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Posts posted by dbdicker

  1. Maybe a little reality is in order.


    Yah, the Guzzi's great, but it is PRECISELY because of the way it looks and sounds.


    It uses a 60's tech engine in a gear box that is suspect, with torque reaction shaft drive. It's pretty heavy and slow -- but doesn't offset that by being rock solid at high speed like other heavy, slow bikes. The suspension is froggy, mostly 'cuz the bike's weighted weirdly, but also because apparently Guzzi never heard of progressive linkage and applies suspension bits as if everyone was (I guess an Italian) 5'8" and weighed 165lbs...........


    It sucks gas like a pig, and it helps that the tank has a phantom gallon and a half you can't get to.....


    Add to this: questionable paint, some QC problems with bearings and valve guides, gear springs that break without warning, and (for the really less lucky among us) exploding clutches.


    Of course the customer service and warranty response is, at best, spotty.


    You gotta love it to put up with all this, of course, but it's no wonder there are a lot of 3-5 year old V11's that guys have grown a little tired of.


    I love mine, but truly...........one of the reasons I think it'll always be in the garage is that the resale on them is worthless.........it's taken so much time and effort getting sorted, it's only worth a lot to ME. Now , of course, it will run forever as all sorted Guzzis do.


    And it sounds and looks SO GOOD.


    But don't blame anyone who'd rather go out to his garage on a free Sunday and see a Honda parked there. He may ride a bike with a little less character, but he'll be sure to ride.

  2. yeah,


    the only thing the ST needs to become the 'perfect' tourer would be a diet. It's well over 700lbs with gas. If it lost 50-75lbs it'd be just AWESOME. Even so, it's monster fast and handles a dream, as well as having all the creature comforts : Big saddlebags, electric windshield, heated grips.


    But, this is a Guzzi forum................ :blush:

  3. I like the look of that add on to the screen on this bike - do they work and if so, where can I get one?





    they suck and they're ugly, i'm too lazy to tear it off right now. It's a laminar lip........ should be called a laminar rip (off). you want mine?

  4. It's even spreading blackness to the ground beneath it. Fantastic.



    Right after a wash..........


    But it has been known to leak on occasion, just like the rest of us.

  5. I'm late! I'm late!!


    I'm late to the thread!!!


    But, I have the overriding excuse....................


    I forgot to bring.............






    Tremble, all ye unfaithful, at the blackness of my beauty...............



  6. An awful sign when the boys on this forum are lining up to call the V11 "incomplete"


    Snap out of it, men!!


    Only babies and (the less masculine of us) want anything less than the character and tuneful ride that only the V11 can deliver...........Whatcha want? A bike that goes, stops and turns like a modern..........uh........JAP BIKE ?? !! ??


    Why you...........you....................WUSSIES.


    Get back on yer bikes.................you guys make me SICK.

  7. I own a 2002 Scura to which I have added a V-11 fairing and raised handlebars. The ride has been quite good but this has to be weighed against several problems. First, vapor lock. This has occured on a number of occasions and I've been stuck for over an hour each time. I just brought it in for the 6000 service. It needed new fork seals and the rear shock has to be rebuilt. They will also be moving the fuel pump and insulating the lines according to information posted on this site.The case paint looks atrocious and MG has been notified, but I still await new cases. I do not know if any of the above, other than the cases, will be covered. MG is not responsive is this regard.




    Rich has had a particularily bad time with his Scura -- Mine has had none of these problems, fine forks, paint looks new, no problems with the rear shock, not once stranded with vapor lock. Also, no clutch, gearcase or valve troubles although these also seem to show up with varying frequency. BUT, you can DEPEND on replacing the pawl spring and arm and sorting the suspension IN SOME WAY - both of which aren't problems on later Ohlins equipped bikes.


    Meanwhile, you can sort these issues adding on to the low $8k price you see and still get a heckuva deal.

  8. Tom


    I think you should get the Brutale..  and let me ride it.


    Just a suggestion

    Cheers, Tim



    I believe there's a 910 Brutale in my future....... :food:


    KB is hereby known forever more as the SAGE OF SCURA I Never seem to have anything to add after he holds forth on the black beauty............... :D

  9. Many of them from Formula One near me in Bayshore. They are owned by a guy who also owns an Aprilia/Guzzi dealer in NYC, that store is absolutely beautiful and no more than 2 years old.


    I heard that they were in deep, deep troubles and probably they are bailing on Guzzi stock. Don't know why they are doing it thru Bayshore, which does more Kawi/Suzi/and Aprilia and ZERO guzzi, AFAIK.


    NYMotorcycles, which they also own, is doing well, selling Kawi and Yammy kill bikes to mostly Queens/Manhattan kids.


    I think their NYC Aprilia/Guzzi experiment has failed and they're dumping what's left of their stock before they close down in NYC. Thay are very reputable and looks like a great and golden opportunity to pick up some cheap, brand new bikes -- if you're in the market.


    Let's see if they've got a leftover Tuono they're looking to dump....... :food:



  10. My favorite, but since it was already taken........

    Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries.




    Sir Bedevere: What makes you think she's a witch?

    Peasant : Well, she turned me into a newt.

    Sir Bedevere: A newt?

    Peasant : ...I got better.

    Crowd: [shouts] Burn her anyway!

  11. Thanx boys --


    Yes, we do not plan to be on the road past daylight hoping to be checked in somewhere by 4PM


    Even last year we were stopped twice by rangers who kindly let us go with warnings - we were doing 60/65 or so and the limit as you know is 45mph.......don't see how anyone can drive that slow, but whatever.........


    We were on Skyline drive coming up last year on a Sunday.........that was an awful time. We hope to be riding mostly during the week, hauling/trailering on the w'end and avoiding the creepers.

  12. Replacing a rocker cover gasket costs about three euros for the gasket, (Maximum.) and about three minutes a side. Remove the eight 6mm allen bolts that hold the cover and rocker protector bar on tap it lightly to loosen the cover, lift off, remove old gasket, apply grease sparingly to new gasket, place on head, replace cover, reattatch cover and RP bar with eight bolts, go ride.


    I never use sealant on RC gaskets as it only tends to make 'em rip when the cover is removed and usually you can re-use 'em several times. I would advise fixing it though. Dirty/oily cylinder head fins can't dump waste heat nearly as effectively as clean ones and besides looking ugly it can promote overheating of the head and exhaust valve. While this is more of an issue on smallblocks which will shed their exhaust valve heads at the slightest provocation it's not a good principle to allow any air cooled motor to get oily on the outside.






    Pete (as always) is exactly right. Had the same issue, is a 5 minute fix. Those gaskets have a tendency to fail - they're pretty thin - can look like a whole lot worse problem than it is. (perpetually dirty boots!!). While you're there, replace the valve cover guards with something that might actually WORK should your bike go over........plenty of options out there for that.



  13. Trailering with my brother-in-law this w'end down to Harrisonburg, VA. We'll leave the trailer there and spend the week (!?!) on the Blue Ridge Parkway. We'll run the whole length, do the 'de riguer' Tail of the Dragon and other Tennessee roads and come back up to meet the trailer and head home. we'll be on the road the entire week of 10/17.


    We managed only 3 days of this last year and loved it so much, we blocked out a full week for it this year (That's me in the Avatar on top of Roanoake mountain last year). He'll be riding his Ducati S4 and I'll be on the black beastie.


    If anyone living in VA, NC, SC, TN or even northwest GA would like to join us for an hour, a day or more, we'd love the company. We're going to eat a leisurely breakfast, do maybe 250 miles a day and sleep wherever we end up. If anyone's interested, give me a PM and I'll send you my cellphone number so we can meet up on the trail. Call me at night when I'm sure to be good'n drunk on my brother-in-law's fine single malt scotch he always totes with him on our trips.....................



  14. wife has a Ducatti 900 Monster - see pic


    Half way through the ride it was brought to my attention that between the 4 of us we had every configuration of a twin there is....am I correct?  (see pic)





    Upswept pipes distinguish this Duck as an S2R, which uses the 803cc motor. (unless it's S4R with 996 racing killer engine? Maybe so.) 900 motor scrapped a few years ago in favor of the 1000 dual spark motor and this one, a beauty to ride actually. Next year Ducati will install the 1000cc motor with S2R bling. Some of us Guzzi guys are a little fond of dry clutch noise too, but the ducati race replicas (999, 749) sound like coffee cans full of bolts when they cruise into the local hangout.


    Yah, who could forget the lowly parallell twin?? Most of us cut our teeth on one or more jap parallells, right? I know I did. Old bonnevilles? oh yeah, I guess I've heard of them, too. T120, as in die at 120mph? I remember now. :blush:


    On second look, I think it is an S4R........that's a lotta bike for a woman that size. Wow, no wonder she can pass you, she only need twist the throttle.

  15. handles better???????? <_>



    I'm wondering if you're just used to the 'particular characteristics' of your Cafe Sport. Even with your stock Ohlins kit, the handling of a V11 requires some ....ahem..... planning ahead?


    The motojournos are saying that the Griso performs more like bikes they're all used to riding. Should be a little more neutral feeling than your V11. Go give it another, perhaps longer try.


    Can't wait to give it a go. Should be in the 'states by winter '08 ;)

  16. Mike, you're right about riding first.


    I may have to take a serious look at the ST1300.






    You're welcome to come up the 'pike' for a ride on my ST for as long as you'd like. I also have two very close friends with Cali's and I might be able to arrange a group ride so you could try those out too.............that might be a little more difficult, though.


    I'm off to ride the BRP for the week of the 17th, but after that, I'm around........let me know.

  17. :2c: If I wanted to do the two-up sport-touring thing, I would strongly consider the Honda ST1300.






    That's what I did. I think you'll find the Cali puts too much weight on your backside, making real long stints a little difficult. Add that to how much real fun you can have on a tonti 2-up (uh,oh...I hear Todd Eagan stalking me! :) ) and you might have to consider another marquee.


    My wife now refuses to get on the Guzzi and I can't blame her. The Honda has the only downside of being very heavy, making slow manuevering a little touchy. But try one if you haven't yet. Hauls the kitchen sink and you'll be scraping hard parts inside of 15 minutes of riding it. Super fast and comfortable too. Of course, bulletproof...........


    If I want drama, I figure I've always got my Guzzi.......... :grin:

  18. Go for it. Probably the best handling cool toy out there..........


    They share some exotic nature, but they're different enough to lust for one and not feel like you're cheating on the MG.


    I considered one, and the Ulysses looks great. Too close to the use I put my Scura to make it for me, but YMM CERTAINLY can V !! :D


    Does this mean you're trading in the V11?? Oh, well, then scratch all that previous................... heh.

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