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Everything posted by GuzzTim

  1. Mark ... count me in for the ride on Sunday... would it be blasphemy to bring the Tuono ??? ;-) I promise not to dump it in a gravel parking lot. ! Cheers, Tim
  2. 12th works for me. Cheers, Tim
  3. I'll keep an eye out for it. Cheers, Tim
  4. bshpilot... too funny. Tim Graham, San Francisco, go check it out in w3.bluepages.
  5. Carl.. put away the 3270 screen and grab something w/ a GUI. VM is great, but you really need to get out of the 70's !!! Cheers, Tim
  6. Very cool.. I even like the bobber. Suicide shift? Looks like really nice work.. Cheers, Tim
  7. GuzzTim


    you have no sense of adventure !
  8. GuzzTim


    I had the solenoid fail on my 2 month old Tuono... so its not just guzzi's.. easiest way to check if its the solenoid is to bridge the terminals with the ignition on... if it cranks the motor then its the solenoid.. cheers, Tim
  9. GuzzTim

    Tool Pouch

    Right on ! My motto is "take half the clothes and twice the cash"...
  10. I like Portishead, Luna... listening to Wilco a lot.. Also Madeleine Peyroux if you like torch/jazz singers. Then a bunch of indie stuff like Iron&Wine, The Reindeer Section etc.etc.. valium music. but for sheer sonic steamroller you can't beat the Smashing Pumpkins "Jellybelly" off of Melancholy and the Infinite Sadness. That song just builds and builds.. I would be afraid to ride with that blasting in my helmet.. I'd probably redline in 7th gear ! its kinda like the effect of Daltry's scream in "won't get fooled again" magnified 1000 times. and Suzi Quattro.. now that brings back memories... !
  11. Its nice to see that aftermarket parts are available for more than just bikes.... Just finished my commute into San Fran on the Guzzi.. Traffic was very light, and as always a joy to ride across the Bay Bridge and see the city, the ships sailing under the bridge, the Golden Gate in the distance... This is a great town to ride into when there's no traffic. If you want to see a broad (no pun intended) spectrum of guzzi babes, check out www.cyclegarden.com Cheers, Tim
  12. Looks great.. what mirrors are those? Cheers, Tim
  13. LOL!! I'd love to hear them. Have fun!
  14. Jason I left mine stock when I did my first track day at Laguna. I think I ran about 30-32psi in the tires though. I agree with the above about stock.. I learned a lot about my limits and my V11's limits on the track, which were really valuable on the street. I think to change the bars/riding position on the track would make you lose some of the familiarity you gain when you take it back to the street. KB makes really good points. Cheers, Tim
  15. GuzzTim

    Redline in 6th

    Dlaing.. are you talking 120 on the 401 eastbound? what the heck you doing up in Ontario? Toronto's my old home town... Anyway, when I was at the track day at Laguna I don't think I hit over 110 and I was really trying to flog in on the straightaway.. Mind you, I was also shutting it down sooner that the other riders heading into corner 2.. You would need an airstrip or long desert road to wind it out to the top... I think I've had the Guzz to about 125 or so.. I really like the engine when its revving from 5500-7000.. Cheers, Tim
  16. Mike That's where I bought my V11 and where I've gotten it serviced. Brendon in service is a very good guy.. Cheers, Tim hey, when are we going to do a G&B vs. the Tuono shootout?
  17. when I got the Tuono, I bought the Givi Arrows .. They sit a bit close to the Tuono pipe, so I mounted then on the V11 to see if they fitted ok.. I put the front strap in front of the pillion cover, the center strap under the cover, and the back strap over the hump.. I must admit I haven't used them yet, so I can't say how they'd sit loaded.. but they look pretty good and fit the lines of the bike... Cheers, Tim
  18. man.. I hope it wasn't my karma catching up with you.. About 10-12 yrs ago my cousin & I rode on my 69 Ambo to grab lunch.. I parked sideways in the parking spot with no cars beside me, put it on the centerstand, and walked across the street to sit at a sidewalk cafe. A family of 4 drive up in their new Mazda 929, and park in the spot beside my front wheel, and sit in the same sidewalk cafe..... Cousin & I finish lunch, I get on the bike, start it, neutral light is on so I roll it off the centerstand.. Of course its in gear and I go "WHACK" into the rear passenger door of their brand new white 929.. with them watching horrified. Nevertheless I was very apologetic, insurance covered it etc..etc.. but man, it was sure embarassing. Cheers, Tim
  19. Chris I've had my Guzzi for about a year and a half.. I find it actually rides better above 80mph, or for me when its riding about or above 5000rpm. Mine vibrates a lot at 4200-4500 which is roughly 70-75mph, so I tend to ride in 5th gear until I can wind it up a bit. anyway, when I was looking to replace my Kawasaki Concours last year I test drove a whole bunch of bikes including the 1200GS.. I was pretty happy with the 1150 variants that I test drove previously, but the 1200GS was just light years better. Like Dave says below, it was really fast, smooth and stable. Its better enough that I wouldn't consider the 1150s anymore.. But for a number of reasons including style, soul, and price I ended up going with an Aprilia Tuono.. go figure..! The Tuono is great and rowdy, comfortable for longer distance.. its just got a small gas tank and limited range, which the Concours with its 7.7 gallon tank spoiled me... Good luck selecting.. Shopping for bikes is a fun thing to do ! Cheers, Tim
  20. Philbo I didn't remap.. I have the FBF lidless box, and the Staintunes w/ baffles out and just run stock ECU. The shop did tweak the mixture a bit, but it runs ok and the plugs are a good color.. At some point I will get a PCIII and tune it, but for now its just fine. As for loud, the Staintunes are not loud. In fact I'd say they are quieter than my original drilled stock pipes. They are a deeper sound too. The Arrow on my Tuono is FREAKIN LOUD... so I do have a point of reference for the Staintunes !!! So I run without the baffles, and leave my house at 06:00 in the morning.. No neighbors have complained yet. Cheers, Tim
  21. Bento Dunno about the bags.. but. Let me know how the Bubs fit. I gather these are the ones that were sold for either the Centauro or the 1100 Sport? I think RacerX referred to them as "NASCAR loud".. I have the Staintunes on my V11.. But I do love the sound of LOUD.. If the Bubs fit your V11 it may be something for me to consider. Cheers, Tim
  22. Don't even try it.. it hurts a lot !!! I was once coming up to a red light, braking pretty hard when at the same time I hit a bump that was big enough it lifted my butt off the seat... With the loss of friction between butt and seat, I slammed head first (so to speak) into the back of the gas tank.. It was painful.
  23. So I've been riding the Goose to work lately, except when it wouldn't start.. You know the drill, everything lights up, fuel pump whirrs... hit the starter and just a click... Then magically days later it would start. I emailed Dan for the GEIs, they arrived in two days.. and lots of happy trouble free starting since !!!! Kudos to Dan, great to do business with. Cheers, Tim oh, btw a rare event today.. Went out to my bike on Front St in San Francisco after work today, and there's a silver V11 with a Magni fairing and Guzzi performance pipes right beside mine !!! Two geese on the streets of San Francisco !! Who owns it?
  24. Ben I hear ya. I was thinkin' it may be the flux capacitor
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