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Everything posted by Enzo

  1. The blue is just an experiment. I can have the pipes re-coated in a day any time I wish. The place is nearby and I know the guys. The pipes have been gloss black, flat black, titanium, grey and now blue. I have patience with these things. The main thing is - is that my bike is a very strong V11. You can see that by what Field says about it. And keep this in mind - this past weekend it was running badly. I need a new map. My map is all over the place and the bike is running crappy. Yet IT STILL OUTRUNS A STOCK V11 WITH NO PROBLEM. That is what I like about it.
  2. Funny that you can't say 'Richard' on this site. That's a scream. I've taken off all my censors on my own site and it will once again be a complete mud slinging blood bath. Take that mix of metaphors and shove it up yer arse.
  3. Look for some exciting phots from the Deep Forest camp out (motel stay) this weekend! Leaving in a few hours....... Slug - have we met?
  4. Tom, you've given me yet another wonderful idea. I think I'd like a set of color tyres. Why not take it to the next level. People walk up to it and think - either a clown owns that or Valentino Rossi or some other crazy Italian monster rider. I try to have the best tyres on this thing because I ride it hard. If those color tyres are actually very good aircraft types, I might give them a try next time. I think I'd go red and match the frame. I mean, when you can pull up to a bar and empty the place out with people who hear you coming and then have to see the bike -- it's sort of cool.
  5. Mario, I mean Greg, you have two very different ways of expressing your opinions. 1. Emphatic 2. Hem and haw, garumph, chuckle, "I'm not so sure about that".....etc. etc. Next time you see me making a real mistake, please be emphatic about it. Plus, you have to take in consideration my current state of inebriation when you do so. One should ask oneself whilst giving me advice: "Has Enzo gone through the Red Curtain?" etc.
  6. Thanks muchachos!! Yes, riding season is back and I'll pop in from time to time to show you some pictures of our Seattle activities.
  7. Many pics of Enzo's 'Mark Seven' Cobra on Wild Guzzi
  8. She's the sort of politician we need in America - honest and pretty.
  9. Tony, I love Cipollini. A great sprinter. I watch a lot of bicycle racing, too. I also like Alessandro Petacchi. I will tell you else I like - Cicciolina!!!!! Yea!
  10. Yes, 'crotch rocket' is a relative term. My Guzzi will outblast most Jap bike, too. I beat a new and very beautiful yellow Ducati 748 on it. Only the newish Jap sports bike would run past it. But, next to ANY Harley (with the exception of the Vrod that I know little about), the V11 is like the Enterprise.
  11. Does anyone watch these races live on streamlink from MotoGP? I've been watching this way and you learn some things by observing the practice sessions. The Ducati is obviously the fastest bike out there. Checca in practice last week was hitting 333kph while the Hondas with Biaggi and Hayden at about 323. Rossi has one of the slower bikes. Hayden is very inconsistent in practice. He'll run one lap right on pace with Rossi and then one way off. Over and over. Sete, Biaggi and Melandri are much more consistent. But Hayden has got heart and he is learning very fast. Valentino definitely tried to drop him about three times during the race and couldn't. Hayden is learning what the race looks like at that sort of wild clip. He's got huge potential. But nobody is Rossi. I believe he gave the race up at Laguna for the American fans. I think he is classy like that. He is the perfect sportsman to me - happy, flamboyant, competitive, clownish, and always there to shake hands and complement his rivals. The tops in every way. No wonder the whole world loves him.
  12. I think it was pretty big of the guy in the Mercedes to actually stop and face you and apologize. And, really, that is just one of those things 'cause a bike is very hard to see at times. I wouldn't hold it against anyone to do this on me. Even when they pull out in front of you, how can you blame them if they can't see? It's just part of the risk we take. I always appreciate an apology, though.
  13. Yes, you'll see that I still have the V11 Cobra. By the way, Doc, chiropractors have saved me! Man, I found a good one and I am getting so 'straight' that I hardly need to see him anymore. Really, he's 'straightened me out.' It sure makes sport riding possible. No more headaches either.
  14. I've always wanted that burglar system James Bond had on his Lotis. Remember that sticker he had on the window - 'WARNING: anti-theft system.' The bad guys tried to jimmy the door and the entire car blew up with those guys flying over the tree tops. Nice.
  15. After a couple of good months riding both these bikes, I feel very happy to come back and report that the Honda has given me a new appreciation for the Guzzi!! Not that I love the Honda any less....oh no. I find that contrast gives one a better appreciation for what one has. I hate to say this on a nice family board, but it is very much like women. Of course, they don't want to hear this, but sometimes if you have a mistress, you develop a better appreciation for your wife! The Guzzi is more visceral and exciting most of the time. It really makes me smile. It is such a show off too. It dives into corners and comes out like a bulldog. And then, on the Honda 'Krypto 51,' I've come to be able to use and appreciate it's infinite revving power when passing cars. Oh My God. You can pass a string of 4 cars or so with oncoming traffic. Once you see what it will do, anything is possible. Just amazing. I am always saying 'Wow' inside my helmet on the Krypto. Bottom line. You need two bikes. It is like my left arm and right arm. Which to give up? I can't say that now. The Guzz is the perfect contrast bike to any Japanese bike, that's for sure. I've never owned a Beemer, but the Guzzi goes with everything. I sure hope to God Piaggio takes them seriously and keeps the Lemans line.
  16. Thank you. Yes I"m back. And, no, I never take offense. Just catching up to old threads is all........
  17. Tony baby, thanks for thinking of me, man. Looks like I missed that one. I've got to start coming over here to give you guys some static.
  18. Fernando!! Thanks for getting back with me. Yes, I go to Coral Gables every couple years and wanted to see that Tenni. I've never seen one 'live.' You are right about Florida, there just isn't' any fun riding unless you want to go 'high speed' across the Everglades. I still can't get over the site of people doing wheelies on squid bikes with no helmets and their girlfriends in tank tops on the back. Man. Spooky. My buddy down there just bought a Harley Soft Tail. I even suggest it because it is good for low speed city posing. He enjoys it, but wants to go 'Screaming Eagle' all the way. He's done a lot of riding in Europe and has had many bikes. Never a Harley. Anyway, I LOVE Miami and the beaches. Great place. RC51 forums? You know, I haven't looked much. I know there is one popular forum for RC51s, but it is a paid subscription deal. I have WAY more fun just BS-ing on my own ROLLING CROW site!! Ciao!
  19. What's all this about 'not going Enzo on us?' I haven't been here for a long spell to keep my eye on you people. I can't even remember if I told you about my RC51 'Krypto' or whether you just heard about it. I had it going 150+mph on I-5 a few weeks ago coming back from Mt. St. Helens. Yea, it's fun alright. It feels like a fan turned sideways between your legs. It reminds me a lot of my friend's Ducati 996. But don't you fret none. I still have the V11 Cobra. I made a half-baked attempt at a sale only to turn everyone away. I never intended to sell it. In fact, I'm working on new projects - I purchased an OZ wheel for the front and am doing an axle experiment. I've also recoated my 'Enzo Replica Cobra Two-Into-One pipe' in ceramic blue. Now my OZ wheel and pipes are blue. I have other mods in mind - like mounting the battery under the bike. Stay tuned my friends...... Last time I was out running with a LeMans, I buried it with my modified Cobra. Always fun to do. I'm hard core Guzzista. Don't worry about 'going Enzo.' That just means making your Guzzi kick ass and buying more bikes on the side. What's wrong with that????? ps - hey Steadler, is that your wife? Youza.
  20. I see that Valentino is on the Enzo Replica Exercise Regime. Looks like we DO have a few things in common. And, oh yea, go HRC.
  21. I'm going to lub up things there and go for a spin. To ride the Honda Fireplace, you have to stand on your hands and shove your feet up the flu!
  22. Martin, if you like Agent Cooper, you are all right in my book. He's my favorite character. I got a bumper sticker up at that dinner that says, "Twin Peaks (Twede) Cafe - home of damn fine coffee and where pies go when they die." What a great show. I missed them when they were filming up there, but everyone tells me that Agent Cooper was written entirely on the character and humor of David Lynch himself. You must be a great cop. Now, as for the RC51 being a "torture rack." I tend to agree with you. I am only 5'9" and couldn't imagine being any taller on it because the rear sets are very high. The stretch to the bars is not that bad, however. Shorter than the V11 there. The racing saddle did not bother me after sever hours and I was surprised with that. I guess because you can easily slide around on it and change positions. It is certainly not an old man's bike, and not built for anyone with any 'gut.' Yes, if any of that applies it is quite brutal. I think it is going to force me to GET IN SHAPE to ride it. That's OK, though. It has a delicious twin jug pulse to it that feels sort of like a fan to me. Every time I ride it I feel like I'm cutting beautiful lines at the race track - what it was designed to do. I hear the Ducatis 748, 916 and 999 are MUCH worse. I've ridden a 996 and this bike is very similar to that although I would say that it is even more stable. It makes me entirely reject that V11 as any sort of sport bike. Now I don't know what to make of it.
  23. Do you like my girlfriend on that thing? The carpet matches the drapes.
  24. Tony, you sound like my Guzzi owner's manual. I have to put a link up with all the pictures and stuff.
  25. A fine day in the saddle.
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