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Gmc28 last won the day on January 17

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  • Location
    West of Portland, Oregon
  • My bike(s)
    02 LeMans (stable twins: 1 red/silver + 1 champagne), 99 Cagiva GC, '16 multistrada, ‘22 MG V85tt, Husky 501, Suzuki DR350/441, 50cc Vespa!

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  1. if you'll distribute some sweet mascot logos to us all!
  2. seems brians noun use and grammar would pass just fine with Count Olaf ("grammar is the greatest joy in life, don't you know...", or maybe it was some other character from that Lemony Snicket movie my daughter used to quote), or any of our jr high grammar teachers, and pressureangle will be the helluva guy in this group to perhaps soon have a proper new gear box :->
  3. all sounds great. as has been said by me and others, dave is a helluva guy, and I was just dragging my feet, not wanting complicate things for Dave at all, but looking to see if there might be some good pathway to happiness in all this. Sounds like Brian is in direct contact too, so i'll back out.
  4. all good. I don’t think dave is on this forum, but he’ll get back to me at some point and i’ll let you know. he’s a really good guy, with a very long resume of working directly for moto guzzi and various moto guzzi tech and race teams back when they did that going on, but dont think he does a lot of forums or email. i’ll get back to you soon once i have info. might prove helpful one way or another.
  5. agreed, and thats the main reason i let this very minor “unsolved mystery” fester in my mind. exhaust flow dynamics can yield all kinds of results, but it does seem very unusual to have a non-2-stroke motor with an expanding outlet/exhaust, except in oddball cases, like the “power bomb” chambers on some dirt bikes, etc. The double wall thing certainly would explain things, though i’m guessing that mid pipe isn’t double wall. it is worth noting that while the V85 mid pipe pictured above is illustrative of my V11, it isn’t quite the same and is definitely more extreme. the V11 mid has a much milder expansion where the header and mid join. i’m sure its all fine, though it’s still mildly of interest as to why that mid pipe slightly flairs to a larger diameter (on top of the fact that the header slides into and not over the mid pipe, making it a double step change in diameter as it flows downstream)
  6. is removing just the injectors fairly straightforward? i remember cleaning them on one of the v11’s many years ago, before i owned it, and don’t recall any special drama but i’m forgetfull….
  7. gotcha. so tie it up with 5lb fly line, or some yarn, then use a 9lb sledge to nudge the gearbox, and voila! i now see that the throttle body assembly for sale has no injectors or tps.
  8. roger roger. i seem to recall it being a bit tricky when i tried to remove the whole setup a few years ago, but its fuzzy.
  9. i just texted Dave. I just saw him last at the John Day gathering this summer, so will see if he gets the text. who knows what he might know.... some perry mason work.
  10. hmm. how much cursing, or body english, or removal of other stuff is needed? true, the long frame may help slighlty, but i wouldn't think much.
  11. Thx gentlemen. For more specific, I should add that there’s a used full assembly available from an ‘03. whether I’d do nothing, or replace both sides, or try and just remove the left one from the assembly and install on mine, that’s part of the evaluation playing out. Was going out tonight to eyeball the assembly and see what makes sense. I know some of that assembly doesn’t just “pop apart”, so weighing the body overhaul vs maybe just replacing the one side, or the whole thing (both sides).
  12. thx Docc. would just be a single throttle body. I've collected most of the bits needed to do Phil's process of addressing my seeping left throttle body, but weighing that against popping on a used throttle body and putting off the rebuild process for a while.
  13. anyone know off top of your head if the throttle bodies from ‘03 v11 fit the ‘02 V11’s?
  14. dave blue? I know dave.... I can ask him, but doubt he'll have much to say. i'm quite fond of him, and his guzzi knowledge and experience transcends most living beings. is he a closet tranny thief? perhaps, but i'd guess not, fwiw.
  15. makes sense, and matches the reality that the cut ends, which are meant to be allowed to slightly squeeze another pipe inserted inside, are on the outside of my setup, which is to say the mid pipe that receives the headers has the cuts. It's clear i'm making more of this than it deserves. But its dark outside, so i indulge myself, and still sits odd with me that the mid pipe narrows down/tapers on the front/intake side where it receives the header pipe, and that the exhaust is again narrowed slightly more (going forward) by the smaller header that slides inside that narrowed mid pipe. maybe as phil says its by design, which is certainly something seen commonly on 2-stroke exhausts, but doesn't it seem slightly odd for these 4-strokers, to start narrower out of the head then widen out in 2 stages at the mid pipe?
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