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My bike(s)
2000 V11 'COBRA'
Enzo's Achievements

Guzzisti (2/5)
My Mac died and I'm stuck on a PC with Windows XP. It won't open any of the files in the reference section. Can someone simply post the data in reply that allows me to view it? Also strange - my bike won't start without the PC attached. It was wired in by the previous owner and I have no idea what he did. But I was able to download the two files on my PCIII disc and noticed the bike did act differently. I just need more info to try out and test. I can tweak things on my lap top, but that is like a blind man walking through a maze.
Howdy fellas. My map was erased off of my old Power Commander. I loaded my disk and all that it has is for a stock V11. Problem is, I am running K&Ns, Mistral and a two-into-one pipe. All custom. Plus high compression piston. So, I am wondering if anyone out there can post up their map info from their custom V11 set ups. I know that none of them will fit exactly, but maybe I can find one that is close and that will help me get started. I realize I will have to get a dyno and custom map, but this will at least help me get my bike running well enough to go down the street. I'm looking for the chart/box info with the numbers. I can copy the numbers and make the tweaks from my computer. Thanks a lot!!!!!!!!!
The fuel pump acts normally. All the electrical stuff works except spark to the plugs. The relays have been changed out and the fuses look good. I replaced a borrowed timing sensor, but I still haven't tried a new flywheel sensor or an oil temp sensor. I understand that any failure here can stop the whole deal. I'm sure both coils can't go out at the same time so I'm not pursuing that. It acts like it is not registering the crank moving around and triggering the spark. The wires (what I can see) look OK. No obvious problems. And, I've even borrowed a different ECU and tried it. Nothing. Same problem. I am going to try the different sensors. I don't know what else to look for.
Tonight I checked the start button/kill switich and don't see any problem. I then took off the side stand sensor. Still no spark to the plugs. There was no change when I put in a different timing sensor. Now I've taken off the right side coil. Why? I don't know; I'm out of ideas. Maybe I have a bad ECU? Who knows. I don't know what else to check. All the wires I see look OK, but I can't see into all the connections. I don't know enough about electrics to know why both plugs are not getting spark. I'm hoping some Guzzi genius will give me a simple thing to check.........
I think you might be onto something. When I first put my bike back together after 3 years, the kill switch/starter button was sticking. I sprayed it with WD/40. I haven't thought of it since, but maybe I'll take the switch apart tomorrow and look at it.
I've never had this problem before. The bike has been running fine for a while, and then it won't start. Lately, it won't start at all. I checked all the fuses, relays and wires. I checked the gas-related problems. Then I realized that I am not getting any spark at all to the the plugs. I've never dealt with this before. Does this mean a bad coil? And if so, how do I find out or get to it?????? Is this just something that goes bad over time? My plug wires seem to be in good shape and my plugs are brand new. Thanks.
Bush isn't sinister because of the hook em horns, he's a sinister ghoul because he executed retarded people in Texas, he pulled the legs off of frogs as a boy, he was behind Abu Ghraib, he runs secret concentration camps in Eastern Europe, he runs a death camp in Gitmo, he is undermining the Constitution, he started a war on false pretexts an killed hundreds of thousands of people, AND he is probably the mastermind of the 911 attack on the World Trade Center.........just for starters. Yea, he's the Anti-Christ all right and you don't have to stick up for him because he has a fake Texas accent.
Yes, well there is nothing sinister about Slayer's coat, but there IS something VERY sinister about THAT mofo.
Antonio, I didn't think anything of 'll Duce." We didn't talk politics at all and I'm sure that Slayer did not intend to make his bike a tribute to Mussolini. I think he meant it like 'strong, powerful, Italian leader.' That is what he is calling his Ducati. Something like that. Nothing political. He's too fun for that. If there ever was a totally free man in love with every form of freedom - it is Slayer. The 'cross' is a VERY COMMON motorcycle symbal in the United States. I don't really know what it means anymore other than 'I'm a bad ass motorcycle rider and don't bug me.' You see it EVERYWHERE.
Yorch, WoW!! That is fantastic! I like the white/red stripe theme and white mirrors. Very cool. Do you have two different type of air filters on that bike? May I ask why? Also, the short pod air filter - is that a K&N? Do you know the number for this (or does anybody know the correct number for a short 'pod' K&N air filter)?? Also, what is that blue 'flashlight' looking thingy strapped on the left side?? This is what 'personalization' is all about! I bet you get lots of crowds standing around your bike! Congratulations. Enzo ........oh yea, I love that short red hugger you have on your tyre. Very cool.
If you like to see pics of Italian bikes and Washington State, here is a little bed time story I put up last night. http://p075.ezboard.com/fbeautyintechnolog...opicID=82.topic
Paul, I would advise you AGAINST a Guzzi unless you are nearby twisty, hilly roads where they shine. It is also important to have a dealer near by. Guzzis tend to be a little finicky with odd things going wrong until they are all 'sorted.' This could take a couple years of headaches. If the majority of your riding is on flat, open road, stick with a bike made for that with good wind protection and super dependability. That's not a Guzzi.
That is very well put, and I agree. There are times under perfect conditions where I will push out ahead and STAY out there. But most of the time I want to ride WITH others around me. Nothing I like more than following behind someone who has picked up the pace (under good conditions.) If Field thinks that all that time I spent behind him was because he was outrunning me, he severely undercalculates my ability.
haha. I like that one. Ok, I'll do that right away Dr. FRAUD. Who should I see? Dr. GOLDman? Dr. SILVERman? Dr. ROBBINstein? Dr. STOLEowitz? As for 'dancing' - that is a good word for it. This is why I liked to ride with Ray (Gooddog) who used to be on this forum. He had a sweet pace that was not dangerous, but fun. Actual racing is no fun to me. It involves a real danger that I'm not interested in. When I think of the money I have into my teeth, I have no desire to kiss a ditch. In all my life of riding - and I got started at 14 with dirt and hill climbing - I have only crashed ONCE. And that was a patch of ice that appeared on a dry road in the Winter in Ohio. Someone had left a garden hose run down onto the road for some reason. I don't want to start now with crashing. In all my apparent 'crazy' riding, I have never felt pushed over my head or in the danger zone.
Yes, there is good humor to be seen everywhere. But Guzzisti should be forewarned: If you ride with Field and cross him in any way, he WILL abandon you in the middle of nowhere notwithstanding a few hours before you were endeavoring to assist him in his own problems. That is some sort of unforgivable sin in motorcycling lore. Let him account for himself before the bar of the great Hebrew when the eternal shop manual is opened and his misdeeds are shouted from the house tops.