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Everything posted by staedtler

  1. Argentina is going to take this one..!
  2. Two great matches today... GER - ARG ITA - UKR
  3. fooook!
  4. http://fifaworldcup.yahoo.com/06/en/w/bracket.html OK...so here's how the second round is looking... it's a clear Argentina - Brasil cup final!! Finally Ronaldo started doing something...it was about time! now, my man Ronaldinho..i don't know what his deal is...
  5. MEX - POR we'll see how it goes That's right!....La Volpe is back!!! or dare i say.... liutenant, as in police chief he looks just like the ones on the cheesy action flicks ... what?...you like my tie?
  6. well,...looks like they pull it off....(i'll pull something too! )
  7. Spain is just destroying Ukraine!!! 3-0 second half....
  9. yeah baby! here we go!!!
  10. ... long ago, I saw Maradona do that with a lime! and yes, get ready to get some Brazilian butt kicking later today...
  11. the dude comes from Rossi's planet!!! IL MAESTRO...
  12. this is Ronaldinho.... Check him out....
  13. Just wait till you see this dude play on tuesday...!!! btw, for those living under a rock... that's Ronaldinho also...The Mex coach, Ricardo Lavolpe, gotta love the man! he looks like he's been partying nonstop, the messy hair, the hangover look...did you see him chain smoking on the match w/ Iran? i bet he was sneaking a couple of shots too! he's da'man!!! badges?...we don't need no stinking badges!!
  14. OK....so Germany kicked Costa Rica's butt... team celebrating after match... btw...who's this misterious man?
  15. aahhhh!!,.....look at all those pretty boys!!! how cute!!
  16. http://fifaworldcup.yahoo.com/06/en/..... Let Brazil kick y'all's butts... oh,...btw...this guy is going to give those youngsters a run for their money...or, just swipe the floor w/them
  17. F-o-o-o-k m-e !-!-! Ben, Check it out....
  18. yep,...imagine it in silver..
  19. Howdy y'all... no pics this time though Yesterday me and George went to Austin's Roadrunner's get together at the Ski Shores waterfront cafe... we were there for just about 1/2 hour, it took about 3hrs just to get there from San Antonio!!! (usually is about 1 hr and change)...there was so much traffic, we thought that by cutting across Canyon Lake and Wimberley we would save some time, but boy were we wrong!, traffic SUCKED! there were cagers with tubbers all over....Harley's galore! it was a freaking parking lot outthere!...oh, and it was in the upper 90's,...we were cooked!!! and it did't help matters that we were hangover. We left SA about 1 in the afnoon... we got there about 4:30 got one beer, turn around and got back we left around 5 and got back around 7, this time we just went 290-281 route The only redeming part of the whole ordeal were the young waitresses in bikinis at the Ski Shore's Cafe ... some real hotties! Anyway, George Brother in Law was organizing the rallye, so we had to go, sort of...the thing was that G just bougt a spank'n brand new silver K1200S which btw he's breaking in (whatever that means )...the thing is a F@#inf cruise missile!!! is very neat, and very quiet, can't barely tell it's running...he'll take care of that with an Akrapovic or so...it comes with an adjustable-on the fly-suspension, very tricked! and, you cannot kepp it under 100..it just won't do it!! (we tried! ) dramatization...not actual bike well, G got suckered last sat. and signed on the dotted line...he was just going in to the Bemmer dealer to borrow/rent that same K1200RS he took to Marfa, and use it to attend the rallye... well i guess it didn't took much to sell him a new bike, Heather doesn't even know about it...guess who Heather might be? (She was out of town in Houston for the weekend) Surprise Honey, look what i got!!!
  20. btw...talking of Italian Supermodels...have you check this out?
  21. oh! Federica Fontana
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