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Everything posted by BlackEmperor_Moto

  1. So, update: She's back on the road w/ a temp fix. I got her put back together with the OG spacer and shims, well shim actually (total length is 113.1 mm). I've done 200+ miles, hit triple digit mph at least once, so far. No issues. I'm waiting on delivery of parts and will update once completed. Again, thank you everyone that pitched in on this. all your suggestions and help was invaluable. Cheers
  2. That’s amazing. Thanks both
  3. Hells yea! I’ll take and I’d pay ya double if ya find it. You’re welcome to dm me, and we can swap details.
  4. I was looking at the diagrams. Are the flanges on the spacer necessary? Is it that simple that I could cut a piece of this pipe and slap it in there!?
  5. I just got word back from Harpermoto and Gutsbits. Harpermoto said 4 - 6 weeks, Gitsbits said, and I quote, “currently unavailable”. Looks like fabrication may be my only route. I may, at another’s suggestion, get this and cut it to size. https://www.mcmaster.com/product/1968T94
  6. Here ya go @docc Sorry for the dupe posts. Getting used to how this site works: I did email Harpermoto. I tried calling yesterday but no answer. I'll try again tomorrow. I didn't figure they'd be open today. the length of my current spacer is 112.7mm as accurately as I could measure. Also, i did a web search using just the numbers as you stated above an dI was able to find a couple of places that show the part, but do not confirm it's available. All the research I've found has show the spacer needs to be 113.2 (+/- .1 mm). My numbers are an average of the different info I'v found. Additionally I'm happy to shim the existing spacer if I can find the shims. I have no idea were to look for those. Thanks all for the replies!
  7. Hi all! Been lurking here about 18 months. About as long as I’ve had my (new to me) V11. The information on this forum has been invaluable to me for getting my hands dirty with maintenance stuff on my bike. Now it seems I need some advice. I needed tires / tyres, I figured it was a simple enough chore. I didn’t bother reading up on it here (lesson learned). That is until my 2nd set of rear wheel bearings in as many months. So I did some research and found the post on ever shrinking rear wheel bearing spacer. Excellent! I thought, a solution. Until I tried to get one. There do not seems to be any new ones available in the US and lead time to get one is 6 f’ing weeks. the bike: 2003 V11 sport all stock (as far as I can tell) 17k miles on the OD Which brings me to my question: do any of you amazing Moto Guzzi aficionados have, know where I can get, or have a known fabricator for this rear wheel spacer also verifying some info - OEM part number is GU01634000 yes? thanks in advance!
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