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deadpen69 last won the day on April 10 2023

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  • My bike(s)
    2001 V11 Sport TT, 1980 BMW R100T, 2013 BMW K1600GTL

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  1. #603 is for sale right below it. Nice bike
  2. Facebook If you do Facebook here's a link to the Lemans.
  3. The kit arrived but I decided to give it one more shot before the M/C rebuild. I bought a cheap Harbor Freight brake bleeder vacuum. Success in about 6 minutes! I Guess I needed to spend unnecessary money and waste a bunch of time like usual. With the benefit of hindsight, I'm glad I didn't burn the garage down. Thanks Doc
  4. I ordered the kit from MG cycle. My sport has around 13000 miles on it.
  5. If you mean play before the lever engages the piston. I don't know its tough to say with no pressure. I had the lever adjusted all the way out to lengthen the pull when I was pumping. That's not how I normally ride.
  6. The spring is present. Note the glue or epoxy in the screw slot? I assume I want to be able to adjust this?
  7. I was in the process of greasing the front U joint and inspecting bearings when I hit this snag. The bike is on a center stand on a lift with the swing arm removed. I even went so far as to carefully separate the perch from the bars and manipulate the whole thing so any bubbles had an opportunity to rise without letting the reservoir t draw air. I don't know why the PO glued the screw?? I can't imagine the MC just decided to poop the bed at the very instant I tried to maintenance it. I really have 2 choices. Figure it out or burn the garage down. I'm going to sleep on it.
  8. I have rinsed and repeated several times and the result is nearly zero clutch lever. It was functioning fine before this attempted clutch fluid maintenance. After 5 reservoirs gravity flush I closed it up and 10 pumped repeatedly with a only slight boil over at the slave. I think I have a grasp on what needs to happen but i cant seem to get there. The slotted adjustment adjustment screw has also been epoxied in place as close as can figure. So I guess need to address that. What am I missing? Should I rebuild the master? Any advice is appreciated. Thanks
  9. Thank you very much sir! I seem to do this every time with brakes also. My least favorite part of maintaining these machines. Last year I took my k-bike in and had it done.
  10. Good evening, In the process of bleeding/replacing the dot 4 in my clutch. Is it possible to ingest enough air into the system that it will barely move fluid at all?
  11. I thought I was just a hack for leaving mine open continuously! I'm intrigued. YES
  12. https://detroit.craigslist.org/wyn/mcy/d/canton-1996-moto-guzzi-sport-1100/7631035791.html Seems like a fair price on an older sport. I don't know the guy.
  13. That's my favorite! Not sure if it's a silver bike with a black tank or a black bike with silver fenders. If there was only 15 of these things made, they are rarer than a Tenni! I'll start the bidding at $11,500
  14. I'll see your TTB and raise you a Haynes! I'm taking my sons down to Deer Creek in June to see Bobby & the boys!
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