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Everything posted by francesco

  1. I think they don't have the XT660R in the States? http://www.yamaha-motor.it/products/Motoci...sp?view=GALLERY I wonder why the quota was never a big hit? any old guy with knowledge?
  2. ok maybe my imagination is too streeetched, but i think the Griso like that looks too childish
  3. no man, it looks to much like a Honda NX 650 Dominator 1990, I loved that bike but was still a jap of 14 years ago, I like vintage not old. That was a mean looking enduro, in Rome traffic was better than a scooter.
  4. If you did travel down to Rome you probably saw the via Appia. ands remembered the name.
  5. great pics
  6. francesco


    glad to hear that an expert like supertwin1 loves italian bikes that's all I want to hear personally I' m waiting for this one to come out
  7. francesco


    elicopterjim of course yes, probably next summer supertwin please tell me why you spent all those bucks on a guzzi and not on a super lighweight powerfull jap, just curious
  8. francesco


    Supertwin when I'm old I will still riding my Tenni, and you a japanese bike, I'm pretty sure you got a Guzzi by mistake :!:
  9. francesco


    one sentence two bullshit . 3 models are working and they finished the race from http://www.guzzisti.it/saloni_eventi/Endur...cete04_home.htm > > >
  10. francesco


    try here http://www.ghezzi-brian.com/ $$$
  11. wow that is changing direction... looks like robocop, $12,899* ABS model, now thats a good price. Are you going to miss the leaking oil and noisy dry clutch?
  12. Anto' let's do 10 The weird thing is that I have the oil leak and that you are the pissed off one
  13. belfastguzzi, thank you, I just got back from a ride... no worries, the fornt cover is barely showing oil, the gearbox I'm preatty sure is over filled. I talked to The Guzzi mechanic in Mandello, great guy, he said just thighten the bolt, some oil leaks are nothing to worrie about... I miss Italy for this laid back things. I'll run it as long it doesn't leak too bad. man I'm own and drive the most beautiful bike I have ever seen Antonio you know those crazy italians
  14. droydx, nothing there clean and dry. this forum has a great amount of info, when I' ll talk to the dealer at least I will understand better on what's going on.
  15. Sorry I can't help, dealing with oil my-self, I'm surprised that a 2004 model is leaking I hoped that the problem was only for 2002 models.
  16. nope didn't work still oil coming out, just for 10 minutes of hidle
  17. a question: the Tenni is a Sport or a LeMans? because a saw both names attributed to the Tenni , just wondering for the black seat I' m selling is going to fit which of the two?
  18. so 4 bolt at the top front , the difficult to get to where loose, I managed to get to it and thighten it. Could they get loose in those 211 miles at 5000 rmp max??? Or my dealer didn't give a damn to check the bike properly? I'm gonna clean my beauty and check it again. I'm going to get good at this , i like my hands dirty in grease... o damn the keyboard is nasty now
  19. I though to check that,in the front cover there are some that how da hell you get to them? probably taking apart everything... anyway now i'm just going to wait for the shop manual and then let's start. for the gearbox I checked all thight...an interesting thing is while on the front cover I see the timing cover gasket, on the gearbox I see a red paste instant gasket type sealer, what's up whit that? good for her that she is so bella. I need to build a freaking shop, tools and everything how much is gonna cost
  20. ok I don't know the terms in either language, so as soon I have my digital camera back i' ll post some pics, I'll buy the shop guide for the V11 as well in italian and english, I will need it often I know I'll check for the warranty the only problem is that the only dealer is a 350 miles from where I'm... you know what I knew this was going to happen and I don't care my Guzzi she is so gorgeous, and she need some love, the sooner I learn how to fix her the better.
  21. Thank you belfastguzzi, I was reading your post of 11 feb 2004, the search option is fantastic. Before the instant gasket type sealer, did you clean the black case whit something particular? another thing like for JohnInNH and al_roethlisberger I have the same leak that drop of tranny oil hangs above the x-pipe. can I fix this with the same istant gasket solution? Are both those leaks related to what Callison says:
  22. you guys went through this in 18 october 2002 ( my bike is a 2002)
  23. is the leak on the crankcase, where the engine number is?
  24. so 211 miles old, and some oil is already showing, not dripping but a long moisted vertical lines on the crankcase, where the engine number is. Sorry I don't have the digital camera this week, to show pics. How concernd should I be? The bike was sitting for at least for one year, losted keys, the dealer had someody made 2 clone keys. The bike had only 4 miles on when I got it, the dealer said that started right away. Damn why I didn't take mechanical classes?
  25. > you should have a winter Guzzi get a Guzzi Cicogna
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