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Everything posted by Kane

  1. Yeah, Boots and Saddles, and Apple Jacks, too. That’s funny that you mention Neil coming in at his whim and playing. This was happening back in the 70’s, too, as I remember some people I knew who used to play there complaining that Neil would roll in unannounced and basically kick them off so he could play. A lot of my youthful recreational time was spent running around the Skyline, La Honda, Windy Hill area, parties, communes, the good old days. I imagine the plastic wrapped geodesic domes have been replaced with well-manicured over-priced homes. Kids today don’t know what they’re missing!
  2. That sounds great. I hear the weather’s been pretty nice in the Bay Area. LowRyter: was Alice’s open? La Honda was my old stompin’ grounds, many many many moons ago. Wonder what that little place is like now?
  3. That’s interesting. And reassuring! It looks like it is currently available. Had Guzzi adapted the Motul? I thought most of the factory lit that called for a brand called for Agip products.
  4. It’s about time to change the oils in my gear box and final drive, and while surveying the plethora of available oils and considering the factory recommendation to add 20ml of moly to 320ml of oil for the final drive, I came across this Motul 80w-90 mineral gearbox oil that is “reinforced” with moly. https://www.motul.com/us/en-US/products/gearbox-80w90 Has anyone tried this oil? I’m wondering if it will satisfy what the factory calls for, but there is no info on Motul’s site on the ratio of oil and moly or how much moly is contained in one liter of the product. I was going to go with Bel Ray gear oil for both the gear box and final drive and add moly to the final drive, and then I found this stuff. It would be simple to just deal with one type of oil for this. Any thoughts on the merits or use of this oil? thanks!
  5. I’ve got a buddy with a V85 and a drum brake Eldorado loop frame. He rides the loop the most. He was going to buy a new V7, but when he found and rode the loop he fell in love and passed on the V7.
  6. Chuck, thanks for posting that pic. I’m sorry Bob’s gone. I know he was a good friend and riding buddy to you and many others.
  7. Guzzibob Dickman’s 850 T3: I’m sure that many of you knew Bob and may be familiar with this bike. Bob must have really loved this bike as it’s seen a lot of road time. I know Bob was a meticulous steward of his steeds, and while she has been still for a few years I have faith that she will rise again. This should be a fun and very rewarding project! Cheers!
  8. Thanks, docc! It’s a done deal, and she went in to the Green Muse’s lair tonight. I think they’ll get along fine, I trust the beginning of a beautiful friendship I’ll post it in the “Show us yer Tontis!” thread. cheers!
  9. Hey Scud! Great to hear from you! I’m loving this space, and it’s been awesome to see what other people have going on for the their garage / man cave / moto lair. Mine is modest, but it does the trick. A lot people would consider this place a tear down, but it’s one of the oldest original homes in this area. I’m really glad that I opted for keeping the wood in a cleaned up but raw unpainted original state. It suits the vibe of this funky old school vintage So-Cal home, and it feels great being here and tweaking the “cave”. Will have to look into the epoxy floor paint to take the place up. The Green Muse will have some company soon as it looks like I will be adding a T3 in the next few days. Cheers!
  10. Rox LeMans, what exactly is an open air box? And how did you achieve it? And welcome back, Scud!
  11. That’s great that you have access to three V11s way up there in Calgary. Can you mange to visit all three? I can tell you that the shorter wheel base red frame bikes handle well and feel stable, as least to me with my bike. Mine has a fly screen like the one that you’re considering, and stock bars and pegs, and at 6’2” I find it pretty comfortable for long distance riding. Maybe for touring or rain the LeMans fairing would be nice to have. I have heard that the later longer black frames are stiffer than the earlier red frames.....is that true?
  12. Thank you, Stew! This is a great example of the true community that we have here. I feel very lucky to have my V11– an outstanding roadster — and my mates here to keep her chuggin’ down the road! Along the lines of what Tom asked.....would this diagram be applicable to a 2001 red frame model?
  13. Here’s the nasty old thing — yuk! My bad for not noticing it sooner (dark when I leave and dark when I return, and making hay in between): So it’s out with the old and in with the new, sometime down the road. In the meantime, I’m just gonna shake my head!
  14. They do look pretty good. How will they mount and work under the steering head mouthing points of the V11? What say you, guzzler? Did you go with the CSC or RSC version? How about a pic of it mounted on your bike?
  15. Thanks for the recommendations, gents!
  16. I’ve been commuting regularly now on the V11, and I believe my steering damper has had it. The daily workout seems to have caused it to seep more than usual, and the road grime is caking on. I’m going to remove it tomorrow and give the bike a good cleaning. This is the stock unit and I’m inclined to retire it as I ran it backed off anyway as the bike felt better that way, but the freeways here are filled with rain grooves and various irregularities and I think a better quality steering damper may be a good addition. Most of the references that I’ve found in older posts are hard to find, or in the case of Ohlins seem nonexistent for the V11. So, what is available now that is good, and what has worked well for you? My bike is a 2001 red frame V11. To be big picture objective, this bike would also benefit from a good suspension tune up, and that’s another thing I need to sort out but am a bit clueless about.
  17. Thanks for your insights, guys.
  18. Hi folks, I am curious what your thoughts are on high mileage bikes. I have an opportunity to acquire a 1978 T3 with 186,000 miles on it. The bike has sat for at least a few years since it’s previous owner passed away, so I would be taking it on faith before changing the fluids and gas and sorting the battery and carbs. The good news is the seller is a good guy, the bike is a one owner bike who apparently was meticulous and caring for his bikes, the bike is original and complete and looks good for a bike that’s been sitting getting dirty for a few years, and I can afford this one. I don’t doubt the claim that the bike ran fine before being put away, but my concern is the 186,000 miles on it. Even with a rebuild or overhaul, can a bike with that much ever be put to ride and feel like a fresher bike?
  19. It appears to be from the film, “Il Profeta” (the prophet?), as shown in this page with the poster...... https://www.worthpoint.com/worthopedia/mr-kinky-italian-2p-68-art-sexy-ann-1839138386 if you search for the title or posters for the title all sorts of stuff shows up, some with Ann Margaret and some with other nice young ladies, but all with the goofy dude with his goat and rags. Perhaps there was a series of films or shows with this character, an ascetic type, being confronted with sexy young ladies. Like mixing Benny Hill and John the Baptist. I want that poster! Btw, Ms. Margaret is a real-life motorcyclist.
  20. Here you go, Paul! Cheers, Cliff https://blog.motorcycle.com/2009/10/28/manufacturers/ducati/ducati-welcomes-sex-pistols-guitarist-steve-jones-into-the-family/ https://www.cycleworld.com/talking-motorcycles-music-and-mayhem-with-sex-pistols-guitarist-steve-jones/
  21. Thank you. I hope he’s well. The man has been through a lot, and has earned his place.
  22. Very cool! I spent a few weeks in the mid-80’s with Steve recording his solo record, “Mercy”, at Cherokee Studios in L.A. A very nice guy and funny as hell. At the time he was getting into Harleys, as he would be for the next few years, and he loved old Brit bikes, but I don’t think Italian bikes were yet on his radar. I know that some years later Pro Italia hooked him up with a customized Ducati (I believe it was a Sport 1000). Bill Nation told me that Steve was doing some promo work or something with Ducati. I believe he may have finally moved up north out of L.A. I wish him well!
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