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Everything posted by robbiekb

  1. hi mike, i think it's a combo of things going on....too snatchy fueling on our bikes shows up at low speed, that on/off thing with the throttle really contributes to driveline lash and nastyiness in the shaft drive area of things... but....I think the biggest thing though is that i'm probably "between gearing" in what i'm trying to accomplish. A faster smoother rider that knows the road would probably push into these corners in second carrying lots more momentum and with still keeping revs up. Because i dont know the road, but i'm trying to push anyways, second gear with high revs is past my "oh shit" factor on some of those corners for now whereas i'm probably going too fast for the quick downshift to first, hence the locking of the rear wheel under shifting. I bet my body position is too far forward as well, unloading the rear tire. second gear with lower revs would obviously be nae good as i wouldnt have enough gyroscopic effect to get leaned over enough to get roudn the corner safely... It all adds to the fun and it's a great learning experience. If there's anyone on the forum that rides mulholland frequently i'd be dead interested to see what they do on some of those hairpins in terms of gearing and speed.
  2. Hi Baldini, So i'm locking the back wheel up under engine breaking. I cannae remember the last time that i used the rear brake on my Sport, well actually i can, i use it when i'm riding around the carpark or cones or whatever but thats about it. You're right in that backing off and closing throttle or using a higher gear gets you round, but not at the kind of speeds that i was pushing for. I was kind of relying on the gyroscopic effect of turning high rpms to keep me leaned way over. I have to agree with Orson in that the longer sweepers tend to be easier to dial in and that the technical hairpins take a bit more gentleness on the throttle hand. Wonder if RacerX has seen this thread ? I need to go do some track days with him as it'd be an intensely satisying experience to get it right in those super tight hairpins... don't even mention the super tight "bumpy" hairpins I also want to say that i've never ever locked up the back wheel under regular riding using engine braking, it's just when i'm pushing hard and and braking, downshifting aggressively, usually when following a faster , more balanced japanese inline 4
  3. Hey all, Well i finally had the time to take the Goose out this weekend, so with the better half out of town i went for a blast up to Malibu, turning right onto Mulholland in search of some twisties that one of my friends had told me about (yeah yeah i've been here almost 4 months and havent been riding the santa monica canyons yet **grins**) Well I have to say that the roads up there are really superb. Very tight in places and it felt great to slowly get into somewhat of a rythym. I backed off significantly after having my rear tire step out on some drifted sand but to be honest I found that the snatchiness of the throttle response (even with my PC3) made it hard to be smooth in the very low gear turns. I also found that I was locking up the back wheel a lot going into turns, even with "fairly aggresive" throttle blipping, and i always thought i had fairly good throttle control ! I've been keeping the revs high (approx 6k rpm) for more aggressive cornering but i'm wondering if anyone else has a better idea for these kind of tight low gear turns ? Looking for the Rock Store, somehow i managed to drive past it !!! and ended up near 101 where i was introduced to our friendly CHP "95 mph in a 45 crossing double yellows up hill whilst overtaking a chevvy truck and a riced out golf sir ?" To make matters worse I had taken the plastic wrapped licence and prrof of registration out at the same time i took out my toolkit in case they got nicked when i trsailored the bike down here from Seattle and forgotten to put them back...ack !!!! ....as luck would have it, the two motorbike cops decided to not give me a ticket, probably because they must have seen that the reason i overtook inthe first place was to avoid getting sideswiped by the riced out golf...they never said anything about it, but it's the only reason i could think of for not ticketing me, well maybe that and that i was doing the speed limit when they came after me showing that perhaps i wasnt out and about "hot-rodding" as one cop called it, ..damm nice i thought...oh yes and I stopped the instant that i saw the flashing lights (although it did take a damm long time for those kawasaki's to catch me ) switched off the engine and took off my helmet.... ah well on the way home i did finally find the Rock Store and stopepd to check out some cool older BMW's and a couple of triumphs. A guy also showed up on the new harley street rod, not my cup of tea but he was stoked on it and thats all that counts. More twisties on the way home and back to the Palisades in time for dinner now if i can just figure out where i'm going wrong in the super tight corners and get everything smoothed out i'll be a happy camper
  4. heh Belfast, I use VirtualPC with my Powerbook and Powercommander software , it works fine
  5. robbiekb

    More cruisers ...?

    make mine a V8 please, oh and with a dustbin fairing
  6. The "right ALT" key. Ya'll must have sold yer soul to the devil and be using windoze ?
  7. Ingrid and I will be going. Heh Carl, think we can close the deal on the itty bitty bike before that so Ingrid can ride the V65C instead of her Ninja ?
  8. hahaha bigshot tv producer ? the tv industry is as gnarly as the music industry, probably worse
  9. you guys crack me up..so i was stuck working today closing some contracts but i'm free to hang out saturday if anyones aboot Ingrid's show has changed names a few times but it's going out on CNBC on June 7th. Looks like it's now called "Drive, What fuels America". I'm hoping to get the Goose in some shots when she films out in Santa Monica
  10. Inigrd's filming down here today so i came along for the ride. Anyone want to go look at Supertwins ? Robbie
  11. Hey Carl, we'll definitely take that v65c off yor hands to make some space. can you send us some pics ?
  12. I just polished mine as i got fed up with it flaking. Hey Carl are you interested in selling your V65 ?
  13. robbiekb


    **sigh** i'll probably end up with a Buell at this rate
  14. robbiekb


    Thats so frickin cool Jim ! I'm stoked for you ! now can you sell me your centauro ? i' ll even be up in whistler on friday, i could ride it back to socal from there congrats on the new bike ...think you'll be able to get it road legal ?
  15. robbiekb


    so then will you sell me your centauro ?
  16. the sun must be getting to me, for some reason i thought the G&B's were 4 valvers ?
  17. Hey all, so i've been unable to convince Ingrid to let me buy her a Guzzi, something about them being too big and heavy ..however she has decided to fall in love with the Smart LE 1000 and being that it appears to be somewhat of a limited edition, i'm trying to find the Ducati equivalent of this site to get as much info on it as possible. I know that they had a substantial pre-order round which closed early, so i'm hoping that this round doesn't account for every single bike available for sale. It's all so reminiscant of the MGS 01 thread robbie
  18. Laughs ! oh well looks liekm i'm really screwed then ! I have 2 bikes and 2 cars ! no more life for me till its all done
  19. jason at mi had a quota , frickin fast in the rain
  20. Hey all so i spose i really need to get around to registering my bike in California. I spent most of last year running it without a working Speedometer. (gotta love breaking speedos!) so the tach only shows 6400 miles or so. Is there some magic mileage number beyond which I'll get markedly less hassle when registering it here ? ..the other thing is does anyone who has moved to California know if you have to go through the whole stupid skills test again if you already have your full license from another State ? (man I've passed the dammed driving test so many times from moving from country to country i'm so over it ) ah well at least i get to ride canyons in the winter time when itd be all rainy in seattle.
  21. personally i always found it sickly humorous that Hitler was an short-ass Austrian, with bad B.O. that purported to be the leader of the "master race"... I bet he always got picked last when it came to picking sides for football games at lunchtime as a kid. the Nazi's or "National Socialists" really only ever touted one creed, which was to unify a populace destroyed and impoverished by terrible sanctions by the British and French at the end of the first world war and to use hate & envy as the tool to do so. lame....
  22. I'm with Pete Roper (and prety much everyone else on this thread) I wish i was shocked but given that whole family's pathetic academic record, i'm ashamed to having paid some of their salarys as part of my 50% income tax before i emigrated.
  23. funny that, my leathers all shrank at exactly the same time that my bike got slower as if it had suddenly gotten heavier...maybe i should go back to lighter oil ? Jim the answer to the talk during commercials thing is TIVO .. TIVO has savedf more relationships than i can count !
  24. maybe its jsut that fernando has much larger testicles than those of us not having initially experienced this problem ? laughs... actually i stopped doing long distance bicycle racing coz of that very same issue but i havent had any issues with the v11
  25. Don't get me wrong the bike pulls pretty well for an overweight rolling artpiece with only 90 rwhp but it's not delivering Tuono or RSVR front lifting power by any stretch of the imagination I used to notice the back end sliding a bit with the stock tires but since i switched to the Micehelin Pilot Spor's i havent had that issue
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