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Everything posted by robbiekb

  1. c'mon it's not that much faster i've been running the same pistons for about 4-5months and Jim longer ... I still find that I can open it all the way up in first or second, the bikes a big pusycat i'm jealous youre out riding though , we've had torrential rain all week down in SoCal
  2. heh so i heard that theyre having trouble making a g5 due to the heat ? do you have any more info ?
  3. Dave !!! sorry bout the mini but you can always get another one wheras Guzzis are harder to come by Heh can you believe i'm a Mac Man now ? I just picked up a Powerbook G4..love it !
  4. i'm running Pods instead of the standard or FBF airbox so it makes it a tad louder i think i didnae notice before because i lived out in the country and wasnt getting as much noise reflected back at me.. incidentally i was cleaning the goose yesterday while it was running to see if it was still dropping oil and a woman came over from next door to ask me if i was fixing the bike as it was so loud and it was scaring the baby !! MotoGuzzis scare babys !
  5. oh man that sucks and gives me the heebie jeebies seing a bike jsut like mine all messed up please let me know if you need any stock parts ..i have a few bits and pieces i no longer use. If you end up parting out the bike please let me know, as i could use the tank and other bofy bits for a project that i'm about to start. heal soon robbie
  6. Is that the Breva 1100 motor in there or the old 4 valve that we all drool over ?
  7. Hey Jim, i'm looking for one too now that i can justify a 3rd bike living in socal.....give me a shout if you here of one for sale... then its just a case of swapping out some bodywork and heh presto, insta MGS 01 look-alike !
  8. robbiekb


    Nae Guzzi gifts for me this year although i have kinda spoiled myself on that front this year Instead I got a Scalectrix set along with Valentino Rossi and Max Biaggi bikes to race Now i need to figure out how to but say a Capirossi bike and then remodel it to look the the Guzzi V8 Merry Christmas !
  9. So I rode my V11 for the first time in SoCal today. Yes this means that i finally organised the garage so that i could get it out from where it was hemmed in ! Well before the ride the first thing that happened is a humoungous leak from the back of the engine onto the crossover, it subsequently stopped but i'm a bit skeptical and have my eye on it. Anyone have any ideas ? It was a bit too clear looking to be engine oil, but too oily to be condensation or water (its been stored in a dry garage for 2 months) oh well onto the ride, so the goose is insanely loud methinks, several times i clocked people doing lifesavers when they heard me coming, it's nice for peopleto see me rather than to always be avoiding asleep cagers... once i got into santa monica and my parking garage , i inadvertantly set off about 6 car alarms on my way to my parking spot ACK! i'm not running short pipes ala enzo or anything , just Ti's with the Pods...ah well a spot of vtwin love never hurt anyone
  10. Does yer centauro have one yet Jim ?
  11. ? I rode my Guzzi up in Seattle for 3 years and never experienced any issues. I've also been running Pods since my first service back in 2001. This all sounds a tad anal retentive to me, my advice is to go with the solution that you prefer aesthetically
  12. you could always move to socal and sel lthe mini
  13. just as an aside i saw the rosso at OC triumph/guzzi/victory yada yada...it's in really good shape... pristine in fact. They have a really nice Coppa as well
  14. robbiekb


    wait a minute ..i thought that a centauro was basically just a spine framed Sport but with the 4v motor instead of the 2 valve ? In that case, you could probably build something really cool out of a V11 with ohlins and then drop in a 4 valve motor. Winter project Jim ?
  15. wait a minute i'm confused (not hard to do) is the pilot powers the latest and greatest version of the pilot road ?
  16. mgcycle is a great src for parts too
  17. robbiekb


    aye well, all i can say is that scotland got tanned at football again last night... i'm here in Nottingham on business and it's raning as usual. I cannae wait to get to LA
  18. robbiekb

    New GuzziGrrl!

    oh no.... not someone else with Scottishisms i'm Scottish and being that the last world cup success we had was probably when archie gemmel scored against holland in 78, it might go some way to explaining why i like my v11 so much!
  19. I already have all the goodies though. Well i have mistrals with hi mounts instead of the guzzi pipes, power commander, braketeck floating rotors, blah blah blah heh dave quick thing. maybe we can do a deal for your seat ? is your seat the one that still accepts the seat cowl ? I forget
  20. robbiekb


    dinnae forget to bring yer smoked out mirrored visor and black leathers
  21. robbiekb

    New GuzziGrrl!

    Hi Roxx, geez a shout if you're ever down our way. i'm doing the ex-pat thing down near Santa Monica
  22. ...just wait till the lure of shiny ohlins bits, OZ wheels and higher compression kicks in
  23. but they've got brand new ones at that price unfortuantely ..and ingrid doesnae know the difference between hi peformance pipes, airboax and ecu's and a thanksgiving turkey ! I do love your bike though
  24. You used new rings with yer fbf pistons Jim ? Jason at MI just re-ued the old ones when he dropped in mine
  25. K Dave, i have it all figured out, sell the lassie's Vstrom to buy your new FJR so now you have yer evey day bike and yer touring rig hahaahaha! so i am eying up that orange stone for ingrid for christmas, watch this space as we're going past OC to check out their stones in a head to head with the bonnie tomorrow. It'll be sweat revenge actually, shopping there to go buy from Moto International
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