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About madbunny

  • Birthday 02/28/1985

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Community Answers

  1. thanks stallon. I feel like I've had some gray hair because of stress.
  2. hi paul. exactly yes..! the wrong belt timing from ex-worker. When I checked through the endoscope, the piston and valve have already touched. If it had started engine, it would have been huge damaged. this mgs were 84th born. 0084. Exactly how many units have been produced? I think I saw 133 units somewhere.
  3. wrong belt timing problem + ecu eeprom erase. There was not enough explanation in the manual, but somehow it succeeded.
  4. hi tom. that front showa gold fork for my KTMito690. not for sale.
  5. https://youtu.be/ANNcLfrtT4o Hi guzzi mate. MGS01 no start... problem solved! It's simple to wake up with a button ex-shop's mistake caused the engine head assembly go wrong. That's why interrupted the engine rotate and Sen8I3 prevented the signal from being made. If you have a similar problem, I think you will be able to answer with confidence.
  6. madbunny


  7. When Pete says something, it pays to listen. He has worked on Moto Guzzis before. Looking at your first post, it seems like pic 1 oscilloscope trace shows a lower sensor voltage and lower speed than pic 2. The SENS813 is an inductive pickup, which would put out lower voltage pulses if the gap to the phonic wheel was large. I think you could try reducing the SEN813 sensor gap to the minimum, and temporarily leave the o-ring seal out, just to check. As I see it, the sequence of events in the ECU are: 1. ECU Power on, self test, sensor check, and pump prime. 2. The ECU then waits until SEN813 pulses reach a "run" threshold. 3. The ECU will then turn on coils and injectors as instructed by the BIN file program. If the SEN813 sensor is faulty, or if the gap is too large, the ECU will not power the coils and injectors. As Chuck mentioned, electrical connectors can cause problems, and it is a good idea to remove and clean the connector to the ECU. What does your instrument panel RPM display show during cranking when it is sparking and not sparking? Be aware too that your manual says "If in the wrong position, the bank angle sensor may lead to sudden engine stalling". You mentioned this at the start, but you could try disconnecting it. thanks marty. Today I heard from the owner, car hit the parked MGS! so reassembled the left engine head by ex-repair shop before. and that the engine did not start after that. If so, it would have been reassembled the timing belt. Fortunately,the valve and the pistons are not contact. there is strong doubt in timing belt assemble. i want to reassemble timing belt, but the contents of the manual are not sufficient. if there incorrect belt assemble, Could there be a difficult section of the starter motor running? (when Left piston do uprise, Right piston cause a pull?) I agree If starter motor running slow, it could interfere with the operation of Sen8I3 as pete said.
  8. thanks reply everyone! I try brand new motobatt AGM battery & starter motor run seperate to 80A car battery. also change 46 ECU relay. (original -> omron 30A) unfortunely, It's still the same. But when sparkplug plugged in, The negative signal from the ECU doesn't work. So I suspecting the ECU, I made a replica(900ss 15M into MGS01 data) and tested it. There is no difference, but I want to put other data into the ECU and try again. I can only put 64 kb of factory data. How can I transmit the vast amount of information about tunerpro? And I don't know where to get the tunerpro data from MGS01. anyone happen to know?
  9. hi gstallons. I switch the 3 testers. illuminated tester(pen type), osilloscope, hioki multitester. yes, coil connector has 2 wire. 12v(B+) , other line is came from ECU. If connect two lines and test them, light turns on. when without spark plug only......
  10. hi docc this is MGS-01 wiring diagram. It is a really simple, because there are no lights or accesory.
  11. hi dave. spark plugs can't wet because spark & injector not work both. if pull out spark plug, then injectors works fine.
  12. thanks Marty. but i already tried to air gap clearance. I have 5 each size shim. also tested ignition test by guzzidiag (actor -> ignition L or R) there's no problem about ground wiring.
  13. https://youtu.be/PMR4jUTGTic Hi Guzzi mates. my MGS suddenly death, just had 64km odo. I tried almost way for ignition start. and attach movie file about this situation. no spark & no spray. I was tested about... *change new battery *change new SEN8I3 angle sensor *change new spark plug *change coil & wire *check fuse *check alternator & regulator (both exclude for engine start) *check ecu relay point, diode check (without relay, directly wire jump) *check ground wire condition *check 12V wire condition & voltage down *run starter motor independent battery powered *SEN8I3 signal check to Osilloscope *Bank angle sensor check (also check pcb & chip burn) Just spark plug it in, and it won't ignite. the plug hole not ignite either when a Insulator(plastic, rubber also) is inserted. I think when the engine turns faster(low registance), the signal reacts. It appears to be blocking the ignition by resistance. But the speed of the starter motor seems to be enough. Something to have a strong restriction, but I don't know why. Is there anything I haven't done? If you have time, I'd like you to think about it together please.
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