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Everything posted by GuzzTim

  1. GuzzTim

    2nd bike opinions

    I had somewhat of a similar experience switching from the Tuono to the Guzzi.. except after 1/2 hour of being back on the guzzi it made sense again.... Tuono is great..
  2. Hey Tom.. sorry to hear about the arm.. and even sorrier to to think you've resorted to talking to computers !! ;-) Mike.. if you're thinking motard, maybe you should check out the Hp2 or whatever that BMW dirt bike is.. I saw one the other day, gave the rider the thumbs up, and he promptly wheelied through the intersection.. The world needs more 1200cc motards.
  3. selling the kaw and sold the duc.. I think Newton's Ninth Law of Motorcycling says that you now get to buy one Supermotard to replace them...
  4. Hey Mike If I want to keep the front wheel on the ground I'll bring the Scarabeo 500.. otherwise its the Tuono! Nice stable of bikes btw. how's that V7 replica coming along? Cheers, Tim
  5. it was a good (and warm) ride last time.. are ex-guzzi, now Aprilia riders welcome???
  6. its worth it.. I've done it by bike, and this summer did SF to Whistler in the car w/ the wife and kids.. Whistler back to SF in 17 hours straight... I'd say yes to all the comments above.. rent a car in SFO airport.. drive through the city (including Lombard St) to the Golden Gate.. Drive north on Hwy 1.. stop in Mendicino.. Make Oregon your first day stopping point. Go see Mt St Helens.
  7. dunno. here's another shot.. I'd expect implants to buldge out the top..
  8. there are always bigger and better things in life.. no replacement for displacement doncha know..
  9. interesting planning this trip.. I think we're going to rent a car for a week just for the ability to get off the beaten path. and of course I'll rent a V11 for me and let the wife drive the kids in the car.
  10. So it appears that the family Graham will hit the continent this august.. We'll be visiting rellies in UK, then take the train to Paris to show the children the place where mum & dad had a lot of fun before the kids came along and made us pretend to be responsible...... We may they go off to visit friends in Germany - around Waldorf... Question.. Paris to Waldorf.. take the train or rent a car.. ? Car hire seems to be pretty cheap & w/ 4 people gives more flexibility to stop and sample the wine.. Thanks
  11. Italian Army - Special Winter Alpine Division nicknamed "Il Testiclulari Frigidoso"
  12. well, some of us just like the challenge....
  13. did a couple 1000 in 24 hrs.. fairly easy 50cc.. bit tiring.. did it in 46hrs 1500 in 24hrs - haven't done it.. that would be hardcore
  14. Soviet bovine pacemaker.. circa 1952
  15. change relays.
  16. .....funny, I ran out of currants Saturday while making a curry, so had to use raisins... turned out pretty good if I say so myself
  17. I'm selling them.. !! buy them ..!! bid often.. free picture of BFG in every pipe..
  18. Thank you BFast. You are a gentleman and a scholar.
  19. WTF ? Would somebody please translate into FREAKIN english??? Tie in the universal translator Sulu.... Sulu.. .. Yohoo ! Sulu.. alas, it seems poor Sulu is off shopping on a different floor now.. Beam him up Scotty !
  20. are we talking about the ENV or is this in reference to Staedtler's multi-x post...
  21. ENV, Fuel Cell bike. Built by you Brits.. clearly the result of having to spend too much time indoors due to rain, cold, sleet, high gas prices..etc etc.etc. nothing to do, kids are sleeping, missus isn't giving it away.. think I'll design a really wierd form of transportation....
  22. after extensive research the answer is "yes".. enjoy
  23. GuzzTim

    02 Scura

    Tom I think you should get the Brutale.. and let me ride it. Just a suggestion Cheers, Tim
  24. damn that's a good looking bike ! corbin seat ! I rode that puppy to Vegas and back a couple of times. Thanks for the photo ! but Guzzi's make you look like this :
  25. is the house right behind that window for rent by chance?
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