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  • Location
    Pinckney, Michigan U.S.A.
  • My bike(s)
    73Eldorado, 97Centauro, 84BMW RS, 2012 BMW GT1600, 72 Norton,2002 Lemans

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  1. If you go to COG (www.Centauro-Owners.com) Mike Delval he might still have a RH cylinder head.
  2. So Bill does this mean you wouldn't be doing your Mutton Run this year? Thought I might try the Spine Raid this year so hope to see you there. Meet a few of the other inmates.
  3. I guess I should do this while it's still March. (The Promise of Spring) Another blast from the past
  4. After thinking on it the cover of Midnight Rider is not selling the melody like the original did. I just happened to like it. A better example just driving the melody would be more like The Who Eminence Front.
  5. I hope you restore the Centauro as it was. Don't know how rough it is but it's a great looking bike. I own a V11 and a Centy and the Centauro just always gets more positive comments when I'm out riding it (that's the truth). Took a while for looks to hook me I really like it now.
  6. If your waiting for the bridge on that song I sure hoped you brown bagged your lunch cause you might get hungry. Reminded me of how long you have wait for the bridge on Midnight Rider.
  7. I haven't been following the weather as this is typical for Michigan. I would say for people down south who might not have as much insulation in their home. If your getting sub zero temps for more than a couple days you need to run your faucets every once and a while to keep your pipes from freezing.
  8. What can say the motorcycle off season can not end soon enough.
  9. Kevin_T

    Custom seats

    I for one would like a center stand. The best use I can think for the lemans is a four-day weekend doing about 1300-1600 miles through the mountains. They don't have many mountains in Michigan, so I need to travel. I don't see the Guzzi as a true sport bike but a sport tourer, and it's a pleasure to ride in that manner. That is probably why we might disagree on this point. A rounded seat like you're suggesting might allow you to shift your weight better but, I don't need to knee drag. Moving my butt foreword an inch or so allows me to shift my body into a corner getting all the lean angle I'm ever going to need on a public road. If you have a crown on your seat you're going to have a pressure point running down the center of your buttock after 3 days of that the pain is going to be inescapable. No number of shorts is going to overcome it (you could also use wooden beads to get air underneath you) two different problems. A leather seat requires maintenance a vinyl seat it's optional. There are options beside leather like Kontour Seats they have a polar-mesh fabric but, it's hard for me to get my head around the look of the fabric. On a blistering hot day leather is more comfortable than vinyl and it doesn't cost massive amounts of money or additional weight. Not trying to sell anyone anything just trying to tell things I've learned the hard way.
  10. Kevin_T

    Custom seats

    If you want a comfy seat the larger the contact area the better. I mean you have to consider what's appealing to the eye. If you look at Chris's seat it has a nice pocket that extends out to the very edge of the seat. His seat looks like it would cradle him well. That's one reason I like bikes with a mild tuck position the back of the thighs bears some of the load as well. My Russell seat is full leather I don't really baby it. Twice a year I use mink oil on it and looks brand new. I do cover it when traveling and I'm done for the night. Cover is about size of the OEM tool roll. I've left it uncovered a few times in the rain. If it's conditioned well the seat is pretty water repellent.
  11. Kevin_T

    Custom seats

    Having a custom seat isn't for everyone. If never ride more than 2 1/2 hours at a time the stock seat should serve your needs just fine before you start squirming. Also the stock seat looks pretty good. If you are occasionally in the saddle more than 5 hours in a day you might want to look into a custom seat. Of all the mods I've done to my motorcycles a custom seat has been the best money ever spent. I've had a couple Corbins, one Rich Mound, and a Russell day long. 700 dollars who hasn't more than that on a exhaust system, and Chris got a leather seat which added another 100 dollars to the cost. Living in Portland I'm not so sure about leather. Leather really comes into its own when temperatures are like 90 degrees F and above. That's the time when vinyl just feels nasty.
  12. I haven't heard any wind instruments in quite a while here.
  13. Did a little research on Boz Scaggs and he was talking about Steve Miller being an influence for (hmm.. Steve Miller that's someone I haven't thought about in awhile).
  14. In the diagram part #2 the spring stool has a pin mark that lines up with the left hand cylinder you want to take a paint stick and mark it better visibility.
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