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Everything posted by GuzzTim

  1. have you all forgotten :
  2. David I won't comment on Speed Sports.. I have had great service from Munro in San Fran... The service guy there is Brendan, and he has managed to do small fixes on the spot when I drive in.. like changing a bulb, or relay.... When I bought the bike from them they would not let me take it until they did the transmission recall.. I only had to wait a week... cheers, Tim
  3. On my 2001 v11 Sport the stock bar ends are actually about 3-4" long.. the extension goes up into the bar. I tried a set of the aprilia heavy throttlemeister, but the thread on the throttlemeister was coarser than the stock bar ends and wouldn't fit.. So.. several questions.. 1) Are the bar ends on the V11 Sport (2001) different than subsequent years and models ? 2) Is there a throttlemeister that will fit the threads ? 3) Or am I looking at compression fitting if I want to change to the throttlemeister. Thanks, Tim
  4. LMAO. I agree w/ Stormedge on this.. start with a good basic 3/8" set. I still have my set from Canadian Tire that I bought in the mid eighties.. My advice would be to add on tools each time you need them, which is to say that you should never EVER use the wrong tool for the job (ie vice grips in place of a box end wrench).. So each time you're working on something and don't have the tool, take a break and go buy a good one.. Apart from the tools listed already, get a good torque wrench too.. and a nice plasma TV to hang on the wall of the garage as you work on the bike..!! Oh, and a good set of screwdrivers and allen keys.. Cheers Tim
  5. usually it'll take a beer or three before a corner looks good enough to give me the genital bends.. I've never gone to bed with any ugly corners, but I've woken up with a few.. Genital Bends? Maybe you should go a size up in your leathers... Is that a genital bend in your pocket, or are you just glad to see the MGS... somebody help me.. Antonio has taken over my keyboard...
  6. Craig I found this one the other day.... http://www.skykingproducts.com/Merchant2/m...de=120203003824
  7. Stormsedge DON"T DUMP THE REEL TO REEL !! If you record Golden Earring's "Radar Love", and play it backwards slowly you'll hear a voice repeating "There's room in the garage for one more Guzzi, There's room in the garage for one more Guzzi..." Trust me, it works... and I think its the voice of Jessica Hahn.... or Diane Sawyer.. I always get them confused... Cheers, Tim Now can we go back to oil????
  8. while I admire the collective Guzzi knowledge on this forum, clearly y'all don't know jack about music reproduction... This is my turntable. Nothing will reproduce your Iron Butterfly, Moby Grape, or mid 70's Ted Nugent recordings better than this little device. Ya, you can go spend thousands more on finicky glass platter turntables, but will it sound just as good when your roommate throws up on it right in the middle of John Bonham's solo in Moby @#$$#! ? I think not.. I mean, you tape a couple of pennies to the end of this tone arm and it can cut through chunks... Know what I mean? So let's return this thread to oil.. and Guzzi's... for the better good of all.
  9. so is it something I should worry about? Thanks, Tim
  10. thanks Paul... you're right, it looked more like an bleeder nipple as it had a cap.. What do you mean by "is it not the clutch self" ? can you clarify? Because it only makes the squeak when I pull in the clutch handle (with the engine off) I thought it must be something mechanical, something with a joint or hinge as opposed to being within the clutch plates etc... The hydraulic line must push in some rod and maybe that's where the squeak is.. Thanks, Tim
  11. About 3 weeks ago I started hearing a squeak when I pulled in the clutch.. A minor annoyance, and I thought it was coming from somewhere in the transmission as opposed to being a squeak at the lever. When tinkering with the bike yesterday I noticed what appears to be a grease nipple at the back of the engine where the clutch line goes into the transmission.. Is this a grease nipple? and if so, how the heck do you get a grease gun in there.?? Thanks, Tim
  12. Ditto to what Steve G. says.. I have the FBF kit and it makes a wonderful sound. Tim
  13. I like loud... Does that mean I need the Bub system??? and I'm not kidding .. a twin like this needs to sing like Caruso ..
  14. nevermind.. figured it out and its installed and working.. Thanks. Tim
  15. Hi Just got my kit.. I notice that there are three wires on the new taillight... none of which are "earth" or "ground"... What do I do with the existing ground wires from the harness? ground to frame? Seems weird to me Thanks Electrically Challenged Tim
  16. Sean do you mean installing a K&N filter in the stock airbox or replacing the airbox lid w/ the FBF kit? or do you mean replacing the airbox entirely w/ K&N pods vs. using the FBF lidless kit? Cheers, Tim
  17. Jaap.. Couple of other places to consider.. Mt. Shasta and the area around Bend, Oregon. I'm up for a Bay area dinner.. and if you're suffering withdrawal symptoms from riding, you can sign up to take my mighty GS550 for a very noisy ride... Cheers. Tim
  18. Drove the car to Munroe on Saturday.. Brendan in service gave me a new steel bracket right away and ask for me to return the broken one when I can.. Good service. Tim
  19. just noticed my left side bracket was broken.... Will call Munroe Motors in the morning and see what they can do.. Regards, Tim
  20. ya.. but $200 goes a long way towards a Stucchi... or PCIII... For me the question has been the Guzzi kit for $1000, or the sum of pipes, xover, and PCIII..about the same I guess, but more flexibility if you go plan B. In the meantime I'll keep drilling the stock cans !! cheers, Tim
  21. Ditto on the Formotion clock for my V11 Sport... Nice and clean Tim
  22. as mentioned above, I order this online yesterday... Called today to see if they actually had it in stock (given the two month wait) and they assured me that all the parts for the kits were in... So unitl we buy them all out we should be able to get them quickly. Cheers, Tim
  23. ordered my kit yesterday.. hopefully it won't take two months... Cheers, Tim
  24. must have just been the water... just started it and the light goes off... I'll keep an eye on it for awhile.. Thanks for the feedback Cheers, Tim
  25. reasonable question.. forgot to mention that of course I checked the oil level... Thanks, Tim
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