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Everything posted by robbiekb

  1. dood you need to cut down on the crack. Who said anything about it being a V11 1064cc based lump ? It's pretty common knowledge that Guzzi had a 4 valve water cooled motor running on the bench quite some years ago. The word on a 180 mph street bike came from an interview with a designer on Guzzi's future direction, that it would feature a compressor motor is pure conjecture based on reactions to Todd's questions when he was last at the factory. Do i really look i care if you do or do not want a potential new big number SuperBike from Guzzi ? I'm sure the goal is not to tempt you to buy it, but to tempt potential buyers of the new BMW's away from that brand given that Guzzi is now competing head to head with BMW in several market niches. Like it or hate it, HP sells bikes these days. Ridiculous but true. If they build it, it might be fun to check out, and its exciting to see that the Brand looks serious about increasing some market share.
  2. i wouldnt get the cafe sport... unless youre in love with the look of the bike in which case nothing logical matters. Everyones raving about the new Guzzis , build quality, ride handling etc etc. I bet it won't be long before theres an uprated Griso with quality shiny suspension bits. also guzzi are alledgedly building a 180mph bike for sale in 07. I think when Todd Eagan was at the factory he asked if it was a compressor motor and the guy grinned. so the V11's pretty much suck compared to modern bikes in every imaginable way other than that character and grin factor, which is of course why we have them. The new Guzzis are modern motorcycles with quality materials and construction that are being compared favourably with other Marque's offerings. So it really depends what you're after in a bike. There's a lot of reasons that many diehard guzzi owners refuse to ride a Spine framed bike. I wouldnt give up mine but then im retarded
  3. I'm looking for a second V11, this time a LeMans. I'll consider pretty much any colour/year combo with an obvious preference towards an ohlins shod model. I would also consider one that's been knocked over as long as the fairing isn't messed up or is repaintable. Message me if you're interested in selling !
  4. probably depends on your state of tune more than anything. The 1064cc motor is a big ole lump and takes some effort to turn over. My bike won't start on anything less than a big handful of throttle, then if i'm putting my helmet on or anything , it needs the throttle advance lever set on "full" to prevent a stall. Constant blipping is required at intersections once the advance is off and im underway till the bike has had a chance to warm up after say a few minutes. I only have about 8k on my motor, i bet that theyre all slightly different personality wise
  5. We're up in Pacific Palisades, right off of PCH (HWY1), you get there by rocking the 10 out to santa monica and staying on the road. Feel free to give us a holler if you're out this way!
  6. ah it was blink and you miss it in Segment 4, Karen comes riding by on her bike and you see Todd's Black Stone in the background as he'd parked it out front at Bartell's. theyre rerunning the show on sunday night and then all of the shows on monday all day
  7. Hi all. Ingrid interviewed Willie G Davidson this week for the last in this first series of American Made. A very well known SoCal rider got his new stone into some of the shots as he very graciously acted as Subject matter Expert and safety specialist for the riding shoots. http://www.socal-guzzi.com/PHPBB/viewtopic.php?t=260 ..for the record Ingrid says that she liked the Night Rod but that it was too heavy to be a lot of fun for her
  8. robbiekb

    Shameless - Sorry

    Ingrid rode a night Rod for the latest episode of American Made. She liked it, but said it was heavy as crap !
  9. Hi all, at super short notice i'm trying to get hold of a small block or other smallish capacity bike so that ingrid can take her test before next saturday. Our bikes are both out in LA and there's no time to head back to get them due to filming commitments. if anyone has a suitable learner bike and is in the area feel free to mail me at robbiekb@iveea.com or to call at 310 383 9821. Thanks very much ! Robbie
  10. yeah it's going to need some work there. She tried it out for size at Laguna Seca this last year and was fully stretched to the bars and tiptoeing it. So most likely before she picks it up, they'll lower the suspension and add bar risers. She's only 108 pounds or so now, so softening the ohlins up a bit might be in the cards as well for a future project once she gets the chance to figure out how she likes it. ..or i could nick that front end for my V11
  11. Glad you like yours ! We just our phone call to say that Ingrid's Paul Smart arrived at the dealer, so i'll be excited to pick that up.
  12. robbiekb


    you could always get the cafe sport, and swap me for those tacky looking ohlins units for my stock 40mm forks
  13. Greece for one is amazing, I spent some time on Crete touring the palace of King Minos, pretty amazing how advanced those civilizations were
  14. Hi Tex, i'm doing fine thanks for asking and Ingrid will soon be gracing our tv screens here in the USA with a new show for CNBC called "American Made". I think the first air date is in March, but I need to check. They start filming next week. My memory of the accident is kinda weird, i just dont recollect anything i did about 3 days before the accident and then prior to waking up in the IR in Wenatchee, but after thatt it was business as usual and everything seemed back to normal.
  15. i think ya'll are a bunch of pussies hahahahahaha NOT really coz i don't ride in the rain any more either BUT.... back in the day I rode my XBR500 come rain ,snow or shine from Anstruther to Dundee and back every day, about 100 miles. the trick was always just to ride as relaxed as possible, which is easier said than done when you're plowing through several inches of snow with street tires. Good job we dont get much of that now in Southern California.
  16. ok i have some insight into this having been the survivor of quite a few high velocity crashes while racing Super G on my race snowboard back in the 90's. The worst crash I had in 18 years of snowboarding was the one day I wasn't wearing my helmet. Typically i wouldn't wear it if i was teaching , (for increased visibility, hearing etc). A bad decision to hit a kicker that looked rather inviting , followed by an backflip gone wrong resulted in 54 staples in the back of my head, holding my skull together and an interesting smiley scar to scare small children with if i ever go bald. oh yeah plus the resulting 3 day permanent memory loss. That pretty much sucked ! For the longest time racing I'd wear a Leedom helmet, which is the official sponsor of the US ski team and at the time sponsored the Uk Snowboard team as well. I crashed in this helmet at around 55-60 mph when i hit a submerged rock under some powder while freeriding. The resultant crash was mostly absorbed by the helmet but force still smashed my goggles and broke my nose and jaw, not pretty ! So anyways now i ride around in a full motorcross helmet on days when i'm going to do anything remotely "serious". So far i've been pretty stoked on it, i stay warmer and get to protect both my face and my goggles, which at 300 bucks a pop, are a pain in the ass to replace.
  17. Hey Joe, is your garage full of tools in Cali or Chicago ? If you're in California and close to LA, swing by motoguzziclassics. They can pretty much prefab anything you need Or order in the OEM fairing bits. I know this coz i was talking to Mark E. about something similar at one point, turning my green V11 sport into a copy of the original "new" Lemans protoype. website is http://www.motoguzziclassics.com
  18. ..and although you can use the same biek to do lots of different types of riding. I think one proof might be that i am obsessively looking for another V11 or 2 so that i can have a dedicated track bike, my current cafe'd V11 and then a long distance Sports tourer. Could the same bike do it all YEAH but variety is good as long as it has the same motor in it
  19. ,, yeah but you have a Tenni
  20. So i missed the entire summer riding season with work and my bike not running right , but NOW i'm taking advantage of the SoCAL sunshine to it's fullest http://socal-guzzi.com/PHPBB/viewtopic.php?t=82
  21. They were going to send me one matched to my bike for under 1100 USD but i'm already spending enough at the chiropracters so i decided not to spend the cash.
  22. you might want to get hold of Todd Eagan at Guzzitech as he is the Power Commander Guru OR call MotoGuzzi Classics in Long Beach, CA. Sean Fader spent a little it of time on my bike getting it set up correctly and says that it's running perfectly now that he's sorted it. To be honest you probably won't need to ship the bike to get it set up right as there are only a few things you need to set. I'm sure someone woudl be able to talk you through it. Robbie
  23. you could more or less get the same effect by buying a centauro and adding V11 body work no ?
  24. I got new tires, billet velocity stacks and uni air filters
  25. i'll do it apparently my bike is even going to work properly now I'm going to try for both laguna dates in february budget permitting
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