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Everything posted by Delloman

  1. Received thanks will be in touch.
  2. Doesn't look like it. Email sent 24th Jan. Received this message same day: Message truncated....delivery incomplete, There was a temporary problem while delivering message to ( your email address. ) Gmail will retry for 44 more hours. You'll be notified if the delivery fails permanently. Just tried sending again.
  3. Pretty certain owner of these bikes is not a member Docc. Re your question Activpop... might be able to get more info... if its still for sale etc... if anyone is interested. Also owner misquoted size of rear rim re Greenie, its 5.5 inch. I lucked out recently, managing to snare the c/f chin pad, titanium cans & hangers along with the 5.5 inch rear rim as owner returned to original condition.
  4. Done deal, don't understand why I'm not receiving your messages, could you try again & if not received by 12pm Tuesday will try & sort. Thanks
  5. Hi Lucky Phil, Will take both sets, how much ? Kind regards, Delloman
  6. Hi JBBenson,

    Keen to purchase if still available.



    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. JBBenson


      There's someone ahead of you, Ill give him a chance to respond again and then get back to you

    3. Delloman


      Okay thanks

    4. JBBenson


      Sold sorry, good luck

  7. Delloman


  8. Hi Stumble_t, New to the site, might be able to help you with a set of OEM Clipons.
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