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Everything posted by francesco

  1. Carl you are the perfect example of multiple Guzzi owner. good to know about Big Twin. We will see.
  2. grazie Jrt, it's all good, I was thinking thats why everybody needs 2 ore more Guzzi, so while one is you have more to enjoy
  3. I bought my Guzzi by the only dealer in Montana, after I found the Guzzi I wanted in Texas and told the dealer. I paid the price he asked me with out even tempting to negotiate, even though was a model 2 years old. I did everything in order to start a good relationship with a dealer ( 7 hours away ) so he would take special care of my bike, and when I need him... > cazzo, so much for trying, now I just hope in good carma and let's see. hi mr. new dealer I need new cases, and to fix the multiple oil leaks, all under warranty. right
  4. oh man ok, any pics at all of this thing. I can't find it on the shop manual, and about those relays I want to get some spares, where I get them and what I ask, on the owner manual I didn't find them, and if this info is hidden in that last folded page, please help me because I get dizzy just to look at it.
  5. funny just happened the same to me, went for a 2 hours ride come back home, let the bike hiddle for 10 minutes and the engine turns off I tried to restart the bike and nothing did > the clutch swicht is working. now I'm serching about those relays. anybody can pintpoint me to a tread? oh i forgot was a great ride
  6. DeBenGuzzi you mean that the silver case are exactly the same? I thought those v11 where 5 speed, I'm I wrong would even matter? need more info. what year they switch to black, 2002?
  7. did anybody try to sandblast the wrinkle engine paint off? http://www.guzzisti.it/forum/phpBB2/viewto...highlight=bolle they are talking about a silicon spray that would prevent the bubbles any idea?
  8. were the older engines (silver) painted that way? or was the color of the metal? I personally like it better not black. Since I already know that my black paint will bubble and look like crap, I was playng with the idea of getting the paint off completely. Any body did it? any knowledge about it. I like my Tenni better like this.
  9. any pictures?
  10. Ratchethack thanks so much, I will check under the tank this weekend. This forum is a bless.
  11. ok, I have a lot of shopping to do. thanks for the list, that help a lot. I'm still looking for Rich Maund write up, but I can't find it, anybody remember the title of the post? one other thing you mention set of sockets, 1/4", 3/8", and 1/2" drive, how come in inches? I thought I'll be needing tools only in mm?
  12. Hi Ratchethack, thank you so much. I'll do what you suggested, I saw on this forum 2 cd workshop, I got them on ebay, they might help soon or later. one last question: tools where can I find a list of tools to work on the bike? can you point me to a post on this forum? grazie e ciao Francesco
  13. hi ratchethack, I check that bolt and seems tight to me, any way what kind of a 22mm tool is supposed to fit in there? Could that bolt drip even if tight? The oil is only on the left side of the bike. If is not the bolt where it can leak at >?
  14. Hi guys today was my second ride after a loong winter in Montana. I found that the panel where the gear change pedal is located is shining in oil the whole thing. And worst I think I found oil dripping by the bolt on the frame close to the red wire( you guys help me with these mechanical terms because I have to talk to the dealer and explain him where is the leaking oil). How bad do you think this is?
  15. Jim, hell yes, did you post pics? Yesterday was a nice day in Montana 35 F so I went for a ride , too long of a winter. How far do you live from Lima Montana?
  16. That was interesting and thanks for the scan, that is a great picture.
  17. Rich in Italy 13 is good luck number, so here you have it. Those old guzzi are sure beautiful, I wish I had the skill to rebuild an old bike.
  18. francesco

    Switching grips.

    mine are in suede, matching the seat.
  19. francesco


    really good looking.
  20. valcano 185cc two stroke, man I want to drive one Is the name right? is it vulcano or volcano?. I had the Dynamo called minicross in Italy, metallic green, when I was 12 to 14 years old. A beauty. Tanks for the links
  21. Dynamo never heard of it, the tank looks different. was yhis ever sold in usa? here a pics of the dynamo
  22. anybody guess
  23. francesco


    can't wait to see your picture on the beauty, you will look like this
  24. francesco


    Jim, if you want I can post one big enough to be printed scale 1:1 she is a beauty, no doubt, in Mandello Cecco turned it on for me and man she is loud, and the digital display lights up like a video game. She is the Ferrari of motorbikes, red is the perfect color.
  25. francesco


    elicopterJim this is for you
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