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Everything posted by Enzo

  1. Ben, Sorry about the Guzz. Al offers good advice for everyone - call the cops and make a report. But, to make you feel better, I've had very good luck with people handing me over to their insurance agents - who have ALWAYS taken care of everything with NO problems. Didn't he say anything about his insurance? Worse case scenario - the damage is not major and it is a good opportunity to get much cooler LED winkers like I put on mine. You've also learned another good lesson - park on the sidewalk or some other OUT OF THE WAY place that is off-limits to cages. The Prius. I have a Toyota Echo that is paid for, and I had planned for a Prius for my next car. I made this plan when I bought the Echo. Great car. Trouble is, now there is a big waiting line and the economy looks very funky to me. It might be better to hang low with no new payments for awhile. I don't like the looks of the clouds.
  2. Enzo

    Redline in 6th

    I think I haven't been around because I am just now getting back in the motorcycle mood. I had a 'barn' built for my Guzzi and have home projects going on - like a complete remodel of my upstairs bathroom. And then, I had some electrical problems with the Guzz that Greg Field had to sort out for me..... So, I haven't been riding or feeling the urge to. And then last week I caught Valentino again, and the old Guzzi craving began moving like sap up an old tree. The bike was fixed, and we had a very good run out for our monthly 'Guzzi Breakfast'. You can read about it here: A thread started by Greg Field (mario) and here: another breakfast ride report Unfortunately, I will be around now for occasional commentary and ridicule.
  3. Enzo

    Redline in 6th

    I use a Sigma also and check the time at the next coffee shop. No time to look down at these speeds! WAY too much else to pay attention to. I've had the 'Cobra' (2000 V11 Sport with my own exhaust and K&Ns) up to 128.6 last Fall. This was no way pushing the limit. In fact, it felt like it was just getting happy. With a good day, good 'track' and clear vision, I might try to improve on this somewhere this season. I've alread hit 120 mph last week messing around with a Beemer GS1150 in the country side. Again, PLENTY left to go.
  4. I think I've been to all the Seattle Mexican restaurants mentioned. I mention San Francisco because it has a large Mexican population with it's own restaurants. We have our own Americanized Mexican food that is all over the West Coast. This is what WE think of as Mexican. And then there's Tex-Mex and the less lardish fare in places like Taos and Santa Fe. Come to think of it, there are hundreds of different authentic American foods as somebody already mentioned. It's a big place! The standard Northwest food is salmon. If you're in New York, don't forget to have a Coney Island hotdog!! Oh man.
  5. Yes, I was going to say that Thanksgiving dinner is pure American. Stuffed turkey, dressing, heavy turkey gravy, mashed potatoes, corn on the cob, cranberries and a green bean casserole. Pumpkin pie with Cool Whip for desert. That is your American standard.
  6. That's a crime mentioning Taco Bell along with La Carta. There is a lesson in this.....and, it also applies to motorcycles. Buy only products made with love.
  7. Enzo

    Cop Top Speed

    Yes, it could be anywhere between 136 and 144, depending on how my own personal rev limiter works out. I will certainly let everyone know with the photo evidence of the Sigma computer. Let me once again explain that my own personal achievement with the Cobra is only an achievement for the Marque itself!! Although I seem to brag, it is only an experiment to find the edges of our common love boat.
  8. F that sh*t. I live in Ballard in Seattle, and those recommended sites are LAME. I also used to live in San Francisco so I know what I'm talkin' about. Now, Ballard Ave. is about the coolest place in Seattle these days. If you stop there on any weekend night, you will find five or six places playing live music within two blocks. One place, 'The Tractor Tavern' features national acts. The best Mexican restaurant in the area is also right there my friend. I was there last weekend, and one of the richest multimillionaires in Seattle was sitting beside me in this dive. Word travels. Here it is. Order any mole' and think you went to Heaven: La Carta de Oaxaca Part of Ballard’s new wave of Mexican eateries, La Carta is tiny but highly stylized. Spartan and clean, its white walls covered with framed black-and-white photos of Oaxacan people and scenes, it looks more like an art gallery than a restaurant. But the dishes coming out of the open stainless-steel kitchen put any doubt to rest. The house specialty, mole negro, is on the sweet side and tastes great atop pork or chicken, served with rice and tortillas. Other standouts are spicy fish soup and molotes: three fried tortillas stuffed with potatoes and beef sausage and garnished attractively with guacamole, hot sauce, and Oaxacan cheese. The plates are small but so are the prices, so the menu’s great for sampling and sharing, tapas-style. The margaritas are practically perfect, which isn’t a surprise, considering La Carta’s bar shares management with Fu Kun Wu, Thaiku’s trendy lounge. K.M. 5431 Ballard Ave. N.W., 206-782-8722. $$
  9. Enzo

    Cop Top Speed

    Situational and contextual awareness is the key. There are times when running is recommended - when you observe that the cop is stuck on a bridge or tunnel etc. There are times in the city where a big bunch of throttle can have you well hidden in a residential area etc. Out in the mountains and curves, one might run with excellent results. An inventive Guzzisto might even take off the license plate and later claim that it must have fallen off. Most of all, I prefer legal technology in the courthouse setting. There is usually a flaw in the prosecution's case. Stay tuned. One of these days this Summer, I'm going to find out what is the utter limit on the V11 Cobra. I'll guess right now that it is 144 mph.
  10. God bless Umberto and his family.
  11. You've got one of the good ones......enjoy!! Oh, and yes, Guzzis LOVE cold weather.
  12. Ah come on Canadians! This is your big chance to finally put me in my place and win a thousand dollars each. It CAN be arranged. I'm certain an escrow company in Seattle here will hold all of our money.
  13. Put up a thousand dollars and you're on big mouth. Forget charities, I'm my own favorite charity.
  14. I back everything I say when I feel like it. I posted my dyno after I designed my Cobras. I'm willing to make a thousand dollar bet for anyone wanting to say I had to pay a fine and lost in court. I suppose we could mail all US funds to a lawyer to hold in escrow while I trace down my case and copy a dismissed form. I suppose it's possible. If anyone wants to put up a thousand dollar bet, I can contact a legit lawyer here in Seattle, and I suppose we could set it up. It's not worth my time, however, as you are all bsing as usual.
  15. Have no idea as I have removed all instruments from the bike. It didn't sound close to redline though. Still winding out pretty strong at 128.6.
  16. Canada is so boring to an American that we don't even remember how to spell your nickname. You're lucky you don't get nuked.
  17. If you think like that it is no wonder you did time. Canuk, here in the states courts are not run the same as the British Empire Canada Division. When the defense wins a case against the STATE, the case it dropped. There are no charges recorded anywhere. THAT is your reward......a happy 'good bye.'
  18. Funny that a cop can't believe a real citizen beat the system by himself. I don't know how I'd prove it to you, but even if I did, why bother???? If any of you get a ticket, email me for some non-legal advice.
  19. Brian is a cop? Ok, now I get it. No Sweet Baby Ray and his lawyer didn't bribe anyone. Please remember everyone that the cop is an 'officer of the court.' That means whatever he says is considered the gospel truth. He knows the judge, the prosecuter etc. by name. These people are friends and they see each other often. YOU are considered GUILTY by virtue of being there. ALL THE CARDS ARE STACKED AGAINST YOU. But you DO NOT win by lying. You win by finding the flaw in the prosecution's case and evidence against you. If you look hard and long enough, you will find it. That is all there is to it.
  20. Hey you guys up in BC, tell your authorities that the more we see cops, traps and hassles up there, the less BIG SEATTLE MONEY comes up to blow it.
  21. The idea that cops go around helping people is pretty funny. I had my house broken into and the cops hardly wanted to even bother with the paperwork. You can bet if you are in real trouble, you are on your own. When the cops come to do the paper work, the threat is long gone. No, cops set up traps and basically feed on the average citizen and the poor. They are there to enhance revenue and to assure old women that they are safe.
  22. You're right, DeBen, a cop is the enemy, and they WILL indeed lie. Usually in court. But, a good lawyer can get you out of almost anything. And, I've done some research and have already had luck getting myself out of a speeding ticket in court. There are many ways to beat the system, and by all means use every one. There are so many ways to beat the system, in fact, that I have been emboldened. Sweet Baby Ray here in Seattle got a ticket on his Lemans for doing 122 in a 60. Our lawyer we have out here got him off with no charge, nada. Ray didn't even have to appear in court. Don't fear the Reaper.
  23. Yes, the geometry is steep. Maybe I'm lucky. But I think it is a function of a couple factors that are working properly. I'm only 170 lbs, my tires are Dunlop 208s (34.5 psi front, 37.5 psi rear EXACTLY, I check them every ride), and, I think the suspension is dialed in. I have NEVER experienced anything like an odd twitch besides a slight tire deformation coming out of a corner under a LOT of power. Also, I believe EACH motorcycle is somewhat unique - and some are just better than others. Oh, and never say bad things out loud about your Guzzi. Don't even think it......
  24. Oh My God Al, he is even using the same exact shade of green!!!! How could this happen???? I'm going to PM him for copyright infringement. Can all you guys get to my link alright? Oh, I wanted to say this too about the speed: The V11 Sport is PERFECTLY stable and confidence-inspiring at this speed. No doubt flat-out also. I always wonder what they are talking about when they say the bike is 'twitchy.'
  25. For complete story about my adventure today on the V11 Cobra, click on link. You guys who were banned, I can't unban you. Try getting on as a 'guest.' I'll post the story here if you can't see it. http://p209.ezboard.com/ftherollingcrowmot...opicID=59.topic
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