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po18guy last won the day on October 26 2024

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About po18guy

  • Birthday June 25

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  • My bike(s)
    66 Yamaha 305, 74 TX650, 75 RD350, 82 XJ650RJ, two GPz500S and the topper: a right decent '04 Ballabio w/4800 miles.

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  1. I think the naked and clipon models used a lower cast alloy headlight mount, as there is a difference in vertical height above the lower triple, for example. The Ballabio, Cafe Sport, Coppa Italia and a few others(?) used a headlight mount that was forward and up, to match the 'dirt bike' handlebars they came with.
  2. But then they made a V11 Sport naked with no fairing, IIRC. "Heya Luigi, thosa fairings come in? OK, werea puttin them onna da bikes today!"
  3. Which model is that? The clipons go well with the small fairing. FYI: "subbed" in my case means subservient.
  4. Have been checking into LiFePO4 batteries. Was concerned about the Lithium ion "Tesla"effect in which everything within a 50 meter radius is suddenly incinerated. However, I found a Colorado company called Earth-X that assembles their batteries in the US. They have achieved FAA certification for use in aircraft, so that must amount to something. 2 year full replacement warranty. Even though $$$, I decided to bite the battery and order one. Very small, and light, as expected. 13.65v as delivered. Took some cranking to blow the cobwebs out, but once it fired off, all was good. Definitely starts faster than the Yuasa AGM that was dying. And apparently, as the battery type has more cranking amps as it warms up(?) All new stuff to me, but anything that starts the V11 and lightens it up is OK with me.
  5. "Everybody wants to laugh... Nobody wants to cry.... Everybody wants to hear the truth... But they always tell a lie..." - Mark "Porkchop Holder, Death and the blues
  6. If you have a service manual, it lists generic torque specs based on the diameter of the fastener.
  7. I bought it back in the 80s, when it was only "expensive." I chose it as it was very flexible, able to be curled up for underseat storage. Made in USA, so you know it's vintage.
  8. To have a soul is to be imperfect. Imperfection, either in revulsion towards it or in attraction to it, inspires passion. Perfect bikes never change - but we do - and thus they may not always inspire. Give me something with flaws to accomodate; with flaws to work around and that will keep me engaged.
  9. I "thought" that diodes carried that protective capacity. I used a car battery with 6 ga. fine strand oxygen-free (blah blah blah) speaker wire to jump the old V11 and did not worry about the battery, as it is shot anyway. I specifically made the jumpers out of speaker wire and it turns out that they flow a LOT of juice.
  10. It's all one big happy Italian family!
  11. So spinning the engine key off will charge the batt?
  12. Isn't the R/R isolated when the ignition is off? We are dealing with Mandello electrics, so at some level, all bets are off.
  13. As long as the connections are directly to the battery terminals, the current flows via the shortest path, which is through the battery. Any current flow or drain would receive battery voltage in any case. However, it would be nice to have a master battery disconnect as installed on classic cars, to isolate the system and prevent any potential drain while parked.
  14. I would find a way to fit the Staintunes. A wonderful, sonorous tune they sing.
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