has them, I assume Harper's will as well. https://www.mgcycle.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=42
  14. The same happened to me. Ran funny, then backfired and the problem became obvious. Still, rode it home at +3500 rpm (a mile) which kept it close enough to run on that cylinder.
  15. Not much to go on yet, pull your spark plugs and check for fouling. A weak ignition can foul plugs.
  16. Teo Lamers has a 'Sport bracket, and a few V11 brackets; I think they're the same but not certain. https://en.tlm.nl/moto-guzzi-triumph/us-37635805-used-remankerplaat-sport-1100
  17. Not clear in the photo, but looks like you're missing, or have a shortened, spacer between the wheel and brake caliper bracket.
  18. I think that was recorded in the basement of St. Andrew's Hall in Detroit.
  19. Back to your regularly scheduled programming.|
  20. Shouldn't have given away my autographed copy of 'Jerry Murad's Harmonicats'.
  21. When the day comes, I'll send you an inventory list. Unless you want to fly over for the joy of discovery.
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