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Everything posted by GuzzTim

  1. Badmotoguzzer.. good call.. point to you Staedtler.. sorry, that's the pic I pulled from her website. google her last name and you'll see enough to whet your appetite.. Paul.. thanks for the pre and post aftermarket accessories.. I dunno, sometimes stock is more attractive than augmented.. but there is no replacement for displacement I guess. Cheers, Tim
  2. where's my point Jaap !!!!
  3. For a point. Name Country of origin Year of manufacture Weight Displacement
  4. Killenger & Freund 1938 3 cyl prototype
  5. I thought it was an FN....
  6. while searching for Helicopter Jim's quiz #9 I stumbled across this.. I may never see properly again.. the horror.. the horror
  7. can't slap the kid, life's tough enough already . I gotta believe that if the kids buggin you, then he bugs other people too. The manager has to make accomodations for have a employee with special needs, and those accomodations have to include providing an environment where his needs/skills fit in with the rest of the employees. If he's disruptive, then the manager should put him in a position in the store where he's more effective. I'd talk to the manager.
  8. I agree on "Ninja"... I really couldn't bring myself to buy a Kawi (and I like Kawi's) sport bike because of the Ninja on it.. makes me think of Chris Farley in black tights, and that's not a long term mental health strategy... Madura.. good point. sounds like a southern insult as in "y'all can kiss madura"... I can't figure out if Volusia sounds like a skanky exotic dancer or that sound your diaphagm makes when you projectile vomit .. I think its the latter... But what about a 1981 Yamaha "Exciter" ?? woo hoo..
  9. Tuono.. got one, and love it.
  10. Steve I've got an 01 and the same kit.. I don't recall cutting anything.... but if you can hang on til tomorrow I'll take a few photos of my connections and post Cheers, Tim
  11. I dunno.. I can't say I've run into a bad cop.. I've been stopped twice in the last year, once on the guzzi and two weeks ago on the Tuono.. I was stuck behind a van on an on-ramp and he was going 5 mph.. which is something I hate, you have to be going the speed of traffic or better when you get on a highway. Anyway, I cranked it past him on the two lane on ramp, sped into the flow of traffic and then backed off and settled into the slow lane. A cop immediately pulled me over. He'd obviously been coming up the highway before the ramp and saw what looked like a biker weaving onto the highway .. I shut the bike off, got off it and removed my helmet. When I handed him my license (age always helps, not a young squid) and explained what I did with the slow van he handed my license back and said "fair enough".. When motoring on the highway on the Tuono I was going about 10 mph faster than traffic when a BMW cop came up behind me and turned on the lights. Again off to the side, bike off, and helmet off. Handed over the license. He said he saw me passing a couple of cars at a pretty good rate (which means no radar or accurate speed check) and asked where I was going. Told him the bike was new and was just out on a sunny day putting some miles on it. We chatted about the bike, about bikes in general and then I was on my way. No power trip, no hassle. One of these days I'm sure I'll run into the bad apples... probably the next time we're all out on Hwy 25 doing silly speeds... ;-) Cheers, Tim
  12. 1938 Calthorpe.. a 350.. Took awhile to find that one.. good choice Cheers, Tim
  13. the summer my wife and I were getting married my friend went out to BC and left us his CX500.. we used to zip back and forth to church each Sunday on it... until the minister decided we'd attended enough for his blessing and in marrying us he'd finally rid the congregation of their only bikers
  14. took a while to find it...
  15. easy.. 1938 Bohmerland 1,000 Bohmerlands were built between 1924-1934 at the city of Krasna Lipa. This is the anniversary edition, 1 of 2 in the world. Drive to rear wheel via hand operated 8-speed Sturney Archer (Hurth) gearbox. Duel fuel tanks. Suspension front fork assembly has friction dampers; no rear suspension. Designed to seat three people. Production of this cycle was halted due to the onset of World War II.
  16. GuzzTim

    Bike Ramps

    I have the "rung" type..... I use it for the dirt bikes onto the little trailer, but have also used it to trailer the Tuono and the V11. No problems pushing it up the ramp because of the rungs.. Cheers, Tim
  17. wow.. next to oil and ECU's, that has been the most threaded topic.. I drilled my stock cans. nice rasp, kinda loud Then I bought Staintunes.. mellow deep sound. Even with the baffles out I think they're quieter than the drilled stock cans.. I would suspect that most slip ons will be in the same range of sound. Only straight pipes, or BUB exhaust would be a BIG difference than slip ons.. I'd say pick a set that meets your budget, esthetic, and bling requirements and go for it.. Cheers, Tim
  18. wouldn't it be "l'admission froid" ?
  19. Les Mistrals ne sera pas plus fort avec le x. Le bruit de "intake" sera plus fort avec le K&N.. C'est un bruit gentil. (I have no idea what the french word for intake is.) Vous devriez acheter un PCIII. Your dealer can make some adjustments to the fuel, but its better to remap Cheers, Tim
  20. GuzzTim


    Jim Was in a dealer yesterday. He said 6 are coming to the US and he's getting one. Should be in the shop next week. Any news on yours? Cheers, Tim
  21. I agree.. it is a classic look. I think there are problems with their mounting etc.. True??? We should find someone willing to do a run of Carbon Fiber knock off Magnis... that would be cool on my black v11 Cheers, Tim
  22. GuzzTim

    Merry Xmas

    ya.. but remember, this is his house.. photo taken last july
  23. Diabolical !!!!!! so when's the first road test? looking great Mike, but where's the NOx ? Cheers, Tim
  24. here's the tank removal thread: http://www.v11lemans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=2332 not sure about the torque for the bolt though.. I have the FBF lidless and love the sound.. Cheers, Tim
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