Actually if you add all the taxes, vats and so on, the danes pay a little more than half their income in tax. Hey, the swedes pays approx the same But their cars are cheaper.
But I don't wanna move to Sweden, Gthyni, I hate to spend my time commuting.
And we do have a revolution going on, the present government is calling it a taxstop - i.e. they are promising not to increase the taxes, it's a huge debate in Denmark. Taxreduction - no way we're getting that - not significantly.
But every dane is hoping that the common market will undermine the tax on cars and motorbikes. Denmark recently lost in EU-court regarding the car-tax, a small defeat, but here's to hoping it's the small leak, that'll break the dam.
And seen from US, Denmark is a pinko socialist/commie state, but education and hospitals are free for all, so it's worth the money (and the commie-label).