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  • Location
    gelderland Netherlands
  • My bike(s)
    Guzzi v65;Lemans V11 2002, V11 Nero Corsa 2005

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  1. Try this Shop. https://eur02.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.guzzi-parts.dk%2Fen%2Fgearbox-and-clutch%2Fclutch-parts%2Framkobling-t-sp-mille-lm-813-detail&data=02%7C01%7C%7Cd15a54b2d37f4fa9122608d74966c2e4%7C84df9e7fe9f640afb435aaaaaaaaaaaa%7C1%7C0%7C637058578006726287&sdata=Ul3Yf6o%2B%2Bpnng46YoxLZ7SnDOmp5gtnSp6gLxSaZIYg%3D&reserved=0 Verzonden vanaf mijn iPad met Tapatalk Pro
  2. fantastic bike, you still own one ?
  3. Hallo I want to join the Register My name is Dirk Schmidt and I own no: 66. Living in the center of the Netherlands Gr. Dirk - dadparent Verzonden vanaf mijn iPad met Tapatalk Pro
  4. These days this is going viral in one of the biggest Dutch newspaper’s. After 2 Dutch sale spots you see a V 11 rider arguing a female car driver. He has his reasons. One of our members? https:/eur01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.telegraaf.nl%2Fvideo%2F127880588%2Fmotorrijder-leert-huilende-bestuurder-een-lesje&data=02%7C01%7C%7Cd1075ebf152048f1ba8e08d74cd50d26%7C84df9e7fe9f640afb435aaaaaaaaaaaa%7C1%7C0%7C637062350233531999&sdata=ptO7bpZLi5TzuEdKftLkNbCGkvmn8zu04tlve4D%2Bl4Y%3D&reserved=0 Verzonden vanaf mijn iPhone met Tapatalk Pro
  5. Hi Doc, you know so much so hopefully you have another hint too. I asked the question a little while ago on the forum. The V11 where the meters are planned has the problem of starting when turning the steer to the right. I think it is a broken wire or bad contact. So when I place the meters it is a good moment to repair this unhappiness. It is helpful to know some places that often causes this problem. Are you known with some suspected places? Thanks again,Dirk
  6. Thank you for support Verzonden vanaf mijn iPhone met Tapatalk Pro
  7. Its the one with pink key label And yes my original plan was simply changing the meters. Till you warned me for some difficulties. Verzonden vanaf mijn iPhone met Tapatalk Pro
  8. Hè Docc Here are the pictures of both my dashes. No seperate warninglite in one case and the other has them. Was does it mean for you (and me [emoji846]) ? Gr. Dirk Verzonden vanaf mijn iPad met Tapatalk Pro
  9. We have to wait till I met my iron friends end of this week. I parked/stalling them elsewhere Verzonden vanaf mijn iPad met Tapatalk Pro
  10. Thanks Docc. My English writing cost me so much effort that I change tacho for speedo. But of I understood you well, you expect no difficulties with the speedo. Only the driving part in the gearbox is different and the later cable is the cable momentarily used for both models. By the way both my LM’s have black faces. What’s the translation of your shortcut at the end ? I’m curious. Verzonden vanaf mijn iPad met Tapatalk Pro
  11. I looked in the Parts catalogue and saw the different numbers. I want to ask the seller (a Guzzi agent) if the Tacho cable still fits. The wiring is not the biggest I think. Verzonden vanaf mijn iPad met Tapatalk Pro
  12. Thanks docc. Maybe someone else knows how to cope with these problems? Verzonden vanaf mijn iPhone met Tapatalk Pro
  13. I have a 2003 v11 with the black meters in the dashboard. Now I can buy white meters with a complete dashboard of the older Sport models I like them. But is it interchangeable? Verzonden vanaf mijn iPhone met Tapatalk Pro
  14. Thank you very much for information Docc
  15. Yes indeed. that's the one. When I loosen it it was not so tight, but I found that suspicious
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