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p6x last won the day on January 19

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    Moto Guzzi V11 Le Mans 2004, Moto Guzzi Quota 1100 ES 2000

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  1. My school was situated on the other side of Montmartre from where I lived. So I did have to walk uphill both ways. I walked uphill up to the tip, and downhill then. But to come back, I had to walk uphill again. You could have walked around if you had wanted to, but it was longer. I did not catch the underlying meaning for that reason.
  2. As a matter of fact, I am born in Paris, IXth arrondissement, close to the Sacré Cœur Basilica, which is on a hill... so, yes. My school was rue Lepic, about 5 minutes walk, but in Paris, nothing is far away. That being said, we tend to forget that our parents, born in the 1900, mine in rural area, had no buses, and if they lived in farms, they had to walk quite a bit. In these days, few people had cars, roads were not like today's. My father had to walk one hour to, and from to school, including when it snowed. And back then, you had snow every winter. I don't know if we had it easy before, or is it easier now? but in Paris, you can always take the Metro if the weather is bad. Fact is, rural areas are having less and less population, thus, less kids; facilities are closing, so your next school, hospital, post-office, bank, grocery store, are getting futher and further. So much further, than soon, we will need helicopters to bring our kids to school!
  3. There is also something that is maybe more common in Europe, especially in mountain regions. You always keep a set of winter tires for your car. They are usually studded, so you can still use them on non icy or snowed roads, at limited speed. They are actually required by traffic regulations. Obviously, you need to be living in a zone that gets snow every year. But still.
  4. Houston town hall recommended to NOT go to work, and work from home for all those that could. All the schools are closed! I cannot remember a single time when schools were closed when I was in France and we had snow. We actually walked to school by ourselves. So maybe this is the difference with Houston. Most of the kids are driven or take buses to go to school. Tomorrow is going to be terrible, because all the snow is already melting, and once the temperatures go back down during the nice, it is going to be iced.
  5. Absolutely! it is turning to sleet already, because the temperature went above 0 degC / 32 degF. They put a lot of chemical on the roads to melt the snow.
  6. Nothing special, but for Houston, it is... Last snow was in 2021; news flash, yes, we have power shortages again...
  7. They got AI translating in Maleysian...
  8. Daniel Sanders won the Dakar 2025 for KTM! with panache! he won four of the early stages, including three de seguito, for a total stages won of 5. Can you believe this guy is a farmer, with a special interest in bees? ha, I understand now, bees give him wings, not the energy drink....
  9. Here's MM93 at the Ducati reveal for the season 2025; During interviews, he said that he will be a fair compagnon in the team. We will be the judges of that...
  10. We agree. In Astronomy, they go from 23:59 to 00:00.
  11. I had the same kind of discution about 24:00/00:00. Which one is correct. Do you go from 23:59 to 24:00, or 23:59 to 00:00?
  12. As non US, I am very observant of the laws and rules of the country I am currently living. I lived in many, including some where you can be incarcerated for just being a foreigner. I learned to blend in. But I also was in the military, when you learn to obey without any hesitation. It kind of stuck on me. I am disciplined. Here where I live, I see a lot of cars with license tags covers that make them very difficult to read by the eye. I am not certain, but I bet the police cars have cameras that can read through those filters. I have been stopped by the police several times, never been ticketed or referred to anything. Being an old guy has some advantages. This is my guess; I may be wrong. But it was really misdemeanor stuff; such as having only one license plate on my 911. I was told you need to have one in the front, but this was only a recommendation. A friend of mine has been fined, and had to send a picture of the installed front tag to the country. It seems the traffic rules are left to the appreciation of the police.
  13. Same here! I asked why; I was told to prevent giving away the location of the vehicle, should someone be able to hack into the vehicle registration database. I know there are automatic tag readers on certain police cars, and the tag I had on the Quota from 2024, had a bar code. So it is very probable that in some kind of dystopian future, tags will have an NFD chip included. It is more and more complicated to remain anonymous in any case.
  14. This is academically correct. But 2000 was mostly celebrated as the start of the third.
  15. There are actually three holes that were drilled in the fairing. I really do not have a clue what was installed there.
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