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Everything posted by staedtler

  1. Unfortunately Hollywood is cranking movies for an audience in the 9-14y/o bracket... the only ones who don't mind (yet) wasting their time and money...and/or don't know any better.... everything, i mean everything produced by a corporate studio is shit! then again...i remember thinking 'Top Gun' being the best movie ever!
  2. Hey Gallo....take some pictures man, i really wish i could be there!
  3. ski jumping...check this out Check out the alpine skiing gallery... (great leathers ideas )
  4. Speed skating too... check this badboy out...
  5. man... those suits are soo cool (great ideas for some custom leathers) Alpine skiing gallery
  6. yep,...too bad
  7. is anyone going down there? (i guess if somebody is, is already there
  8. you're kidding...right?
  9. it looks pretty mild from the outside....
  10. NOOOOOO! you singlehandedly managed to destroy my world...that sir, is the man of all men you're talking about... !!!you don't know what you're saying!!! take that back!!!....
  11. Now it's Carly Simon's..."Nobody does it Better" (note to self: use as soundtrack for V11 short vid clip.... )
  12. btw....I'm listening right now to Easton's "For your eyes only"... (she was a babe) next on cue;....Duran Duran's "A View to a Kill"....
  13. Go ahead.....call him Queer.....I dare you!!
  14. make that about 350 bucks...
  15. OK...F#$% the rules!! how's this for starters? ha! take this!!...
  16. I gotta long ways to go
  17. Dude... take the Guzzi to see the Doc,... he's going to dig it! 2 up, see... i told ya, next you know you're back on the road,....exxcelent!
  18. Finally!! Thanks mate!...
  19. note: (nothing to do w/this thread....i just could not help myself) POSERS....
  20. http://paultan.org/archives/2005/08/18/top-gear-ariel-atom/... pair it against a 1k, not a 600....
  21. THAT KICKED ASS!!!....
  22. Nice Eames...
  23. Sepang day 3 I want to be a GP racer!!!
  24. sepang practise enjoy...
  25. Nogbad....you're screwed dude...
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