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Everything posted by staedtler

  1. staedtler


  2. and this one is for da ladies! merry xmas
  3. Hey Jim preciate it, belive me, i need a loot of help... ...i'll start taking thr engine out, by I i mean me and two other buddies....mechanically inclined Gary...i just printed your intructions, i'll need them... i post pics for y'all.... so, i just brought the guzzi back from the mechanic's. I'm out of town till monday, so i think i'll start about tuesday or wed.... i know there's going to be a bit of questions while trying to get this thing out and crated.. i'll keep y'all posted *be back on tue* btw...do you recomend having beer while performing these tasks?
  4. O... I know
  5. I'll be bathing in it..!! you guys are family!...thanks really it is dry bone... the mechanic have never seen anything like it... he was surprsed it was in one piece he said; 'if you're going to haul ass and use it that way you'll need to change oil at LEAST every thou miles' (after describing him how i ride it...) and...'have you look into getting an R1?'... i'm not kidding... oh so, last oil change was about a bit over 2.5 thou miles ago.... i did 2 desert runs though, that's 1200 mi trips (haul'n ass)
  6. YOU'RE ON...
  7. Gary...are you for real? would you do that?
  8. Staedtler's V11 Sport 2003-2006 RIP it was so devastating I've had to "take some time off", sorry for keeping y'all waiting... to make a long story short....it's a blown motor... haul'n ass w/o due oil changes... it needs a new motor, is going to cost more than 5 g's to rebuild...i can't afford it i guess i'll have to part it out it was nice been part of this forum...i guess is farewell...
  9. I was on the phone with the mechanic, we'll see how bad the damage is, not way of telling so far... I'm heading over to the shop....i'm meeting francis who's trailering the bike over there. keep you posted....
  10. allright guys....i'll let y'all know what's up tomorrow..... thanks
  11. the roper plate takes care of the oil filter being missplaced? we'll see tomorrow what the deal is. A ducati mechanic is going to take a look at it and give me the news. this dude's a good frienD of my buddy, might not charge me for the diagnostic (a six pack will do)....i'll take it from there. then, all options are open,.... i'm still trying to ascimilate what's going on....but still, i'm bracing for the worst case scenario...wich defenitely SUCK ASS....
  12. Dude... looks like you're right a friend of mine did it ... he's a tuner / racer, he has a shop. no real experience with italian bikes though.... chances are the focker screw up and the filter got fookd!!! goddmmt!.... that bs is going to cost me about 4G's!!!
  13. ... let's see.... 389.99 high comp. piston kit (might as well) 529.60 carrillo conn. rods 1,995.00 billet crank shaft (special order) *no shit* plus balancing and labor i'll say a good 3500 TO 4000 +/- ... F O O K M E
  14. HOLLY FOOOK!! scroll down to post #10... mine is the same exact thing!!! i bought it from them to!!!.....FOOOK!!!
  15. FooOOK!... i noticed earlier that day the clutch slipping, just once....the oil light came up just for a moment ....i lowered the revs and the clutch engaged, the light was gone..... (the clutch slips every now and then, i'm used to it) oohh shit... i remember that the whole thing started right after i came out of a high speed sweeper, i was leaning pretty good,..... foook fok....
  16. i'll keep you on the loop.... fook fook ... i'm starting to freak out here! shiiite!!! let's hope is nothing really major.... oil supply failure!? wtf does that encompass!??.... .
  17. where is the culprit? if the chain is it... i guess i could use these timing gears... and get rid of the chain alltogether?
  18. ... looks like the folks at Harper's have some goodies for the timing gears.... fook fook fok.... and i thought Sat. was my lucky day (earlier that day i dodge a ticket with a verval warning)...
  19. This saturday by the end of my ride something went terribly wrong. the bike ran great all afternoon, right at dusk i headed home and so i noticed a light click clikck while riding, i had my earplugs and was going quite fast, then the bike started jerking violently and loosing steam, the oil light came up, i coasted down to about 40mph and made it to the gas station at the entry of the road i was coming from, it's right at the entry to the hill country (not that it matters). Anyway, the bike just made it there as long as i didn't try to givi it gas or move the throttle at all, could not engage the clutch without the bike jerking violently and risking stalling it. So as soon as i made it to the gas station and the bike slowed down it died... the oil light was on, then the battery light too, when it stopped the lights were still on, i tried to start the bike but it was a no go. So i pushed the bike under the canopy of the station and proceded to have a diet pepsi and a smoke...called for help, and while waiting i try to fire the bike up again. It did started, but it sounded like somebody threw a bag of nuts and bolts down a staircase!! I'm afraid something major blew up in there..! I'll trailer it to the mechanic tomorrow tuesday to find out. It sucks.. i hope is not going to be to expensive. looks like i'll have to buy everything under Mike Rich Motorsports catalog... or FBF. i'd bet something failed but i have no idea what I keep y'all posted (it sucks )
  21. it was about time! now if we can only implement those here in TX....
  22. holy shite!!!! that dude S U C K S ! ! !..... he makes John Denver sound like Philip Anselmo!! (no idea of who he was, just listened to the dude on i tunes) a scooter kind of pretty boy to me.... uh uh ...looks like me!
  23. that will be the day!! i'll give you..... the Ducsaki....!!! Granted...that color will make a pickup truck look like a kawi...! sorry, but i just don't see the resemblance ....even swapping colors! weell.....maybe a bit...
  24. i'm horny!!!.... fooook...i will get one, you'll see....not sure how, but i will.... please God let it be in black....pleease...i'll be good i will...pleasee
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