First timer on here, so be gentle. I recently picked up a 2003 LeMans with Motratech foot controls installed. Low mileage and a beautiful bike. I bought this our of state and trailered it back, so I heard it run but never rode it. Seemed like an outstanding machine and a reputable seller. When I got it home, I took it to the dealer to have the stock pegs and levers installed. ( I never rode it with the Motratech bits on it.) Now I have problems on the upshifts. Not all or every time, and not always the same gear. But I'd say it does it 10% of the time. You pull in the clutch, bring the shifter up to the end of it's travel, and nothing is there. Seems more likely to do it at higher revs, but nothing excessive. Could be any gear above first, and quite random. My tech, who I believe is a very qualified guy but I don't know how many of these he's seen, has attempted to adjust the linkage twice and the issue persists. I could really use some input. Am I looking at transmission issues? This is doing a number on my new dream bike glow.