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Everything posted by LaGrasta

  1. Aside from theft, in particular my KLX250 would benefit from an airtag. If I were to get lost, broken-down, etc, it might prove invaluable.
  2. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0D634BYLV/ref=twister_B0DHJ5XZBW?th=1
  3. https://www.amazon.com/ATUVOS-Bluetooth-Waterproof-Replaceable-Protection/dp/B0C2ZL46QC/ref=sr_1_20?content-id=amzn1.sym.cbdf6bba-7ab9-4372-9637-a37602620190%3Aamzn1.sym.cbdf6bba-7ab9-4372-9637-a37602620190&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.9E-mlE4Z8hsPmasCS4D9Ap5QBfPmwFVLBebuY6LdANedTv8UzycNL-ZcoL94JNoN1J7sp7MvQnHekJ1vP5RwfjI3A7hwmfOGtwLJ5hHGan-4N7_dAkzTUW4Yj8x19NKpg4fbT12kQyOp2VaH2VJZvEP6jz3KQYZDXBuMpwoKzYY7i4aG52cz2KNI-hRC9o5gzWOqxDfQQST8M3qwBm0-ZK3sj2Ye0pL7MzZwuPdEJnA.IUSZcivefpVGEY-I5tOCRfDHMbZpw-8RLFoThXwZ9l8&dib_tag=se&keywords=gps%2Btracker&pd_rd_r=976b1e33-df8c-4aa1-b99d-52f4482d28a8&pd_rd_w=dwfGo&pd_rd_wg=ymHjP&pf_rd_p=cbdf6bba-7ab9-4372-9637-a37602620190&pf_rd_r=Z08CXK30FWB6X319M35F&qid=1736459050&sr=8-20&th=1
  4. I just watched a recent episode of Itchy Boots, and her bike is stolen in Iraq, but a tracker located it and thus recovered. I think I'd like to do the same, but have no experience with these. Any suggestion of brand?
  5. No exaggeration, well over 500!
  6. … machining talk. We need an adapter to screw onto the tank, then purchase an alternative petcock. 20m female to 16m male, I believe is the way to go. We need to look for a petcok with the larger hose barb to complete the vision.
  7. It's been some time since I went to this show. Frankly, it's mostly cars, but today I needed a ride. I show up and there's something like 300 cycles parked in a row. Granted, mostly all Japanese, mine was the only Guzzi. I met an Englishman now living in SC that owns a Coppa and a Greenie. Maybe he's on here as well? Hope to see him there again, maybe some others on this board that are local.
  8. Ohh, you DO have some goodies for sale! I'd be interested the manual petcock, but I'm guessing it doesn't work.
  9. Starting 2025 in all the right ways! I went off on a no destination morning ride. 2010 Moto Guzzi V7 Cafe Classic
  10. LaGrasta

    bleed tool

    I've been using a generic version of this tool for over two decades, for both cars and bikes. It's awesome and easy. https://www.amazon.com/Motion-Pro-08-0143-Hydraulic-Bleeder/dp/B000MXW2EM?source=ps-sl-shoppingads-lpcontext&ref_=fplfs&psc=1&smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER&gQT=1
  11. Merry Christmas, and God bless! Thankful for this community. …slidin' into 2025!
  12. I have this same bike, same color, slightly more mileage. $3k USD is more than fair. For less than another $1000, you could have new injectors, battery, tires, fluid/filters, etc. And that's if it even needs those items. Get it! Throw some soap on it, a little wax and you'll be riding with a grin for a long, long time! Plus, they are a motivated seller, make an offer.
  13. Hope you have a great day celebrating God, Family, and Country. For my friends outside of our great country, I wish you the very best too!
  14. I like this guy's videos, watched a few. I've always said, "ride a slow bike fast", it's much more fun. As for 100hp, that's fast! I've done 160mph on a RC51 years ago and ride over 100mph nearly every time I ride. Frankly though, even 50hp will get you where you need to go, with a smile on your face.
  15. BTW, HBO includes MotoGP, if your TruTV malfunctions.
  16. Thailand, my favorite track, due to those back to back straight-aways. This year, those really favored Ducati. My guy #BB33 did not have a good weekend, poor KTM and that first turn debacle. Exciting race though!
  17. I didn't read this entire thread, but if you search my past post, I write a bunch about this subject; set-up, SAG, suspension, etc.. I ended up at 15mm.
  18. Piaggio has owned Vespa for many years. In fact, as a boy I owned a 1978 Piaggio Vespa Ciao moped.
  19. I hope this one last! https://www.motobello-oc.com/
  20. following…
  21. …that was the year I ended any admiration for MM93. Dorna did a poor job of handling it.
  22. Hello my friends! I've just returned from my month long trip; Spain, Portugal, Croatia. It sure is good to be back! This morning I put in the new stator, it looks so nice! But it didn't do a damn thing. Basically the battery moves from 13 to 13.4, regardless of engine off, idle, or revving. I think I'll ride it a bit, and see what happens. If the battery stays charged, then I'll continue. If it doesn't, I may drop it off at GuzziTech in Orange. I'm out of ideas, and new parts!
  23. I receive my new stator today. I guess I'll give it another look over prior to replacing it. I have a good friend, a certified Toyota mechanic giving me a hand, and neither of us can find anything. It's over 100° here in SoCal so I'm not sure when I'll get to this. Next Wednesday, I leave for a month long vacation. I hope to have this wrapped up before I leave! Thanks again for all of your help everyone, appreciate you!
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