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po18guy last won the day on October 26 2024

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About po18guy

  • Birthday June 25

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  • My bike(s)
    66 Yamaha 305, 74 TX650, 75 RD350, 82 XJ650RJ, two GPz500S and the topper: a right decent '04 Ballabio w/4800 miles.

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  1. I would find a way to fit the Staintunes. A wonderful, sonorous tune they sing.
  2. I have found over-zealous application of shrink wrap at both ends of the cable. Thus, it was making only partial contact, squishing the shrink wrap, which will continue to compress, slowly loosening the connection. Add in that Guzzi character (vibration), and it becomes a recipe for future consternation.
  3. You have traced the battery ground cable to the transmission case and cleaned/tightened it?
  4. I do not remember the forks protruding so far above the upper triple. Later forks? This is one that would have to be thoroughly inspected in person.
  5. Got a 2-stroker? You'll have those bugs fleeing quick sticks!
  6. That battery. I know it is the compact anrdor lightweight lithium, but what is the rating in CCA? If not somewhere north of 200CCA, it might not have the reserve power you need. Normally the batts lie down, terminals to the rear.
  7. It seems typical AI clickbait.
  8. Since the EU clamps down on noise, intake noise is also targeted. A cross section of the passages in the lower box will determine if opening the upper will net an gain. I suppose you could pod filter the throttle bodies, but that would undoubtedly open Pandora's airbox.
  9. With a LeMans fairing, one could conceivably run the intakes forward of the engine, maybe even into clean air. Expensive surgery though.
  10. I note that Hiflofiltro has gotten good reviews from his channel, based on construction and materials, particularly filtering media.
  11. Here it is:
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