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Everything posted by Enzo

  1. http://p075.ezboard.com/fbeautyintechnolog...opicID=66.topic
  2. Tell that fine spirited young man to contact the Rolling Crows.
  3. Valentino put a horrible hex on Sete. It sure has worked.
  4. Yes, don't forget Colin. He could get very excited being here. The field is better this year than ever before. You can't rule out Pedrosa - Melandri - Stoner. Good lord, you never know what is going to happen. But the smart money always bets on Rossi. He just seems to have the mental edge and will to win. Melandri seems to put up the hardest fight - since he is an old childhood friend and knows him best. But here at home with people like Brad Pitt and other American stars checking out Nicky, he is on a real high to win here. But, I wish we had a way to send in ten bucks (Euros) to some escrow account for bets. That would be very fun. I would bet on Nicky to win. The Ducatis won't do well here because they have spooky handling and won't be able to use their top end advantage.
  5. Yes, that insane fucker who owned the bike before me did some real witchcraft wiring on it with SPEAKER wires I swear to god. However, I think most of it has been pulled out and sent back to Hell where it didst come. I am willing to ply any electronics man with fine Diamond Knot all day long to put a meter on it. Enzo pays well. But first I will try my 'intuitive diagnostics' on it and see what happens.
  6. yea, it was Sete. I heard Nicky on the radio today with Adam Corolla. I really like Hayden. The Seca track is the shortest GP track - only 1:24 to get around and you can't even get into 6th gear. Very tight and Nicky likes it. Hayden has really improved over last year. Last week he really closed the door on Pedrosa when P was trying to sneak in on him in a corner. A very bold and dangerous move. Nicky wouldn't have done that last year. He's learning. But, he still can't lead comfortably. He doesn't have the awesome winning confidence of the 'Doctor.' I'm a huge Valentino fan as he is the undisputed KING. But this week I want the Kentucky Kid to win this one. Don't miss it. Also look for the famous 'Cork Screw' - it's a 60 foot sudden drop with a couple tight corners.....all this happening just after a blind hill.
  7. I have always used Posi-lock connectors. I don't know what Field is tripping about. All the electrics that I have done have been inconsequential blinkers. I DID take off the dash, but most of those wires are just cut off - no possibility of causing a ground. I also have some rubbish connected to the battery for heat vests and one for a fuzz buster. That is all I have done. Field put on the switch controls so I assume that is all good work. Nothing else to wonder about. The symptoms are these: With all new fuses and relays the bike starts up and takes off. Soon, there are problems - the horn doesn't work, the brake light is out and it is running like crap. At this point it will die. Upon inspection you find that the 30 amp battery fuse is melted, and the 5 amp fuse which controls the signals is broken. The relay that controls the horn, the fuel pump, and the brake light is cooked. I don't see any exposed wires, and the battery terminals are clear of the frame. That's all I know. I don't know how to work a volt meter and would have no idea what the readings were telling me. All I can assume is that the voltage regulator is burnt up and is not only causing voltage spikes but possible some sort of grounding effect. I just received my awesome looking relays from Pyro Dan. Todd's regulator will arrive tomorrow. If this doesn't' work I will take the bike apart and put it into boxes for Ebay. After that it will be Honda from here on out.
  8. Did you say a 180 mph Guzzi? That WILL be my next bike if they make it happen. It's about time Guzzi made a for-real sport bike. On the other hand, I don't know HOW you can make a real sport bike with no racing program. The Jap bikes DO feel like race bikes because their frames were made for the track. You can feel the difference. I've been lucky with my spiny because it has never exhibited bad handling. But that is not true with all of them. Dicey quality control.
  9. The first thing Jimmy and i did was to unpug and replug every connector we could find. I've had the tank off looking at the wiring. I don't seen any exposed wire or anything touching the frame. Could be, but I say the most likely candidate is a worn out regulator. It is consistent with the 30 amp fuse melting too. I'm getting a new regulator and these really cool GEI relays which are WAY bitchin.
  10. Here is my kid on my second bike - the Honda RC51 - I love having the two bikes. You get a better appreciation for the Guzz when you have a nice second bike because there is nothing like the Guzz. I like the Honda just fine, but my life would not be complete with out the V11. It is more raw and visceral. I seem to have more fun on it, and, by gosh, I think the Sport is a bit faster up to about 100 mph. But, the point is that I like it all the better since I've had the second bike. Edit: Oh, some might wonder how in the world the Honda wouldn't blow the Guzzi away at slower speeds - well, the RC51 has VERY tall gearing. Some people have problems with stalling out in first gear. It is made for the track. It is designed to get up over 130 mph and stay there for a couple hours. So, the pick up is not as intense as your typical Jap 4, but the high end rush is QUITE impressive!!
  11. Yes, I've already purchased a regulator from Todd at MPH, but they are $140 bucks. I might also take this opportunity to buy a very small and light battery while I'm at it. Always curious about that. I've seen batteries about half the size of the one we use. Any feedback on micro batteries????
  12. How do I check the regulator to see if it is not working correctly?
  13. Thanks, Dlaing. Are you using these relays? They sound terrific. I'm wondering if I have a regulator problem. We'll see. I'm ordering 8 as soon as he opens tomorrow.
  14. I tried to use the 'search' feature, but I couldn't find anything on replacement relays. I thought I'd seen it here before. What I want to know is where to go at an auto parts store to get our replacement Bosch or other relays. I was going to go to the VW place, but they've gone out of business. Can you get them at NAPA? Schucks? Auto Zone? etc. What part number would I ask for? Question: What would cause my 30 amp fuse to keep overheating? It does not actually break, it just starts to sort of melt inside - the plastic fogs over. Anybody seen this before?
  15. I'm experiencing a weird electrical problem. Since I don't know anything about electrics, it's a real problem. Ok, here it is: I am continually blowing two fuses and one relay. I thought all this had to do with a bad kill switch or a bad electric petcock, but I think not. The fuses are the 30 amp battery fuse and the 5 amp signal fuse. At the same time I lose my relay that controls my horn and brake lights. I suppose this is some sort of grounding gremlin?? I am looking for exposed wires, but I haven't seen any. Any thoughts on this would be appreciated. I did see that my Power Commander has a large metal plug that is just bouncing around under the seat and possibly touching the frame. Could this be it? Enzo
  16. I'm expecting a royalty check from that guy.
  17. All these bikes are so different. I thought the Daytona was a sport bike. Actually, never heard of a Daytona 1200. The Norge would be the perfect two-up touring bike. Far better than a Lemans for that. If I were just talking about riding solo in curvy mountainous area, I would take a Griso or a Ohlins-equipped V11. The Coppa comes with Ohlins which is good; I wouldn't buy a V11 without Ohlins. I wouldn't use a Coppa for real long-distance two-up riding. Get a dedicated bike for that.
  18. Congratulations to Italy. I am disappointed, but it was a clean game with good refereeing and sportsmanship. Italy won fair and square in a long fought battle into two overtimes. The better team won, so i do not need a drink. It is always OK when the better team wins fair and square. And now, I am off to Monster Hayden's on my RC 51 with my family following behind in the WRX. We will have good smoked beef and my wife's excellent side dishes. Should be great fun. I'm going to put my son on the Honda and see if he can get around the neighborhood OK. It's 4th of July here in the US. A national holiday.
  19. You bring up a good point. It is strange to me, but Italians are not interested in Guzzis. They ride Beemers.
  20. Maybe I wasn't clear enough. The 'straight line' I refer to was passing sections between cars. I don't think we hit anything over 100 mph and this is why the Guzz could run with anyone under those speeds in the corners and passing a couple cars. Of course, if you talk about speeds above that - forget it. I thought I made that clear. Tony - don't look at this thread anymore. You should be getting ready to see Germany beat Italy anyway. Drink some grappa so the pain goes away.
  21. Thanks, VG on the springs. I will order some tonight. The guy on the CBR was an excellent rider. Very very smooth. He didn't move an inch on that bike. He was very used to high speeds around corners. This is why he looked to me like a track dude. I was happy to stay with him. Perhaps he was amusing himself, but at those speeds, he must have been putting out some effort. Yes, this was the guy on HW 7. People forget that I own an RC 51, so I can compare the Cobra to that. I have often said that up to 100 mph the Guzzi is stronger. I'll stand by that. If I am fast, it is because I have logged some time with Greg Field. Before I rode with him he once challenged me to a 100 mile race or so on his Eldo. I thought this was pretty funny. Then I later learned that he was not only serious, but he would have won. I have never ridden with anyone who can keep up such an ungodly pace for mile after mile. He seems to do it effortlessly on either his anti-gravity pod Eldo or his new BillyBob. But I am sort of lazy and don't like to pay so much attention for long periods. But my riding improves with every year, and I have the reflexes and balance of a natural racer. I think I could have been a real racer if I'd done all this when young. I also have a competitive nature and thrill in the hunt. There are times when I can decide to go fast and I can be quite fast in those moments. I have also done some very high speed riding when last year I went to Mt. St. Helens with a guy on an R1. He does track days as a hobby. I rode my RC 51 and saw some serious speeds. I think the guy on the Yamaha was quite impressed with the potential of a dedicated twin.
  22. VG, I'm not sure what sort of springs you mean. These are stainless, and I haven't really looked at other bikes to see what sort of springs are used. Maybe you can post a pic of what you have in mind. You make a good point about the Trapp discs with an open pipe. I agree that it doesn't really make much sense. The only reason they are there is an attempt to disperse the noise. I'm not sure it makes any difference. One thing is for sure - this bike runs very strong and has a huge top end that runs away cleanly from other V11/Lemans bikes. But, it really howls. I was dicing it up with a CB1000R last weekend. The guy had on racing leathers with some sort of sponsorship. I stayed right on him and even passed him on an open stretch. I'm quite sure he was amazed to see the lowly Guzzi.
  23. I'm not being negative. "What we have here is a failure to communicate." That is what really went down. Yes, I am ignorant. For instance, in this particular case, I was not even sure who brought down the salmon and cooking stuff. Now, everyone else might know that Guthrie does this, but I STILL do not know who brings the salmon. Why? Because I had no intention of hogging any of it. I had no idea what Guthrie brings to this thing. I mean, I see he has a trailer, but that is all I know. I honestly did not understand that a whole bunch of moving and hassling would be involved in taking down the camp. That is the truth. The bikes were already secured so there was nothing to do there - from my view. Perhaps a few bags or a tent or something would have to be put in another vehicle. From my point of ignorance, there was not much to be done. You see? Just ignorant of the facts. Nothing new about that. I am usually ignorant of the facts, but I am not a selfish person. Jesus, I am a working class drone who was raised by a poor factory man. I'm just like everyone else. I can also see Greg's point. From his point of view I knew the situation and decided to ignore it. I can see why that would make him furious. It's just two clashing perspectives. Two people who have a high sense of personal honor who were personally offended out of a type of ignorance. Outside of this incident I have nothing against Greg. He amuses me tremendously. But I have a feeling he holds a grudge toward me for my political views and stuff. That might have entered the picture on some level. I don't know.
  24. I don't think you're a liar. I think you don't understand my thinking. You think I am selfish. You think I am thoughtless. Now, I might be ignorant, by I don't think everyone is beneath me and here to serve me. If I ever appear to be like this it is because I don't understand the situation and you don't understand mine. I don't think you could find many people who said I forgot to thank them, reimburse them or pay them in-kind. I know people expect you to do lots of stuff on their bikes for cheap or nothing, but you know I always offer to pay well. Yet you call these other people your friends and better than me - an elitist. I also think you are a super patriot and a sort of cop lover - that you dislike my way of life and political views. It causes a grudge that snaps when there is enough pressure.
  25. That external oil filter is just like my Honda. The stupidest thing about these bikes is the oil filter inside the sump. That is just flat-out moronic.
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