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  • Location
    Olympic Peninsula
  • My bike(s)
    2003 Moto Guzzi Le Mans, 1973 V7sport, 1972-82 1000sp Cafe, 99 Suzuki Bandit 1200, 65 BSA C15s

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  1. Appreciate you dropping this pearl of wisdom... Thanks, ordered the gaskets but might just go this way...
  2. I just order the stock gaskets, figure they will be fine. Thanks for getting back Docc
  3. Paypal is easier but if the email is a commercial account it still gets dinged and added to the year end taxes as income to the business account for that email...
  4. Looking at the part number at MG Cycle the metal gaskets B063861 seem to be for a ENGINE SUMP GASKET CALIFORNIA 1400 SERIES, GRISO 1200 8V. I'm curious if this is indeed true? Also would anaerobic gasket sealer on both sides work? As far as the oil pan gasket I have those ordered before and they are easy peasie to get... If the sealer wouldn't work and the metal gaskets are the call... I hate to be that guy but a pointer in the right direction would be much appreciated. Thanks to all for this.
  5. If no one else claims it.. I would take it, that said if its needed by a member for their bike then by all means sell it to them.
  6. Nor did I, he's busy it sounds like... But look forward to it for sure..
  7. Thanks for your due diligence and the service to the MG community of V11's... I live out in Port Angeles, Love to meet and hang out but... snow for now... Sent my address and name, Thanks Jim
  8. Thanks, appreciate your work.
  9. Good deal, bummer that it was the wrong size but glad it was caught.. Thanks
  10. Thanks for the heads up on the CBR/VTR mirrors... Good to know
  11. Glad to hear this is a going concern, Look forward to mine...
  12. Such a old thread, but wondering if anyone has a set of the longer stalked mirrors laying around... Just checking...Thanks
  13. I would love to get one of the plates as well... Just slow on the uptake if its not to late, add my name to the list
  14. @mikev Wondering if you still have this?
  15. My question is "what years would need this plate, or do all of the V11's need one?" and is there more about. Thanks
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