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Everything posted by tikkanen

  1. I'll bring all the lard in the world you can imagine, Macguzzi. It's actually wrapped around my stomach... Ok, off to pack the beast now and make her ready for tomorrows trip. Looking forward to seeing you! Cheers Søren
  2. Just wikipediaded 'Arbroath' and I can assure you that I won't bring any smoked haddocks with me! Bear in mind that I'm sharing a room with Rob Ballabio Bertie who farts for England and smokes like a chimney..... Søren
  3. You're raving mad, BFG. Must be the long cold nights up in Belfast combined with too much Tullamore Dew.... Anyways, who in God's name can afford to spend 1200$ a night for a villa? They're definitely not civil servants as I am.....Blimey!
  4. Nothing beats British/Irish humor, BFG.... Thanks for your kind offer, especially #3 seems to meet my needs, but I stick to the kind offers from Guy and Martin. See you up in Ken Bridge. Cheers Søren
  5. I'm getting nervous now, Rob...... Awright, I'm off now. The old bat is waiting upstairs with cold white wine and who-knows-what so I'm calling it a day. Safe trip, Robbie darling and I'll see you in Jockland on Friday. Tara Søren
  6. I'll bring a trailer full of smokes so don't worry, mate.
  7. Helen will keep Guy in a short leash whereas you are a lose canon, mon amis! Don't expect a red rose on your pillow or a massage with a happy ending, luv' Søren
  8. You guys are f***** sick, you know that? Don't get any funny ideas, Bertie, or I'll tear your bits off! Don't tell that you weren't warned.... Guy, I thank you very much for your kind offer. Just checked the distance from Dover to Huddersfield and it's doable. I just have to leave Copenhagen at 0 dark thirty but I plan to arrive at your crip in the afternoon. Rob, have a safe trip from the Orkneys. Good to hear that the Guzzi is back in running order again :-) Once again thanks and I'm looking forward to seeing you all at Ken Bridge. Later Søren
  9. Just sitting here with cabin fever waiting to go to Ken Bridge. Checked availability for ferries to Newcastle and then came up with this mad idea: Why don't you just drive all the way? Well, it's a 1862km oneway trip which means I'll drive to Calais, France, and take the chunnel to Dover, England on Thursday. Copenhagen - Calais is a 9 hour trip so I plan to crash somewhere south of London and then head up north early on Friday. It's not that I'm a tight bastard but the ferry from i.e. Gothenburg, Sweden - Newcastle is 24hour trip! The Amsterdam - Newcastle ferry is a 15hour trip so I might as well just spend the time on the road. Expect the arrival of "Søren the Baboon Arse" Friday evening 1800-ish, inshalah. Really looking forward to see you chaps up in Ken Bridge, New Galloway. Can't wait.... Cheers Søren PS: Any news about the petrol situation up in Scotland? Are they still on strike or what? PPS: I can be reached on telephone +45 2344 0857. If I'm on the road then please leave a message on my voicemail. Thanks!
  10. Yup, you bet! I'll bring a longboat for the loot.... Anybody else who fancies a new tank? When we take a trip on Saturday do we pay John a visit? Søren
  11. Private Tikkanen is ready, Sarge! Steen cannot make it as he is moving out that weekend, unfortunately, so I'll be on my own to Jockland. Looking forward to a superb weekend. Cheer Søren
  12. What's the big deal? Looks like me fixing the Scura during coffee break.... Okay, got to admit that those spanners are excellent. They can do wonders in no time. More hats off.. BTW, Guy, any news about the petrol situation in Scotland? Shall we bring our own jerry cans along for the V11 rally in Dumfries or what? Cheers Søren
  13. Hi BFG, nothing beats a nice sweep around the countryside, ay? These guys are f****** mental. Full stop! To ride the NW 200 you need bucketsize tea-stickles and loads of testosteron. Spent last weekend in Assen, The Netherlands, for the Supersport and Superbike Series. These guys - and we're talking Bayliss, Haga, Corser, Biaggi, Toseland, Muggeridge et al - look like a bunch of boyscouts on a field trip compared to Rutter, Haslam and so on. Hats off and massive respect! Thanks for sharing! Cheers Søren
  14. Yo, massive respect, Bro´Gyles! Ok, back to the queens English: Well done, Gyles! Good to see and hear that you are flying the Italian colours (spelled witn a 'u', my Amerícan friends!! ) Thanks for sharing Guy! Cheers Søren
  15. Hi Guy Long time no see - been away for a while but will PM you during the weekend. As for the Moto GP I tend to follow your not so wild guess. Pedrosa was awesome in Qatar and so was the two 'newbies' (at least in Moto GP') Dovizioso and Lorenzo. Those kids have absolutely no respect for them ol´ chaps like Vale, Hayden, Edwards and bunch and it's such a relief. I foresee a much more interesting Moto GP season than last year's. I also keep my fingers crossed for Tosie as he's such a superb rider. Seeing him winning last years Superbike WC was a thrill and he deserves to be up in the top ranks. Got your bike out yet? We are still suffering the last remains of snow and sleed here in Denmark but eventually Spring will arrive, ins-allah!! Cabin fever? Me? You bet..... All the best Søren
  16. Hi Tim, welcome to the forum and good luck with your V11. To me this homepage has proven to be invaluable; there are so many good people out there in cyberspace with so much knowledge. Seven other bikes? cheers Søren
  17. Hi Paul, Count me in - I've been on the lookout for new wheels since I purchased the Scura. Anybody else?? Søren
  18. Hi again, sitting here in p... cold Denmark with heavy rainshowers and what have you, brrr! Can't wait till Spring so I can get the bike out again. Anyways, just talked a Danish mate of mine, Steen, who rides a Ducati ST3 (you know, one of those funny Bologna bikes). He wouldn't mind joining us at the rally but I better ask Mr. Organizer AKA Guy whether we want infidels to join us at the holy grail up in Scotland? Steen is housetrained, has his own garage and is bloody fine chap. We rode to Assen last year to watch the Supebike and Supersport races and we had a blast. He smokes, drinks and farts so he should fit in with the reminder of the motley crew.... Cheers Søren
  19. Oooops! Just saw that this was my 666th posting. Being slightly superstitious I better make it 667th.... Søren
  20. Hi Joe, have just read the story now but what a trip! Thanks for sharing. Cheers Søren
  21. tikkanen

    Merry Christmas

    What a story, Docc. A Merry to you and your family and good luck with the tranny Cheers Søren
  22. And a Merry Christmas to you too, Van With love and regards from the (dark) Scura side Søren
  23. Amen!! Basically, who needs a 180 bhp (+) rocket which goes from zero to disaster in 2.5 seconds? Admit it - you don't. I absolutely agree with Dan M on this issue. Had a dry run on a 996S Ducati - a fantastic looking bike but not suitable for a lanky fat bastard like yours truly. Could place it on the mantelpiece though...... Driving fast is dead easy; any sad plonker from the local pub can do that. Handling a bike is another question and this is where the V11 steps in. Admittingly it's too heavy and too underpowered. A few more ponies and a slim fast diet wouldn't harm either but overall I'm a happy camper and won't part with my Scura. Cheers Søren
  24. A leaper failed his driving test. "But why?" he asked his driving instructor. "I did everything perfect!" "No", replied the driving instructor "You left your foot on the clutch......"
  25. Good to see all the suggestions you guys come up with if you want some inspiration then look here Best regards S
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