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Everything posted by GuzzTim

  1. GuzzTim


  2. big hands deserve....... and upon reflection..........
  3. oh way to go... now everyone's going to want an aprilia !!
  4. see below for more hot side boob
  5. looks like he's got a leg up on the rest of the yacht club....
  6. Tom.. 10-6 sounds like a good ride!! Hope all is well.. Tim
  7. it looked like this...
  8. greetings from the land of aprilia.. ! thought I'd check in again... nice hooters section btw.. good to see you're all maintaining a perky cylinder attitude. I bought the Arai SZ as an alternate to my full face Arai. As a visually challenged (must have been the long hours in the hooters thread) person I find taking off and replacing my glasses a pain.. and the Arai SZ works wonderfully.. Noisy? not too bad.. but then again I'm going deaf.. Field of vision? Fabulous... I can see things out of the corner of my eye that were impossible with the full face ... ie. cell phone toting mama's in Nissan Armadas... oh.. spent 3 wks in London/Kent.. Paris.. Florence.. 20th anniversary and all that.. wonderful. each place was great. .. UK and Europe are fabulous.. warm people.. great food .. really really good wine !!!!!! but I had to wait until Florence to hear and see a Tuono blasting down a side street with the exhaust reverberating off the buildings.. ah. italy... everywhere else it was MEGA SCOOTERS !!!! ;-) cheers, Tim
  9. you'll have to tell the missus to have it out for a walk a bit more often then... lack of use makes the bits go rusty..
  10. not a caption... but man, what a clear case of target fixation.
  11. this thread is floundering now....
  12. I've ridden much of that route, and it will be hot. Camelbacks are a good idea. When I did one of those "1000 miles in 24 hour" rides, I was filling up a 2 liter camelback everytime I filled up the tank on my Concours.
  13. how much did you pay for the colour matched sidestand rest.....? nice looking bike!
  14. best to get back to the subject at hand...
  15. fine then.. small displacement guzzi click here
  16. I won't be attending.. don't forget to post pics! see you all later this year
  17. My thoughts? while she may enjoy meeting some of us, she'll probably recoil at meeting most of us !!!! ;-) forecast is for rain
  18. looks like postscript commands sent to a printer that's unable to process postscript commands...
  19. there was enough rain that I almost ditched the Aprilia !! we should either meet at the same starbucks (580 & 680) as last year, or down towards San Jose for breakfast w/ Hal..
  20. oh for pete's sake....... wonder what the point looks like for that ?
  21. where were you guys? I was at the starbucks but no one else showed up !
  22. Day trip for me.. I'm up for breakfast too.. Hal.. let us know a spot ? we'll meet you there? cheers, tim
  23. bump.. I'm still planning on being there.. any bay area (Mike?) folks want to meet locally for the ride to hollister?
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