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Everything posted by Enzo

  1. Enzo


    Paul, I just got my Robb Report magazine which features the Mondial Piega. I have yet to read the article, but I certainly get the impression that this is a current bike.
  2. Enzo


  3. Hey Dlaing - thanks for those stats. I've never seen a comparison like that. I sure would like to ride beside someone on my Cobra. The Honda doesn't really get into SERIOUS power until after 6 grand or so - it seems gentle up to that. The Cobra seems very mean right down to 3 grand, so there is a 'seat of the pants' intensity to the V11 that the Honda just does not have at normal riding speeds. 'Course all bets are off at wide open throttle going for the redline. That is a different story. The other thing that is weird with the RC51 is how it gobbles up real estate at an alarming clip! Very deceptive and a bit spooky.
  4. Hummmmm. The Cobra sure has a MEAN kick to it. Maybe 0 to 60? It sure seems as fast. 'Course the Honda might be deceiving me with its smoothness. The narcotics give me the nerve to ride the thing.
  5. You know, I've been riding a lot lately high on beer and narcotics. It's good for reflection. I have to say, I've done a hell of a good job with the Guzzi and its modifications. I was just now out riding them both again, and I think my Cobra might be faster than my Honda 0 to 100 mph. That is really something. Both bikes are a real hoot to ride and go well with my personality. The Guzzi is more of a 'hot rod.' - More visceral and seemingly faster. That is pretty impressive. I don't know what to do with it. Somebody nearby wants to buy it for $5500. Hell, I've got ten grand in the thing. Maybe I should keep it - I don't know. $5500 doesn't seem like much money for all my efforts. I'd like to see a dyno on it now. It's never been this powerful. I'd say it HAS to be putting out more than 90 RWHP. No question about it. I wish I had more room in my mini-barn. I think I might regret selling it. No one will ever have one quite like this one.
  6. Get into the theme here - What is it exactly that you love about your bike, and do you find it 'like you' in some ways? I find this interesting because, really, I lot of guys like Guzzis because they love to tinker with them in the shop. I know many guys like that. Nothing wrong with it at all. Some guys tell me they HAVE to have something unusual or exclusive, and so, they are really telling me they like the sort of FEEDBACK they get when talking to others about their bike. So, I think it's a good question. There are no wrong answers.
  7. riding at night
  8. I think this is a good thread. There are many types of pleasure associated with motorcycling. Pride of ownership AND getting attention from the unwashed and washed masses is part of it. One must seriously organize one's thoughts and priorities. We have all felt pride when someone notices, comments upon and admires our Guzzis at bars, taverns or other places. It is, of course, interesting to own something unusual. But why do we REALLY love them? That is a good question. I believe that one must find a bike that mirrors one's personality and abilities. For a long time I thought it was the Guzzi V11, but now I'm thinking it is the Honda RC51. This has caused some real reflection as I've always been a Guzzista. I believe that one must find a 'good dog' of a motorcycle. One that 'obeys' the personality of the owner. -- that mirrors the personality of the owner. To find that bike - its power, its attributes, its character......is HAPPINESS to me as a motorcyclist. I want to write more about this.
  9. Paul, That RC site is very cool. I just saw pictures and didn't see any articles on what they were doing. The bikes look beautiful. What I like best about the RC is the solid, bullet-proof chassis. There is no way I would tinker with that. I don't care how much it weighs, I've never been on anything so solid.
  10. Thank you, gentlemen. I am always frank and open-minded. I never said I disliked Guzzi. Sometimes I'm frustrated with the company drama and marketing. But in fact, I believe that whatever motorbike you own, you ought to have a Lemans in the garage. If I can think of a way I can make my Sport a bit more comfortable as an all-day bike, I won't sell it. Of course, the Lemans already comes this way - with distance in mind. I love the power I'm getting out of the Cobra. Maybe if I put on a Magni fairing and figured out something to smooth the suspension.....I'd finally be happy with both bikes.
  11. You know, when I saw that, I knew this guy must be from the South in the US. That is their solution for alternative information. Most people who have been around for a while know that I know Guzzis and have made extensive modifications on a V11 Sport. Therefore, my comparisons are of value to anyone interested in sport riding.
  12. If you ever looked at the quality of design on the RC or RODE IT, you wouldn't be saying it's a 'throw away.' Many kits and tons of parts are also available for it as it is a 'cult' favorite. I don't even know if Aprilia will be in business next year. Plus I'd rather have a 90 degree twin than a 60 degree twin. Resistance is futile - you will be assimilated.
  13. Really, you got it Tex. Where'd that come from, man?
  14. Ouiji, I like what you say. I think the Lemans with the full stock package and fairing is really the ultimate OTHER bike to me. I've always loved it. It is really the perfect bike for logging up huge miles on a great day of riding enjoyment and outdoor appreciation. I think I've come to view the Sport that I own as a bit of a mistake in the sport/touring category because it doesn't have the COMFORT factor of the longer and faired Lemans. I really tried to make the Sport into a real sport bike. I think I succeeded in making it a STREET FIGHTER. That is cool I guess. It is desirable to look at; it is loud; and it actually accelerates on par with the RC for the most part. I wish it had better suspension. The guys with the Ohlins package have done well. If you combined Ohlins with OZ wheels like the B&G bikes, it would really be fantastic. I didn't want to put that much more money in the 'Enzo Replica Cobra' project. But I could see this is what I would have to do next. These were modifications I could not make on my own. If I had done that, or if I had bought a B&G Supertwin, I probably would not have even looked at or desired a Japanese weapon. I sort of wish I had a Lemans now - that way I could have a true long-distance machine. I have an in-town 'bling' and 'poser' with the Cobra. I also now have a very fun sport bike in the Honda. Too bad I don't have the real all-day bike.
  15. Antonio, Some of the Jap bikes are very high quality. Mine feels 'expensive.' Like a quality item. In fact, my Guzzi feels 'cheap' and out dated in comparison to it. Bikes are all just tools, and you get what you need. I find that I like a bit more of a 'sport' ride than a Guzzi can offer me. You have to admire the Japanese for trying to get out quality products that people can afford. You don't have to be a count to enjoy the pleasures of riding - as, apparently, the Ducati people believe. And, the bike DOES have a great amount of character. Believe me. It already seems to me like a friendly and obedient dog. I like that my 'common' Honda beat the Ducati 999 on the track. That is cool, and I have a sense of pride now - another thing Guzzi can't give me. They can't even decide if they want to continue to exist. These Italians seem to have no passion.
  16. Martin, I like that one: "For short pursuits." That's for sure. You know, all these crotch rockets must be similar in excelleration. I haven't been on one for years - since the Kaw 900 I think. I mean, my V11 has really been tweaked for great power, but I still can't believe the INFINITE acceleration of one of these things - and especially coming from a twin. Just when most twins are leveling off - this thing is just coming on, and you go "my goddddddd!!!!" The greatest thing about it in my book is that it IS a tank as you say. There is just nothing that will unsettle this frame. A real joy in the corners as it feels it's on rails at all times. My fast 'Cobra' has become my 'relaxed cross-country bike' now. Funny. I thnk all you guys should go out and buy a cheap, used Jap rocket just for some occasional roller-coaster thrill effects. Yesterday, I was just weaving in and out of highway traffic at a good clip - 90 mph or so. It seemed so easy and natural it was like I was just watching it all on TV. Great fun.
  17. shoot out, cont.
  18. Funny article. I like those shirts - "I rode to trailer week." Hey Staed - I see that girl has a 'Von Dutch' shirt. Did you see the article about him in this month's Robb Report Motorcycle mag?
  19. Yes, that's right - Pontiac. Couldn't remember so I took a stab at it. I had the right car in mind, though. What bike is the V11? I say it's the sport/tourer. Even mine which is a 'chopped,' 'street fighter'......it's still really a sport/tourer.
  20. Guzzi vs. Honda
  21. I saw 'Dukes of Hazard' last night. Pretty good re-make I thought. Always good to see Burt, and Willy was excellent. I was right about Jessica - MAN does she look good in shorts! What do you mean she's got a small mouth? Her mouth is HUGE with millions of teeth. Hey, when I was little I LOVED Miss Emma Peal from Avengers AND her replacemenet! Ummmmm. Let's see: also liked Agent 99, Samantha from Bewitched, and Penny from 'Lost in Space.' Remember Jane Fonda in 'Cat Ballou?' Somebody once said Wilma and Betty from the Flintstones were kinka hot and I'd have to agree. I'd never go to one of those 'Buffalo Lodge Meetings' if I were married to either one.
  22. Jessica wins my vote for best butt cheek roundness.
  23. Skeeve, Nice. And thanks. To answer some questions: I am NOT going to use the RC as a commuter. I understand it IS hot and the first gear is very tall - GP racing gearing. This is considered GREAT in the corners, however, as you can just stay put in second gear. I haven't decided to sell the Guzz. I may keep it. It is GREAT FUN and STRANGELY fast for a Guzzi. The only think I don't like about Guzzis are the clunky, heavy wheels and suspension. Plus, because I have very good power to the ground, the torque effects from the shaft are more pronounced. I have always felt a lot of unsettling chassis gyrations with a Guzzi which I have lived with, but I am ready for a more stable racing platform. Because I am rather short, 5-10, I don't think the ergos are going to kill me or be THAT different from what I am used to. If I find the seat to be a problem, I will have it filled with gel. That will be the ONLY modification I will make with this bike. I want to keep this one ALL STOCK. One of the reasons is because I want a more quiet bike to dice it up in some coastal residential areas without attracting cop attention and making people angry. The V11 is VERY mean sounding and it gets everyone riled-up. I DO intend on comparing the two bikes and doing a sort of daily BLOG of my experience with running both a V11 Sport and an RC 51. I will do this from my Crow site and put up a whole new area. I will call it, the 'Enzo Chronicles - Guzzi vs. Honda.'
  24. Enzo

    Damn dikes

    Sorry to hear about this, Jaap, as I know you have recently gotten to riding again. I'm a little confused about what a dyke road is and so on. We don't have them here. Were you riding along a narrow path on top of a hill? Something like that? And, did you just fall over, or did the bike tumble down a hill some? Is that a hole in your valve cover??? Sorry to ask so many questions, but I always want to know why a bike goes down. I can't figure this one out. I hope this doesn't freak you out about riding. Just having my rear brake seize on me slowed me down pretty good for a whole day.
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